Вычислительная техника
Сельское хозяйство
Руководство по изучению дисциплины Программа Составитель ст преподаватель Кафедры иностранных языков
          
М.Г. Иксанова
English for Students of Programming
Учебное пособие
Руководство по изучению дисциплины
Составитель: ст. преподаватель
Кафедры иностранных языков
Иксанова М.Г.
Учебное пособие и контрольные задания предназначены для студентов экономических вузов на первоначальном этапе, изучающих английский язык по специальности «Информационные технологии». Целью пособия является развитие навыков устной речи в результате овладения терминологической лексикой данной области знаний, отработка навыков чтения, перевода и понимания специальной литературы.
Учебное пособие состоит из двух частей (Part I, Part II). Первая часть включает 15 уроков (Units), вторая – раздел “Reading Comprehension Practice”. Каждый Unit содержит оригинальные тексты по информационным технологиям для ознакомления студентов с различными разделами данной области знаний., список терминов к тексту, ряд упражнений, которые студент выполняет с целью усвоения лексических и речевых навыков прфессионально-ориентированной направленности. После Unit 5, Unit 11, Unit 15 предлагаются тесты для контроля знаний и навыков студентов.
Тексты Part I следует читать и переводить со словарём (выборочно) для получения точной информации и проверки навыка чтения и перевода специального текста. Студенту рекомендуется следующее задания:
-понять общее содержания прочитанного;
-прочитать текст и понять основную идею текста;
-передать содержание текста на английском языке, высказать своё мнение онём;
-задать вопросы к тексту;
-ответить на вопросы преподавателя по тексту;
-составить план содержания текста;
-подготовить сообщение по содержанию текста на английском языке.
Задания используются выборочно с учётом специфического характера того или иного текста.
Раздел “Reading Comprehension” введен для закрепления полученных знаний и навыков в процессе работы над учебным материалом. Чтение текстов раздела осуществляется параллельно изучению уроков по смежной тематике. Тексты предназначены для перевода без словаря на понимание общего содержания прочитанного.
Учебное пособие………………………………………………………………….
Part I……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 1……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 2……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 3. ……………………………………………………………………………...
Unit 4……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 5……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 6……………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 7………………………………………………………………………………..
Unit 8………………………………………………………………………………..
Unit 9………………………………………………………………………………..
Unit 10………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 11………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 12………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 13………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 14………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 15………………………………………………………………………………
Part II………………………………………………………………………………..
Руководство по изучению дисциплины…………………….
Рабочая программа …………………………………………………………………
1. Read the text, try to understand it, define what programming is.
A modern digital computer is simply a device that follows instructions. These instructions tell the computer to perform specific actions such as writing information to the video screen, performing complex computations, or reading data from a floppy disk.
In order to solve a problem using a computer, we must express the solution to the problem in terms of the instructions of the particular computer. A computer program is actually just a list of instructions necessary to solve a specific problem, and the creation of this instruction list is computer programming. Programming is the process of producing a set of instructions for a computer to make it perform a specified task. The task can be anything from the solution to a mathematical problem to the production of a graphics package.
The approach or method that is used to solve the problem is known as an algorithm. For example, if we wish to develop a program that tests if a number is odd or even, then the set of statements which solves the problem becomes the program. The method that is used to test if the number is even or odd is the algorithm. To develop a program, to solve a particular problem, we first express the solution to the problem in terms of an algorithm and then develop a program, which implements that algorithm. Then we can proceed to write the instructions necessary to implement the algorithm on a particular computer system. These instructions would be expressed in the statements of a particular computer language, such as BASIC, Pascal, or C.
