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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Reported questions: tag questions

Speaker's words

Reporting verbs

Reported questions

"You're ready, aren't you?"

"You don't like action films, do you?"

"She's got a big collection of stamps, doesn't she?"

"Tessa doesn't know what to do, does she?"

"They're selling their house, aren't they?"

"Pam's gone out, hasn't she?"

"Carla wasn't at home, was she?"

"He'd already left by the time you arrived, hadn't he?"

"You'll repair my bike on Saturday, won't you?"

"They won't have done all the job by then, will they"?

"I can afford to buy a new car now, can't I?"

"She must go there, mustn't she?"

He asked

She wondered
I wanted to know

Greg didn't know



I was ready.

I liked action films.

she had a big collection of stamps.

Tessa knew what to do. they were selling their house.

Pam had gone out.

Carla had been at home.

he had already left by the time I arrived.

I would repair his bike on Saturday.

they would have done all the job by then.

he could afford to buy a new car.

she had to go there.

Exercise 23. Write these tag questions in indirect speech, using the given words. Make all the necessary changes.

1. "They're on holiday, aren't they?" He didn't know ___.

2. "You'll manage, won't you?" He asked __.

3. "I've lost a lot of weight, haven't I?" Kelly asked __.

4. "We can't go tomorrow, can we?" They wanted to know___.

5. "Someone broke that vase, didn't they?" Mrs. Smith asked ___.

6. "Ron had already opened the letter, hadn't he?" Jim wondered __.
Reported commands

Speaker's words

Reporting verbs

Reported commands


"Don't go!"

"Never do this again!"

She asked him

He told me

to stop.

not to go.

never to do that again.


A number of verbs can be used for reported commands: order, command; warn; instruct, etc.
Exercise 24. Write these sentences in indirect speech, using the given words. Make all the necessary changes.

Example: "Hurry up". He told me to hurry up.

1. "Finish the job tonight, please." The boss told me __.

2. "Don't use the telephone after eleven o'clock." The landlord told us __.

3. "Don't spend too much money on your holiday." Jack told his wife __.

4. "Run!" The general ordered the soldiers __.

5. "Don't touch that switch." The electrician warned us __.
Reported offers

Speaker's offer

Reporting verbs


Reported offers

"Will you stay for lunch?"

"Would you like a drink?"

He asked

I would stay for lunch. I would like a drink.

"Shall I fax the information to them?"

She asked
She wanted to know


she should fax the information to them.


to fax the information to them.

Exercise 25. Report these offers. Make all the necessary changes.

Example: "Would you like some tea?" my friend asked. My friend asked if I would like some tea.

1. "Would you like to stay with us?" Mrs Steadman asked me.

2. "Would you like to see my holiday photographs?" she asked.

3. "Would you like another piece of cake?" my mother asked Mrs Black.

4. "Will you come to my party on Saturday?" James asked.
Exercise 26. Report each offer in two ways.

Example: "Shall I invite your girlfriend to the party?" my sister asked.

1) My sister asked if/whether she should invite my girlfriend to the party.

2) My sister wanted to know whether to invite my girlfriend to the party.

1. "Shall I heat the food for you?" my mother asked.

2. "Shall I leave a message for him?" the secretary asked.

3. "Shall I make you some coffee?" he asked.

4. "Shall I drive you home?" Sally's husband asked.

Reported requests

Speaker's request

Reporting verb

Reported request

"Will you pass me the salt?"

"Would you turn on the radio, please?"

He asked (me)

to pass him the salt,

to turn on the radio.

Exercise 27. Report these requests. Make all the necessary changes.

Example: "Would you check the bill for me, please?" he asked me. He asked me to check the bill for him.

1. "Will you take the children to school for me?" she asked her mother.

2. "Will you pass my cup, please?" Ted asked me.

3. "Would you check the oil for me, please?" he asked the mechanic.

4. "Would you turn the car engine off, please?" the policeman asked me.
Review of reported speech

Exercise 28. Report these sentences. Make all the necessary changes.

