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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives



- My friend is from Minsk.



- Your friend is from Kiev.



- His friend is from Alma-Ata.



- Her friend is from Murmansk.



- Russia is famous for its ballet.



- Our friends are from America.



- Your friends are from England.



- Their friends are from Holland.

NOTE: Its and It's

Its Oxford is famous for its University.

It's I like Oxford. It's a nice city.
Exercise 13. Put in my or your.

1. What's ___ address?

2. Hello. ___ name's Bond. James Bond.

3. "Is ___ phone number 351-4402?" - "Yes, that's right."

4. "___ name's Robert, isn't it?" - "No, it's Mike."

5. ___ house number is 25, not 15.
Exercise 14. Put in her or his.

1. ___ name's Brigitte.

2. ___ name's Lee. He is from China.

3. Is Marcos ___ first name or ___ surname?

4. Paul is a student. ___ friends are students too.

5. Rosie is from Brighton. ___ phone number is 32-294.

6. Mary is from England. ___ address is 35, Baker Street.
Exercise 15. Complete the paragraph with the Possessive Adjectives our or their and the Pronouns we or they.

I'm Pedro and this is my wife Daphnia. ___ (1) are Mexican. ___ (2) house is in Mexico City. ___ (3) two children are students. They are both university students. ___ (4) friends are Americans. ___ (5) names are Bob and Sandra and ___ (6) house is in Detroit. ___ (7) children are students too.
Exercise 16. Put in Possessive Adjectives.

1. I like football. It's ___ favourite sport.

2. "What's ___ address?" - "My address is 20 North Street, Liverpool."

3. We live in Kiev. ___ flat is in the city centre.

4. They're at the party with ___ friends.

5. Alice is from Italy. ___ home town is Milan.

6. He's in ___ office.

7. Amsterdam is famous for ___ canals.


Indefinite Article

Definite Article

Zero Article






with Singular Countable Nouns

with Singular and Plural Countable and Uncountable Nouns

with Uncountable and Plural Countable Nouns


1. = one

Britain is an island.

2.for jobs

I am a doctor.

3. in descriptions

Madrid is a big city.

an (not a) is used before a/e/i/o/u

an apple;

an interesting book

Also an hour (h is not pronounced: an (h)our, but - a university)

1. to talk about definite people, things or ideas The hostel is not very far from here. (= my hostel)

2. a) with some geographical names

the USA;

b) with the names of rivers, mountains, seas and oceans

the Volga, the Alps, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean

1. to speak generally Teenagers are welcome here. Money is not everything.

2. with countries, towns, names of people

Russia, France, Moscow, Paris, James, Mr. Brown

3. with nouns in certain phrases at home, at work, at university, at school

4. with academic subjects


Exercise 17. Write a or an in front of the words.

1. ___


8. ___


2. ___

old book

9. ___


3. ___


10. ___


4. ___


11. ___


5. ___


12. ___

nice day

6. ___


13. ___


7. ___


14. ___


Exercise 18. Put in a/an or "-"

1. Kate and Liz are ___ students.

2. Jack is ___ very nice person. You must meet him.

3. ___ tennis is ___ very popular sport.

4. I like working with ___ people.

5. Tom and Pam aren't at ___ home now.

6. Are you interested in ___ Physics?

7. My mother is at ___ work now.
Exercise 19. Put in the or "-" with geographical names.

1. Terry isn't from ___ Canada.

2. ___ Nile is a river in ___ Africa.

3. ___ Pacific is between ___ America and ___ Asia.

4. My friends live close to ___ Black Sea.

5. ___ Alps are mountains in Central Europe.

6. I'm from ___ Moscow.

7. Stockholm is the capital of ___ Sweden.

8. Alan is from San Francisco which is in ___ West of ___ United States.
Exercise 20. Put in a/an, the, or "-".

1. Rome is ___ capital of Italy.

2. Don't sit on ___ chair. It's dirty.

3. Peter and Mary have two children, ___ boy and ___ girl. ___ boy is seven years old and ___ girl is three.

4. What is ___ name of this village?

5. I live in ___ old house on the outskirts. It's two miles from ___ city centre.

6. In North Street you will see three houses: ____ red two-storey house, ___ blue three-storey house and ___ nice white house. I live in ___ white house.

7. Tim lives in ____ small village in ____ country.

8. Close ____ door, please. I'm cold.
Telephone Numbers

Notice how we say telephone numbers: we pronounce '0' as 'oh'

68-296 - six eight two nine six,

994-0332 - double nine four, oh double three two.

(071) 498-2563 - oh seven one, four nine eight, two five six three
Exercise 21. Say telephone numbers.

a. 43-816

b. 933-6222

c. (041)338-7153

d. (0923)482-8991

e. (095)929-6001
Countries and Nationalities

Exercise 22. Match the countries with the nationalities.