The words to the text:
digital цифровой
device проект, устройство, прибор
to perform выполнять, делать, исполнять
computation вычисление, подсчет, расчет
floppy гибкий
solution решение
creation создание
approach метод, подход
odd нечетный, случайный
even ровный, четный
particular данный, конкретный, особый
to implement выполнять, осуществлять, восполнять
2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
цифровой компьютер
вывести информацию на видеоэкран
сложные вычисления
список инструкций (команд)
набор команд
создание графического пакета
число четное или нечетное
разработать программу
решить определенную проблему
продолжить написание команд
3. Choose the definitions to the following terms.
network The part of the main memory which stores information temporarily
while you are working. It requires a continuous power supply to retain
read only memory The programs and routines which allow a computer to operate; it
usually consists of a group of programs which coordinate the software
and hardware of a computer system.
program The process by which a set of instructions is produced for a computer
to make it perform a specified task. The task can be anything from the
solution to a mathematical problem to the production of a graphics
programming A system of computer devices (CPUs, printers) or ‘nodes
interconnected so that information and resources can be shared by a
large number of users.
random access memory (RAM) A set of instructions for solving a specific problem by computer.
operating system Chips of memory containing information which is present and
4. Answer the questions.
1. What is a modern digital computer?
2. What actions do the instructions tell the computer to perform?
3. What is a computer program?
4. What is programming?
5. What is an algorithm?
6. What should be done to develop a program to solve a particular problem?
Introduction to Computer Languages
Translate the text with the help of a dictionary.
Machine Language
A computer understands only the instructions written in a specific language, called machine language. When computers were first developed, the only way they could be programmed was in terms of binary numbers. A number can be represented in many different forms, in different number systems. The most commonly used number system is the decimal (or base 10) system. Society also uses a few other systems; the base 60 system is used to keep track of time (6 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour).
Numbers represented in one number system can always be converted to another system. Thus, the binary numbers stored in a computer always correspond to a decimal number. The table below shows some binary number and their decimal counterparts:
Binary Number Decimal Number
2 11 3
Although this will make perfect sense to a computer, it makes no sense to humans. People are not nearly as capable as computers in the handling of numbers, especially binary numbers. That’s why the next technological software advance occurred in the development of assembly languages, which enabled the programmer to work with the machine on a slightly higher level. Instead of having to specify sequences of binary numbers to carry out particular tasks, the assembly language permits the programmer to use symbolic names to perform various operations and to refer to specific memory locations.
The assembly language words to perform the computation 2+2 are the following:
Assembly Language Machine Language
MOV AX, 2 101110000000001000000000
MOV BX, 2 101110110000001000000000
ADD AX, BX 0000001111000011
The assembly language words are easier to read, but to the layperson they will still mean very little. The figure below describes in English what this assembly language program does:
Assembly Language English Description
MOV AX, 2 Move the number 2 to a place called AX.
MOV BX, 2 Move the number 2 to a place called BX
ADD AX, BX Add the value in AX to the value in BX.
The result (2+2) will be saved in AX.
Computers understand only those programs written in machine language. Assembly language must be translated into machine language by a program called an assembler which takes the assembly language program and produces an equivalent machine language program.
Different computers have different machine languages. For example, the IBM PC family of computers understands a completely different machine language than the Apple II or Macintosh computers. In fact, even the Apple II and Macintosh have different machine languages. These machine languages are as different from each other as English is from German.
The words to the text:
to develop разрабатывать, совершенствовать, развивать
binary двоичные числа
commonly обычно
number system система счисления
decimal number десятичная система
to keep поддерживать, сохранять
to convert превращать, обращать
to store запасать, накапливать, сохранять
to correspond соответствовать
counterpart копия
to handle обрабатывать
to occur происходить, возникать
instead of вместо
to specify указывать
to carry out выполнять
to permit позволять, разрешать
layperson непрофессионал
figure цифра, диаграмма
2.Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
определенный язык
были впервые разработаны
может быть представлено
наиболее обычно используемая
технологический прогресс программного обеспечения
дали возможность программисту
использовать символические имена
обращаться к определенным участкам памяти
легко читаются
создает эквивалентную программу
отличаются друг от друга
3.Choose the definitions to the following terms.
assembler A notation system in which the base for each digital position is 2.
In this system numbers are represented by the two digits 0 and 1.