1. "I haven't got any money," he told me.

2. "I passed my driving test last year," he told his boss.

3. "Where do you work?" I asked her.

4. "Have the passports ready, please," the customs officer told us.

5. "Will this car do 140 kilometres an hour?" I asked the mechanic.

6. "There's a big match on TV next Monday," he said.

7. "Has she been working here long?" the manager wanted to know.

8. "Shall I contact the manager?" she asked.

9. "I'm early, aren't I?" she didn't know.

10. "Don't ever enter my study," he told them.

11. "Would you sit down?" the interviewer asked.

12. "How are you?" he wanted to know.

13. "By the end of this week, they won't have done this, will they?" I asked.
Exercise 29. Rewrite each sentence as direct speech.

Example: Thomas told John he would see him the following day.

"I'll see you tomorrow, John," said Thomas.

1. Derek told me my letter had arrived the day before.

2. Martha told Phil to phone her the following day.

3. Jack told Paul he was leaving that afternoon.

4. The police officer told Sam that he couldn't park there.

5. My mother asked me if I would stay for lunch.

6. David wanted to know where Carol had been.
Reported conversations

When we report a conversation we usually interpret it and report only its main points.

"You did enjoy the play, didn't you?" Jane asked.

"I'm not quite sure, " David said.

"I thought Anne Brown's performance was brilliant!"

"Well, I didn't like it at all," David replied.

"Didn't you ?" Jane asked.

=> When Jane asked David if he (had) enjoyed the play, he replied that he wasn't sure. But Jane found Anna Brown's performance brilliant, and was surprised to hear that David hadn't liked it at all.

We use different reporting verbs to interpret a conversation:





























NOTE: * verbs that always require an indirect object.
"You really must keep to your diet, Mrs Jones, if you're serious to lose weight," Dr Brown said.

"You haven't been keeping to it, have you?"

"Well, I ... er ...," Mrs Jones murmured.

"Have you or haven't you?"

"Well, I have occasionally had a bit extra."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, a hamburger or two."

=> Dr Patrick told Mrs Jones that she must keep to her diet if she was serious to lose weight. When Dr Brown inquired if she had been keeping to it, she hesitated and murmured something in reply. After Dr Brown had repeated her question, Mrs Jones confessed that she had occasionally had a bit extra. When Dr Brown asked her to explain what she meant, she admitted that she meant a hamburger or two.
Exercise 30. Put a form of one of the verbs from the box into the space in each sentence.

refuse, complain, remind, insist, promise, deny, offer.

Example: "No, it's not true, I didn't steal the money!" Carla denied that she had stolen the money.

1. "Don't forget to post my letter, will you, Mary?" Helen ___ Mary to post her letter.

2. "Don't worry, Vanessa, I'll bring your book back." Sue ___Vanessa she would bring her book back.

3. "No, no, you really must have another drink!" Dick ___ that I should have another drink.

4. "No, sorry, I don't want to lend you my camera." Alex ___ to lend me his camera.

5. "It's not fair. They never invite me to parties." The girl ___ to her mother that they never invited her to parties.

6. "If you like, I'll help you do the decorating, Tim" Ann ___Tim to help him do the decorating.



to be passionate about smth - любити щось пристрасно

to star - надати головну роль, зніматися у головній ролі

at the core of the film - в основі фільму

the duel of powerful minds - дуель могутніх розумів

acting - акторська гра

to crawl - відчувати мурашки по тілу

close-up - крупний план

to take one’s breath away - перехопити подих

hiss - шипіння, свист

a beast - звір, тварина, чудовисько

a horror film - фільм жахів

to get out of one’s mind - викинути з голови

a lead role - головна роль

to be worth smth - заслуговувати чогось, бути вартим

to do by instinct - робити щось інстинктивно

to get behind the mind of the character - пройнятися роллю

shooting - зйомка

murder victim - жертва вбивства

autopsy - аутопсія, розтин трупа

a full-length feature film - повнометражний художній фільм

film debut - кіно дебют

to perform in front of the camera - грати перед камерою

to do commercials - зніматися в рекламних роликах

to be a breadwinner - годувати сім’ю

to direct a film - бути режисером фільму

film-maker - кінорежисер

to film - знімати, екранізувати

versatility - гнучкість, багатогранність

to cultivate an image - розвинути, створити образ (характер)

