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контрольная самост. работа англ ОЗО. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык Иванов И. В., студент 422 группы заочного отделения фппо

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Министерство образования и науки РФ

ФГБОУ ВПО «Нижнетагильский государственный

социально-педагогический институт»

Факультет психолого-педагогического образования

Контрольная работа по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык»


Иванов И.В.,

студент 422 группы

заочного отделения ФППО


Будаев Э.В.,

доктор филологических наук,

проф. кафедры иностранных языков,

теории и методики обучения

Нижний Тагил


1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой «A», отличается от остальных?

1) Kate, 2) age, 3) mate, 4) map, 5) tape, 6) make, 7) lake.
2. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) Let’s meet … 6 o’clock.

a) in

b) on

c) at
2) My brother works … school.

a) to

b) at

c) in
3) Go … the room & make yourself comfortable.

a) out of

b) into

c) from
3. Выберите правильное местоимение:

There is … place like home.

  1. no

  2. none

  3. nothing

  4. nobody

4. Выберите правильныq вариант:

1) He speaks English … .

a) good

b) well
2) His English is very ….

a) well

b) good
3) I feel … .

a) badly

b) bad
5. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) The Volga is longer … the Thames.

a) as

b) than

c) from
2) She is the … beautiful girl in our class.

a) more

b) most

c) much
6. Подберите соответствие в русском:

1) The more we learn the more we know.

a) Мы много учим, много знаем.

b) Мы больше изучаем, чем знаем.

c) Чем больше мы учим, тем больше мы знаем.
2) The film is less interesting than the novel.

a) Фильм такой же интересный, как роман.

b) Фильм менее интересный, чем роман.

c) Роман менее интересный, чем фильм.
7. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) We …. 5 days a week.

a) work

b) works

c) are working

2) She … in the suburbs of Moscow.

a) live

b) lives

c) is living
8. Завершите разделительный вопрос, выбрав правильный вариант:

1) This is my school, … ?

a) does’n it

b) hasn’t it

c) isn’t it

2) We usually have dinner at 3, hasn't we ?

a) don’t we

b) hasn’t we

c) aren’t we

3) My father travels a lot, doesn't he ?

a) doesn’t he

b) hasn’t he

c) isn’t he
9. Из следующей группы слов отметьте то, которое не имеет к остальным никакого отношения:
Travelling: by train, by plane, by car, platform, compartment, to book, suitcase, wonderful, nature, bookcase, hiking, luggage, weather, on foot, a tent.
10. Выберите слово, которое не может относиться к описанию человека:

Tall, bright, beautiful, merry, sad, intelligent, pretty, slim, fat, dark-eyed, grey-haired, stupid, old, comfortable, wise.
11. Отметьте, какое из утверждений является верным:


a) The Queen is the leader of the ruling party.

b) Great Britain is a monarchy.

c) The Queen of Britain is elected every 4 years.


a) Prime Minister is the head of the Parliament.

b) Now the Liberal Party is in power in Great Britain.

c) The English Parliament consists of 2 Houses.
12. Выберите нужное:

Every Thursday the Queen … the Prime Minister.

a) has met b) meets

c) is meeting d) meet
13. Выберите нужное:

Не … in London at the moment.

a) works b) work

c) is working d) has been working
14. Выберите нужное:

St Paul's Cathedral … destroyed in the Great Fire of London.

a) is b) had been

c) has d) was
15. Выберите нужное:

We didn't know that he … in Sochi.

a) lived b) lives

c) live d) has lived
16. Выберите нужное:

There … a new shopping center not far from our house.

a) were b) is

c) are d) weren't
17. Выберите нужное:

They haven't got … children.

a) some b) no

c) every d) any
18. Выберите нужное:

A friend of … is coming to stay with us next month.

a) my b) our

c) mine d) him
19. Выберите нужное:

St. Petersburg is … than Moscow.

a) small b) more small

c) smaller d) the smallest
20. Выберите нужное:

She speaks English ….

a) perfect

b) perfectly

c) the most perfect

d) more perfect
21. Выберите нужное:

Listen … me, please!

a) at

b) to

c) on

d) with
22. Выберите нужное:

I'll ring you up … 10 minutes.

a) after

b) before

c) in

d) at
23. Закончите вопрос:

She is married, … she?

a) does

b) isn't

c) is

d) doesn’t
24. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению:

She likes reading.

a) What she likes?

b) What does she likes?

c) What does she like?

d) What do she like?

25. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению:

The sun shines brightly in summer.

a) The sun shines brightly in summer?

b) Is the sun shinny brightly in summer?

c) Does the sun shine brightly in summer?

d) Does the sun shines brightly in summer?
26. Выберите нужное:

Who else is going to take … in the programme?

a) part b) notice

c) care d) place

27. Выберите нужное:

I take … with my tea.

a) salt

b) milk

c) coffee

d) bread

It is easy to go to Washington now. You can go there by airplane from any large town of the USA. There are also fast trains and you can go by car if you have it. But in the old days people had to travel sev­eral days to get from New York to Washington. People went there by coaches driven by horses or went on horseback. They stopped at inns to have a rest or to eat there and sleep.

There is a story about a new congressman who stopped at an inn one night and asked for a place to stay. The innkeeper wanted to know about the man and he asked, "Are you a Democrat or a Republican?"

"Why do you ask?" said the congressman.

"Well", said the innkeeper, "I always want to please my guests and I know that a Republican likes to have good food and rest, but a Democrat is more interested in the care and feeding of the horse."

"Well, it so happens" said the congressman, "that I am a Republican, but my horse is a Democrat."
28. Определите тему текста и закончите предложение:

  1. The text is about a quick-witted congressman.

1) the ways of travelling in the past

2) a quick-witted congressman

3) the congressman's horse

4) a kind-hearted innkeeper
29. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содер­жанию текста:

1) It took little time to get from New York to Washington in the old days.

2) The congressman went to Washington by coach.

3) In the old days people travelled by car.

4) People had to stop at inns in the past.
30. Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста:

1) The congressman stopped at an inn to meet his friends.

2) Republicans took good care of themselves.

3) Democrats paid more attention to their horses.

4) The congressman wanted good food for himself and his horse.
31. Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос:

Why did the innkeeper ask his question?

1) He wanted to know more about the congressman.

2) He was a talkative man.

3) He wanted to please the congressman.

4) He was in a hurry.
32. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содер­жанием текста:

Democrats were more interested in the care and feeding of the horses.

1) Democrats 2) Innkeepers

3) Republicans 4) Travellers
33. В тексте слово "to please" означает:

1) to satisfy 2) to surprise

3) to thank 4) to welcome
34. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содер­жанием текста:

The congressman was a quick-witted man.

1) a great liar 2) a thief

3) a quick-witted man

4) a fool
35. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок:

1) Travelling in the Past.

2) A Selfish Innkeeper.

3) A Happy Congressman.

4) A Republican and a Democrat.
36. Выберите нужное:

… is the capital of Canada.

a) London b) Ottawa

c) Canberra d) Washington, D.C.
37. Выберите нужное:

The main Head quarters of the United Nations are in …. a) Montreal

b) Washington, D.C.

c) New York d) London

38. Выберите нужное:

The USA is a … .

a) republic

b) federal republic

c) monarchy

d) parliamentary monarchy
39. Выберите нужное:

… is the biggest bell in Britain.

a) The Great Bell

b) The Clock Bell

c) The Clock d) Big Ben
40. Выберите нужное:

The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the ….

a) House of Representatives

b) House of Commons

c) House of Friendship

d) Senate

41. Выберите нужное:

"Pygmalion" was written by ….

a) Jerome К. Jerome

b) В. Shaw

c) Ch. Dickens d) T. Hardy
42. Выберите нужное:

My friend has just read "Tom Sawyer" by ….

a) Jack London b) Mark Twain

c) O. Henry d) Th. Dreizer
43. Выберите нужное:

… is аn English writer who wrote Robinson Cruzoe

a) D. Defoe b) Ch. Dickens

c) J. Swift d) W. Scott
44. Выберите нужное:

The official London residence of Queen is … .

a) the Houses of Parliament

b) the Tower of London

c) Tower Bridge

d) Buckingham Palace
45. Выберите нужное:

… the old town and port. It's famous as the place crossed by the zero meridian.

a) Glasgow b) London

c) Greenwich d) Edinburgh
46. Напомните о чем-либо приятелю:

a) Don't mention it.

b) Don't forget.

c) I've forgotten it.

d) Don't be so nervous.
47. Поздравьте подругу с днем рождения:

a) So much the better.

b) I'm at a loss.

c) Happy birthday!

d) I don't care.
48. Выразите другу несогласие с его мнением:

a) Don't mention it.

b) I can believe it.

c) I think it's not bad.

d) I can't agree.
49. Выскажите разочарование приятелю:

a) What a luck!

b) I am not sure.

c) What a failure!

d) That's great!
50. Запретите ребенку играть со спичками:

a) It goes without gaming.

b) You mustn't.

c) I'm pleased.

d) Live and learn.
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