Thus the binary number 10 represents 2 in the decimal system,
while 100 represents 4.
algorithm A low-level language in which instructions are the mnemonic
equivalent of the code understood by the machine. Used for
specialized applications where speed or compactness of code
is the most important consideration.
machine code A special program that converts a program written in a low-level
language into machine code.
assembly language A series of instructions or a step-by-step procedure for the solution
of a problem.
binary system Binary code numbers, the only language that computers can
understand directly.
4. Translate the following questions and answer them.
1. Какой язык называется машинным языком?
Когда использовался язык двоичных чисел?
Какая система счисления наиболее используемая?
Могут ли числа, представленные в одной системе счисления быть переведены в другую?
Какие преимущества языка Assembly вы можете перечислить?
5. Express your opinion of Machine Language.
Programming Languages
1. Read the text, try to understand it.
There are alternatives to programming in machine and assembly language. Computer scientists have developed other languages which do not have these deficiencies. Languages are referred to as high-level or low-level, with high-level languages being closer to natural languages (such as English) and low-level languages being closer to machine language. The diagram below shows the relative position of several computer languages:
Low-level languages High-level languages
C Pascal
Assembly Language
Machine Language
Because there still exists a one-to-one correspondence between each assembly language statement and a specific machine instruction, assembly languages are regarded as low-level languages.
Programs written in high-level languages have a number of advantages. First, they are easier to learn, understand, and modify than machine and assembly language programs. Second, high-level languages are not dependent from the machine language of any one type of computer. Programs written in high-level languages can be run on any machine.
The type of programming which we must choose for a concrete project depends on the type of program that we want to make. For example, when programming is a driver for an operating system obviously we will use low-level programming. Whereas when programming great applications usually a higher level it is used, or a combination of critic parts written in low level languages and others in higher.
Although there are languages that are clearly low-level, like Assembler, whose instructions vary according to the processor which the code is made for, and others of high level, like the JAVA, that is totally independent from the platform. The C++ language is in a middle term, since it can interact directly with the hardware almost without any limitation, as well as with the support of suitable specific libraries, works like one of the more powerful high-level languages.
Computers can run only programs written in the language that they understand, their individual machine language. In order to support a higher-level language, a special computer program must be developed that translates the statements of the program developed in the higher-level language into a form that the computer can understand – in other words, into the particular instructions of the computer.
High-level program Machine language program
The words and word combinations to the text:
deficiency недостаток
to refer относить, ссылаться, упоминать
closer to ближе к
natural languages естественные языки
low-level languages языки низкого уровня
to exist существовать
a one-to-one correspondence взаимно однозначное соответствие
advantage преимущество
to run управлять, выполнять
to depend on зависеть от
obviously очевидно
critic parts опасные части
to vary менять, изменяться
according to в соответствии с
to support поддерживать, поощрять
2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
разработали другие языки
языки относят к
показывает относительную позицию
имеют ряд преимуществ
легче для изучения, понимания, изменения
не зависят от машинного языка
могут быть выполнены на любой машине
тип программирования
выбрать для конкретного проекта
при программировании больших приложений
меняются в соответствии с процессором
полностью независимы от платформы
взаимодействовать непосредственно с аппаратными средствами
3.Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right.
assembly language a computer program designed to be used for a particular purpose
browser a set of instructions written in a computer language that control the
behavior of a computer
application the processes of writing a computer program using a computer language
high-level language computer language such as machine code or assembly language that is
closer to the form that a computer understands than to that of a human
programming a program used for displaying web pages
machine code a low-level computer language that uses mnemonics rather than only
numbers, making it easier than machine code for humans to read and
low-level language a programming language closer to human language than low-level
computer language such as machine code or assembly language
4. Answer the questions.
1. What is called a computer program?
2. What advantages do programs written in high-level languages have?
3. How do you understand the term “binary numbers”?
4. What languages are regarded as low-level languages? Why?
5.Are programming languages artificial or natural?
What types of programming languages do you know?