to reveal new facets - розкривати нові грані

fascinating - чарівний

newsstand - газетний кіоск

the clue to one’s life - ключ до розгадки життя

to make a point of smth - вважати щось обов’язковим для себе

to win Oscar nomination - виграти номінацію Оскар

Supporting actress - актриса другого плану, актриса яка виконує другорядну роль

to release a film - випустити фільм

to flare up - спалахнути

to pull out the cord - витягти шнур

image tube - кінескоп

a safety device - запобіжний

a television addict - любитель дивитися телевізор, „телевізійний наркоман”

shot at directing - спроба виступити режисером

film version - екранізація

screenplay - сценарій

screenwriter - сценарист

to deserve a reward - заслуговувати нагороди

to treasure - берегти як скарб, високо цінити
Read the text below. Use your dictionary to help.

One of the few things Greta is passionate about is her collection of video cassettes. She has got about 30 films altogether, most of which are Oscar prize winners. The one she especially treasures is "The Silence of the Lambs", with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins starring. At the core of the film is the duel of two powerful minds — Clarice Starling, a FBI trainee and Hannibal Lecter. The acting is perfect. Anthony Hopkins's performance makes your skin crawl at times and close-ups of Jodie Foster just take your breath away. When Hannibal Lecter lets out one of his sudden hisses, she doesn't do a thing. It just shows on her face. You can see all the thoughts in her eyes like, "Oh, my God, this man is an animal, a beast." It's basically a horror film, the one you can't get out of your mind a long time after you've seen it. In 1992 the film got Oscar in 5 nominations and was the cinema's biggest blockbuster since "Batman".

Greta has always been Jodie Foster's 'number one fan'. With Jodie in the lead role you can be sure the film is worth seeing. She hates doing anything trivial. She always works on films that have "messages". The most surprising thing is that Jodie has never even had an acting lesson. What she does is by instinct. Her method is just do what she thinks is right. And she always tries to get behind the mind of the character she is playing. Before the shooting of "The Silence of the Lambs" began, Jodie Foster had spent two weeks at the police training academy with Special Agent Mary Ann Kraus, on whom she partly based Clarice. She even attended the autopsy of a female murder victim. Nobody forced her to see the things she saw and you can't but admire her courage for that.

Jodie Foster made her film debut at the age of 9, in 1972, when Disney signed her up for her first full-length feature film "Napoleon and Samantha". Jodie had been performing in front of the camera since the age of three, doing commercials for suntan lotions and dog food. By the age of eight she was the family breadwinner. Her income from films exceeded her brother's earnings from his television career. "The Accused" (1988), directed by Jonathan Kaplan brought Jodie Oscar for Best Actress. Her great value to film-makers is her versatility. She chooses to play varying roles in different costumes and wigs. She doesn't cultivate a single Jodie Foster image. Each new film reveals another facet of the talented actress.

Greta has always liked and admired Jodie Foster. She thinks Jodie is the most fascinating modern film star. Occasionally she learns about Jodie's life from numerous film magazines on the newsstands and show business items on television. But she'd like to know more. Jodie Foster has often said that the clues to her life are in her films. So Greta made a point of seeing all of them. The other day a friend of hers brought her "Taxi Driver", one of the earliest Jodie Foster's films, which won her first Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. At the time the film was released the girl was only fourteen. All last week Greta had been looking forward to a lazy weekend when she could get her mind off work and watch the film. On a quiet Saturday evening she put in the cassette, made herself comfortable and pushed the button. The screen flared up for a moment and went dark. Greta pushed the button again. No effect. Finally she pulled out the cord and took out the cassette. Her TV set hadn't been functioning properly lately but she hoped it would last another week at least. She was trying hard not to think of the spoilt evening. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and then she heard a familiar voice "Greta, that's me. May I come in?"