1) Britain

a) French

2) Ireland

b) Italian

3) Poland

c) Portuguese

4) Spain

d) Brazilian

5) Turkey

e) Greek

6) Japan

f) Turkish

7) Portugal

g) Polish

8) Brazil

h) American

9) Egypt

i) Japanese

10) Italy

j) Irish

11) Germany

k) Spanish

12) the United States

l) British

13) France

m) German

14) Greece

n) Egyptian

Exercise 23. Write the nationalities of the following people.

Example: Yoko is from Japan. - She is Japanese.

1. Hank is from the States. ___

2. Diana is from Britain. ___

3. Ramon is from Spain. ___

4. Claudia is from Italy. ___

5. Karl is from Germany. ___

6. Aristotle is from Greece. ___

7. Jean-Michel is from France. ___

8. Olga is from Russia. ___

9. Beata is from Poland. ___


1. to be situated - бути розташованим

2. famous - відомий

3. easy - легкий

4. an accent - акцент

5. late teens - вік від 13 до 19 років

6. to be keen on - бути захопленим чимось

7. to be intelligent - бути розумним

8. to be experienced - бути досвідченим

9. favourite - улюблений

10. to be interested in - бути зацікавленим чимось

11. to be good at smth - бути здатним до чогось

12. trouble - неприємність

13. to be lonely - бути самотнім
Read the text below. Use your dictionary to help.

Hello. My name is Paul Simon. I am British. I am from Bristol, which is situated on the river Avon, in the South-West of England. I'm a language student at Christ Church College in Oxford. Christ Church College is quite famous and I'm proud to be a student of it. I'm twenty. I'm not married yet, I'm single. My new friends are from various countries - Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Holland and Japan, too. We are very friendly but it isn't quite easy to understand each other. You see, our accents are so different! Sabine is French. Her home town is Bordeaux. She is in her late teens. Sabine is very smart and her English is rather good. She is keen on classical music and art. Mr. Lewis, our language teacher is from Manchester. He is intelligent, experienced and always ready to help. My favourite subjects are Literature and History. I'm also interested in Natural Sciences and I'm good at sports. My hobbies are table tennis and computer games.

Am I happy here? Yes, sure. The only trouble is my parents are far away and I feel a bit lonely sometimes.
I. Are the following sentences true or false? If false, say why.

1. Paul is British.

2. He is a History student.

3. His friends are from Britain and Holland.

4. Mr. Lewis is a language student.

5. He is not very clever.

6. Sabine is from France.

7. It's not easy to understand Sabine because of her French accent.

8. Paul is keen on music and tennis.

9. His hobbies are computer games and art.

10. Paul is proud to be a student at Christ Church College.
II. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. ___? - Paul.

2. ___? - Simon.

3. ___? - from Bristol.

4. ___? - in Oxford.

5. ___? - 20

6. ___? - He's single.

7. ___? - From various countries.

8. ___? - She isn't German. She is French.

9. ___? - She's in her late teens.

10. ___? - Classical music.

11. ___? - A language teacher.

12. ___? - Clever and experienced.
III. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

Неприємність, бути зацікавленим, улюблений, бути досвідченим, бути розташованим, відомий, легкий, бути здатним до чогось, бути розумним, бути самотнім, легкий, акцент.
IV. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

to be situated, famous, easy, an accent, late teens, to be keen on, to be intelligent, to be experienced, favourite, to be interested in, to be good at smth, trouble, to be lonely.
V. Give a summary of the text.
VI. Complete these sentences. Use active words and word combinations.

1. This girl has a strange … . 2. What is your … film? 3. Who is this man? - Hi is a … writer. 4. The new museum is … in the center of town. 5. I am … in art. 6. Kate does not have friends, she is very … . 7. I can translate this text without a dictionary, it is very … .
VII. Translate into English.

1. Наш вчитель дуже досвідчений. 2. Новий театр розташований в центрі міста. 3. Я захоплююсь плаванням. 4. Я багато читаю, тому що я хочу бути розумним. 5. Це дуже відомий музикант. 6. Це його улюблена книга. 7. Мій друг здатний до спорту. 8. Анна має багато друзів, вона ніколи не почувається самотньо. 9. Він завжди має бага-то неприємностей. 10. Його англійська досить непогана.


Useful Words and Expressions


first name; middle name; last name (surname); full name.


in (his) late teens, (about/around) 20, young/ middle-aged/old.


British, Russian, American, Canadian, Irish, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Greek, Turkish, Portuguese, Japanese, Brazilian, Egyptian, Dutch.

Place of


England, Russia, the USA, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Japan, Brazil, Egypt, Holland.


a student, a teacher, a manager, a designer, a shop assistant, an engineer, an economist, an accountant, a managing director.


a student hostel, a dorm(itary) (Am.E.), a campus.

(Geographical) Location:

to be situated: in town / in the country

in the city centre

in a suburb of ...

on the outskirts of ...

in the South/North/West/ East of ...

on the river ...

near/not far from ...

in the ... mountains.

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