5. Discuss these questions with a partner. Then tell your ideas.
1. How can you explain this statement “ high-level code is more portable”?
2. What does the term “ level of the programming language” determine?
3.What are the differences between low-level and high-level languages?
4. What does the term “ a programming language” mean?
5. What programming languages have you worked with?
6. What are the differences between them?
1. Read the text, translate it and try to understand what compiling programs are.
Compiling Programs
People communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic languages and the easier this communication can be made the wider the application of computers will be. Scientists are already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers may be able to understand human languages. The translation of a high-level language into machine language is performed using one of two methods: compilation or interpretation. During compilation, a computer program called a compiler translates a program written in a high-level language entirely into machine language. The machine language version of the program can then run on the computer without the compiler.
In interpretation, a computer program called an interpreter translates the high-level program into machine language in a line-by-line manner, each line of the high-level program being translated into machine language and then run by the computer.
A compiler is a software program. A compiler analyzes a program developed in a particular computer language and then translates it into a form which is suitable for execution on a particular computer system.
The program that is to be compiled is first typed into a file on the computer system. Computer installations have various conventions that are used for naming files, but in general, the choice of the name is up to you.
The program that is entered into the file is known as the source program. Once the source program has been entered into a file, we can then proceed to have it compiled.
The compilation process is initiated by typing in a special command on the system. When this command is entered, the name of the file that contains the source program must also be specified.
In the first step of the compilation process, the compiler examines each program statement in the source program and checks it to ensure that it conforms to the syntax and semantics of the language. If any mistakes are discovered by the compiler during this phase, then they will be reported to the user and the compilation process will end right there. The errors will then have to be corrected in the source program, and the compilation process restarted. Typical errors reported during this phase of compilation might be due to an expression that has unbalanced parentheses (syntactic error) or due to the use of a variable which is not “defined” (semantic error).
When all of the syntactic and semantic errors have been removed from the program, the compiler will then proceed to take each statement of the program and translate it into a “lower” form. On most machines, this means that each statement will be translated by the compiler into the equivalent statement or statements in assembly language needed to perform the identical task.
After the program has been translated into an equivalent assembly language program, the next step in the compilation process is to translate the assembly language statements into actual machine instructions. This step may or may not involve the execution of a separate program known as an assembler.
The assembler takes each assembly language statement and converts it into a binary format known as object code, which is then written into another file on the system.
After the program has been translated into object code, it is then ready to be linked. The purpose of the linking phase is to get the program into a final form for execution on the computer.
The words to the text:
artificial искусственный
entirely полностью, всецело
particular особый, особенный
suitable подходящий
execution выполнение, исполнение
to type печатать
convention условность
to contain содержать
source program исходная программа
to ensure гарантировать, заверять
to conform соответствовать
error ошибка
due to из-за
parentheses круглые скобки
variable переменная
to proceed продолжать
to involve вовлекать, включать
purpose цель, намерение
2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
сообщают команды
тем шире будет применение компьютера
искусственный интеллект
способным понимать
переводит строку за строкой
компьютерные настройки
выбор имени
занесена в файл
продолжать компилировать
будут обнаружены ошибки
процесс компиляции перезапускается
были удалены из программы
оператор программы
эквивалентный оператор
3.Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right.
source program the program that translates the assembly language statements into
machine instructions
a compiler a program error caused by a fault affecting the operating system,
usually due to a hardware failure
assembler a mistake in a program due to a wrong word or punctuation
symbol being used
syntax error the program that is entered into the file
system error a program that converts the whole of a program code before the
the program is used
4. Answer the questions.
1.What methods can be used to translate a high-level language into machine language?
2.How can you explain the term “a line-by-line manner”?
3.What are the functions of a compiler?
4. How does the process of compilation start?
5. What are the steps in the compilation process?
6. What is known as object code?
1. Read the text, try to understand it.
A short description of Basic
BASIC is a general-purpose high-level programming language, originally designed to develop programs in conversational mode. The name BASIC stands for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. This language is found on most microcomputers because it is user-friendly and easy to learn.
