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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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If the reported words are 'always true' (e.g. a theory, belief or general truth), there is no change.

George said, "Doctors don't like to upset their patients." => Georse said doctors don't like to upset their patients.

If we report something that is still true now, we sometimes use the same tense as the speaker.

"I live in Moscow." => She told me that she lives in Moscow.

But even when something is still true, we often change the tense in reported speech She told me that she lived in Moscow.

Pronouns and possessive adjectives often change in reported statements.

Chuck has just said, "I am on holiday with my friend."

Chucks has just said he was on holiday with his friend.
Exercise 18. Write these sentences in indirect speech using the words given. Change the pronouns where necessary.

Example: "We haven't had anything to eat." (The children say)

The children say (that) they haven't had anything to eat.

1. "I haven't got any money." (He'll tell you)

2. "The plane will land in twenty minutes." (The pilot has just announced)

3. "I don't know how much it costs." (She says)

4. "We've never been to Saudi Arabia." (They say)

5. "There are no tickets left for tonight's performance." (The booking office says)
Reported statements: with tense changes

If the reporting verb is in the Past Tense, the tense in the reported statement is changed.

"I'm writing a letter." => She said she was writing a letter.

"I want to go home." => He said he wanted to go home.

In complex sentences, only the first verb is changed

"I was walking home when I saw the accident."

Sam said he had been walking home when he saw the accident.

Speaker's words

Reporting verb

Reported statements
Present Simple

"My name's Pete."

"I don't like the idea."

"I haven't got any money."

She said

He told (me)
Past Simple

his name was Pete,

he didn't like the idea.

she didn't have any money.
Present Continuous

"I'm waiting for Kate."
Past Continuous

she was waiting for Kate.
Present Perfect

"I haven't done my homework."

She said

He told (me)
Past Perfect

he hadn't done his homework.
Past Simple

"I stayed in a hotel for a few weeks."

Past Simple or Past Perfect

(Past Perfect is often optional)

she stayed/had stayed in a hotel for a few weeks.
Past Continuous

"They were seeing Pam off on her plane."
Past Perfect Continuous

they had been seeing Pam off on her plane.
Past Perfect

"I had eaten earlier."
Past Perfect

she had eaten earlier.


"I will phone the office from the airport."

"I shall speak to him."

"We'll have driven two hundred kilometres by that time."

"John and Tom will probably be staying at an expensive hotel somewhere."

he would phone the office from the airport.

she would speak to him.

we would have driven two hundred kilometres by that time.

John and Tom would probably be staying at an expensive hotel somewhere.


"I can speak English."

She said

He told (me)

she could speak English.

"I must find it out."

"I must work till late."

must or had to

(=necessity in the past)

she must/had to find it out.

must or would have to

(=necessity in the future)

he must/would have to work till late.

"Lilly mustn't give up."

mustn't or couldn't

Lilly mustn't/ couldn't give up.

Exercise 19. Write these sentences in indirect speech.

Example: "The car isn't at my house," he said. → He said that the car wasn't at his house.

1. "I can't speak any French," he said.

2. "I'm trying to do my homework," she said.

3. "I haven't been waiting long," she said.

4. "I'll have done it by then," he said.

5. "I'll be working all day," he said.

6. "I must go home to make the dinner," she said.

7. "I see Liz quite often," he said.

8. "I've been with the company for most of my life," she said.
Reported statements: other changes

In indirect speech the following words need to be changed when you report them


the next day/the following day


the day before





this morning

that morning


that day


that night

next/on Monday

the following Monday

last Monday /weekend

the previous Monday/weekend

the day after tomorrow

in two days' time



last night

the night before



Exercise 20. Write these sentences in indirect speech changing words where necessary.

Example: "I'll see you tomorrow," Sarah said. Sarah said she would see me the next day.

1. "I can see you tomorrow," he told me.

2. "We're leaving this afternoon," they said.

3. "I saw him today," Christine said.

4. "I'll see my parents the day after tomorrow," Sue told her friend.

5. "We went to the theatre last weekend," they said.

6. "The wedding will take place next Friday," they told us.

7. "I dreamed of you last night," he said.

Reported questions: general and alternative questions

Tenses, adjectives, pronouns, etc. in reported questions change in the same way as in reported statements.

She asked if/whether I was comfortable.

Speaker's words

Reporting verb

Reported question

General and Alternative Questions

"Are you comfortable or not?"

"Do you go to church every Sunday?"

"Have you got all the necessary documents?"

"Are you enjoying yourselves?"

"Have you seen Ted recently?"

"Has Jackie been living here long?"

"Did you see James at the party?"

"Was Pete getting ready for the exam when you came in?"

"Had he solved the problem by Monday evening?"

"Will John and Ron be at the conference?"

"Will you be coming to the concert or not?

She asked

Helen didn't know
He wanted to know
Sue wondered


I was comfortable or not.

I went to church every Sunday.

I had all the necessary documents.

We were enjoying ourselves.

I had seen Ted recently.

Jackie had been living there long.

I saw/had seen James at the party.

Pete had been getting ready for the exam when I came in.

He had solved the problem by Monday evening.

John and Ron would be at the conference.

I would be coming to the concert or not.

Reported questions: special questions

Speaker's words

Reporting verbs

Reported questions
Special questions

"What's your brother's name?"

"What does he do?"

"What are you doing?"

"What kind of holiday has Nick had?"

"How long have you both been living here?"

"Why did you say that?"

"Whose number did you ring?"

"Where had they all gone when the police arrived?'

"When will breakfast be ready?"

"Which countries will Clive be visiting?"

"How many people will there be at the conference?'
Object questions

"Who were you looking for?"

"What shampoo do you use?"
Subject questions

"Who left the bag here?"

"What makes a noise like that?"

She asked

He wanted to know

Kate wondered

Joe didn't know

what my brother's name was.

what he did.

what I was doing.

what kind of holiday Nick had had.

how long we had both been living there.

why I'd said that.

whose number I had rung.

where they had all gone when the police arrived.

when breakfast would be ready.

which countries Clive would be visiting.

how many people would there be at the conference.

who I had been looking for.

what shampoo I used.
who had left the bag there.

what made a noise like that.

Exercise 21. Write these general and alternative questions in indirect speech, using the given words. Make all the necessary changes.

Example: "Do you want a drink?". He asked me if I wanted a drink.

1. "Did you study hard for the exam?" My friend wanted to know __.

2. "Do you like Chinese or Korean food?" He asked me __.

3. "Are you cold?" She asked me __.

4. "Was Tony enjoying himself?" We wanted to know __.

5. "Will they have done the job by the time I get back?" She asked ___.

6. "Will you be seeing John at the meeting tomorrow?" She asked ___.

7. "Is she there?" I wondered __.
Exercise 22. Write these special questions in indirect speech, using the given words. Make all the necessary changes.

Example: "What time does the train arrive?" He asked what time the train arrived.

1. "What time did you get home?" My parents asked __.

2. "Why won't you let me in?" I asked __.

3. "Whose composition haven't you heard yet?" She asked ___.

4. "Which films have won prizes for exports?" They asked ___.

5. "Why is Maria crying?" We wondered __.

6. "What have you been doing all this time?" He wondered __.

8. "Which of you is waiting to see me next?" The doctor asked __.

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