BASIC consists of two main parts: the source language statements- the instructions which form the program- and the system commands which allows us to control and edit a program.
BASIC enables the user to interact with the program while it is being executed which means that data can be input while the program is running. Each instruction is given a line number which defines the logical sequence of statements within the program. Some well-known system commands in BASIC are: RUN, which executes a program held in a BASIC file; LIST, which prints a listing of a program on the screen; and DELETE, which removes a program from a file.
A large number of PC manufacturers adopted BASIC. At present, however, there are so many versions and extensions that programs written for one type of PC are not directly portable to another.
Visual Basic
If you are new to Visual Basic, or even new to programming, this is the place! Visual Basic from the very ground up will be explained. The first thing you need to know about programming is that it is not magic. The TV and movie plots where the computer is scheming, thinking, entity are completely wrong. If a computer doesn’t have instructions to do something, it will not do anything. Your task as a programmer is to provide those instructions. The flip side if this is that if it is not doing what you intend, then it is because the instructions that it was given were wrong.
The main flaw in this is that you do not give the computer all of the instructions. It gets a lot of them from other programmers at other times in the form of software like the compiler ( the program that turns a ‘programming language’ like Visual Basic into instructions that the computer can actually understand), the operating system (the program that turns things like your keystrokes into instructions that the computer can actually understand), and software objects (little packages of self contained program code that do things that a lot of people need).
Think of creating a Visual Basic program like baking a cake: you mix ingredients together, bake them, and pull a cake out of the oven. Similarly, you put forms, modules, and controls together, compile them, and get a Visual Basic application.
What is a Visual Basic Project?
A project is the thing you use to create an application, such as a “traditional” program, a dynamic link library, or an ActiveX control.
In Visual Basic, a project is the group of all the files that make up your program. These might include forms, modules (blocks of code not attached to a form), graphics, and ActiveX controls.
The first thing to keep in mind about a project is that as you create your program, each form, module, graphic, and ActiveX control is saved as an individual file (see a Table).
Common file types in a Visual Basic 6 project
File Type Description
FRM Form
BAS Module
FRX Automatically generated file for every graphic in your project
OCX ActiveX control
CLS Class module
VBP Visual Basic project
Detailed information about all your program’s files is stored in the project file. The project file lists all the files your program uses. Project files have the extension VBP.
You can keep track of all the files in your project with the Project Explorer. The Project Explorer provides a method to organize your project’s files and allows you to access them individually in form or code view.
Every time you run Visual Basic, you will see the New Project dialog. From this window, you can simply select the type of project you want to create. It is also possible to start a new project while Visual Basic is already running.
When you save your project, you actually save each individual part of your project as an individual file, and save the project file itself. When you save your project for the first time, Visual Basic automatically suggests a name for each file. This filename will be the same as the name of the form, with an appropriate extension for the type of file you are saving (refer to the Table). Thus, a module named modStart would be named modStart.bas because modules have the extension .bas.
Often, your programs will require more than one form or module. You can add new files to your project in two ways: by selecting the file type (such as form or module) that you want to add from the Project menu, or by adding files from the Project Explorer.
Visual Basic 6 allows you to work more than one project at a time. As you might imagine, working with multiple forms and modules that are used in different projects can get pretty confusing. To keep track of everything, you can use the Project Explorer and a project group, which is a collection of projects. Project groups can be saved as a file, just like a form, module, or project.
The words to the text:
conversational разговорный
to consist of состоять из
to allow позволять, разрешать
to edit редактировать
to enable позволять, давать возможность
to define определять
screen экран
extension расширение, распространение
portable переносной, передвижной
to scheme замышлять, планировать
entity реальное существование, реальность, сущность
flip обратный
to intend намереваться
flaw недостаток
keystroke нажатие на клавиатуру
to contain содержать
to create создавать
to bake печь
oven духовка
application применение, метод, приложение
link звено, связь
to attach прикреплять, связывать
to store накапливать
access доступ
to suggest предлагать, советовать
appropriate подходящий
to add добавлять
multiple многочисленный
to confuse смешивать, спутывать
2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
которые позволяют редактировать
взаимодействовать с программой
во время ее выполнения
дан линейный номер
определяет логическую последовательность
печатает текст программы
не переносятся на другой тип
предоставлять (давать) указания
в форме программного обеспечения
смешиваете ингредиенты
которые составляют вашу программу
помнить (знать) о проекте
подробная информация
отслеживать все файлы
можете легко выбрать
как отдельный файл
будут требоваться
выбором типа файла
3. Choose the definitions to the following terms.
application generator A rectangle on the desktop that displays information.
user-friendly A component of the CPU which coordinates all the other
parts of the computer system.
track To copy information from the RAM to a disk.
window A tool that allows applications to be created interactively.
desktop A program that darkens the screen after you have not
worked for several minutes.
screen saver An expression used to describe computers which are designed
to be easy to use, by means of self-explanatory interaction
between users and computers.
save An area of work – the menu bar and other sections of the screen
control unit An area marked on the surface of a disk.
4. Answer the questions.
1. What main parts does Basic consist of ?
2. How does Basic enable the user?
3. What is your task as a programmer?
4. What is the main flaw?
5. What is the compiler?
6. What is the operating system?
7. What are software objects?
8. What is a project?
9. What is the first thing that you should keep in mind about a project?
10. What is the project file?
11. What method does the Project Explorer provide?
12. In what ways can you add new files to your project?
13. What is a project group?
5. Draw your conclusion of the text.
1. Match the Russian terms on the left with the English equivalents on the right.
1. подход 1. binary number
2. система счисления 2. execution
3. двоичное число 3. to interact
4. языки высокого уровня 4. slightly higher level
5. взаимодействовать 5. approach
6. способный 6. high-level languages
7. немного более высокий уровень 7. parentheses
8. круглые скобки 8. typing of commands
9. выполнение 9. number system
10. печатание команд 10. capable
3. Match the English terms on the left with the Russian ones on the right.
1. decimal system 1. совершенствование языков
2. suitable specific libraries 2. использование переменной
3. in order to 3. отдельная программа
4. handling of numbers 4. десятичная система
5. development of languages 5. непрофессионал
6. to perform 6. для того чтобы
7. layperson 7. исходная программа
8. a source program 8. выполнять
9. use of a variable 9. соответствующие определенные библиотеки
10. a separate program 10. обработка чисел
2.Complete the sentences with a proper word.
language tasks applications to perform to write instructions to make understand
1.To make the program easier … higher-level languages were designed.
2.The type of programming depends on the type of program that we want … .
3. Computers are able … many different tasks.
4. Computers cannot … ordinary spoken English or any other natural … .
5. A computer does not have enough creativity to make … for which it is not programmed, so it can follow only … .
6. When programming great … usually a higher level is used.
4. Translate into English.
Язык низкого уровня – разновидность языка программирования, в котором управление и структуры данных непосредственно отражают архитектуру машины. Язык ассемблера позволяет программисту пользоваться мнемоническими кодами операций, присваивать символические имена регистрам и памяти, а также задавать удобные для себя схемы адресации. Кроме того, он позволяет использовать различные системы счисления (например, десятичную)для представления числовых констант.
1. Read the text and try to understand it.
Virtual Pascal
VP is a cross-platform 32-bit compiler, linker and debugger, which supports OS/2, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000, some 32-bit DOS extenders and includes experimental support for Linux. Its open architecture allows this compatibility to be extended to more Intel-based operating systems, including full source-level debugging.
VP is the best choice of compiler for any person or organization desiring to produce fast, compact cross-platform applications as quickly as possible. Prior knowledge of the Pascal language is an advantage, but not a requirement. If you do not have any knowledge of the Pascal language, you should buy a book on Pascal programming to get the most out of Virtual Pascal – although the Language Reference Manual does provide enough information to get started, it is not intended as a textbook on the Pascal language.
VP features a very high level of compatibility with Borland Pascal 7.0 for DOS and Borland Delphi vl to 3 for Windows. The primary aim of having a high degree of compatibility is to ensure that the process of porting existing code based on the DOS and Windows environments to native 32-bit OS/2 and Windows applications is as quick and smooth as possible. Being compatible also means that there already is a host of supplementary literature on the dialect of Pascal used by VP available – buy any Borland Pascal programming book and most of the issues apply to VP as well.
While being very compatible with the standards set by Borland, VP also offers a wide range of features unique to 32-bit development under OS/2 and Win32. All central parts of the system are prepared for multi-threading and the OS/2 and Win32 API functions are available and ready for use.
For new and experienced programmers alike, VP offers a productive, fast and modern development environment that enables users to make the best of development time.
Visual FoxPro
With its local cursor engine, tight coupling between language and data, and powerful features, Visual FoxPro 8.0 is a great tool for building database solutions of all sizes. Its data-centric, object-oriented language offers developers a robust set of tools for building database applications for the desktop, client-server environments, or the Web. Developers will have the necessary tools to manage data – from organizing tables of information, running queries, and creating an integrated relational database management system (DBMS) to programming a fully-developed data management application for end users.
Visual FoxPro 8.0 includes structured error handling, Cursor Adapter class for universal data access, new auto-increment support for data tables, Microsoft Windows XP Themes support, new base classes and control, new GDI + image support, new event binding for objects, full hierarchical support, new XML Web services features, updated OLE DB provider, improved development productivity, and new and improved compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio NET.
Microsoft is committed to improving Visual FoxPro and serving the needs of FoxPro developers worldwide. Visual FoxPro 8.0 directly addresses the most popular customer requests and support enhancements.
Visual FoxPro COM components can be used with Internet Information Services (IIS) to build high-powered Internet database applications. This is because Visual FoxPro components can be called from Active Server Pages (ASP). Visual FoxPro is compatible with ASP but works even better in conjunction with the more modern ASP.NET. The components will retrieve and manipulate data, and will build some of the HTML returned to the user.
The words to the text:
cross-platform межплатформенный
debugger отладчик
compatibility совместимость, сочетаемость
to include включать
choice выбор
prior предшествующий, первоочередной
to intend намереваться
to feature отличать, показывать, изображать
feature черта, свойство
degree степень
to ensure уверять, гарантировать
smooth гладкий, ровный
to mean значить, означать
to set устанавливать, назначать
to offer предлагать
unique уникальный
to be available быть в наличии, быть доступным
tight тесный
robust ясный, четкий
table таблица
query вопрос (неточность)
error ошибка
to bind связывать
hierarchical иерархический
to commit поручать, вверять
to improve улучшать
request просьба, запрос
enhancement повышение, увеличение
2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms.
позволяет расширить совместимость
полная отладка на уровне источника
желающей производить
предоставляет достаточно информации
основная цель
процесс портирования кода
существует база дополнительной литературы
будучи совместимым с
широкий спектр особенностей
опытные программисты
современная среда разработки
двигатель курсора
ориентация на данные
тесная связь
набор инструментов
приложение по управлению данными
обработка ошибок
обновленный провайдер
по всему миру
3.Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right.
software helps to keep track of all the files in a project
New Project dialog the information processed by a computer
Project Explorer the window which helps to select the type of project which should be
Project file the programs and data used in a computer
project to find and fix the faults in a program or system
data the group of all the files which make up a program
debug information about all files in the program
4. Answer the questions.
1.What is the main function of a project?
2.What are the stages of creating a Visual Basic program?
3. What is called a project in Visual Basic?
4. Why can’t a computer sometimes do anything?
5. What does the Project Explorer allow?
6. How can new files be added to a project?
7. What can be used to keep track of multiple forms?
4. Tell your ideas of the following:
What do you think of advantages and disadvantages of Visual Basic, Virtual Pascal and Visual FoxPro?
1. Read the text, try to understand it.