What a nice surprise! She ran to the door to open it.

"Hi, Paul! I'm so glad to see you."

"Hi, Greta! You look upset. Any problems?"

"It's the television. It's not working."

"What's wrong with it?"

"I don't know. It must be something serious. I'm afraid it's the image tube."

"Not necessarily. It can be a safety device."

"Whatever it is, I can't get it fixed till Monday."

"Well, what of it? As I know, you've never been a television addict, have you?"

"I haven't, but I wanted to see "Taxi Driver" so much. I've got to return the cassette on Monday. I promised."

"Take it easy, Greta. I'm sure your friend will let you keep it a little longer. Come on, stop worrying. Look what I've got for you."

Paul holds out a small package.

"What's it?"

"My contribution to your collection."

"A cassette?!" Greta unwraps the package quickly. She can't believe her eyes, it's "Little Man Tate" — Jodie Foster's first shot at directing.

"Oh, thanks a lot, Paul! I'm so happy!" She looks like a little girl hugging her favourite doll. Paul smiles.

"Greta, don't you think I deserve a reward?"

"You certainly do," she says and kisses him ... on the cheek.
Exercise 1. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. Greta has got few video cassettes.

2. "The Silence of the Lambs" is Greta's favourite film.

3. It's a horror film about an animal which crawls and takes your breath away.

4. Jodie Foster is very selective about the films in which she acts.

5. She hasn't had any formal training as an actress.

6. Jodie Foster never tries to transform into the character she's playing. She does only what she thinks is right.

7. By the time Jodie first acted in a film, she had appeared in several Commercials.

8. Her first full-length feature film brought her Oscar for Best Actress.

9. Jodie Foster stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

10. Greta doesn't often learn about Jodie's private life from film magazines and TV programmes.

11. The best way to get to know Jodie Foster is to watch her films.

12. "Taxi Driver" brought Jodie another Oscar for Best Actress.

13. Greta had been too busy to watch the film until the weekend.

14. Greta wasn't able to see "Taxi Driver" because there was something wrong with the image tube.

15. Greta has never been keen on TV.

16. The film Paul has brought to Greta is Jodie Foster's debut as a film director.
Exercise 2. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. ___? - Thirty.

2. ___? - "The Silence of the Lambs".

3. ___? - It's basically a horror film.

4. ___? - In 1992.

5. ___? - With Jodie Foster in the lead role.

6. ___? - At the police training academy.

7. ___? - Nobody did.

8. ___? - She was 9.

9. ___? - It was a full-length feature film.

10. ___? - Since she was 3 years old.

11. ___? - For 5 years.

12. ___? - "The Accused".

13. __? - Jodie wants to be different in any role she's playing.

14. ___? - Because Greta thinks Jodie Foster is the best film star.

15. ___? - For Best Supporting Actress.

16. ___? - Only 14.

17. ___? - A friend of Greta's.

18. ___? - Her TV set didn't work.

19. ___? - "Little Man Tate".
Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences

1. Практикант з ФБР. 2. Вона ненавидить робити щось тривіальне. 3. Вона навіть була присутня на розтині трупу жінки - жертви вбивства. 4. Зніматись рекламі лосьйону для засмаги та їжі для собак. 5. Вона вибирає для гри різноманітні ролі з різними костюмами та перуками. 6. Кожний новий фільм відкриває нову грань талановитої акторки. 7. Вона завжди намагається пройнятися роллю, яку грає. 8. Вона мала вигляд дівчинки, яка обіймала улюблену ляльку.

Exercise 4. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

performance, the cinema biggest blockbuster, fan, police training academy, courage, film debut, income, a long weekend, a horror film, an acting lesson.
Exercise 5. Give a summary of the text.
Exercise 6. Complete these sentences. Use active vocabulary.

1. This film is very interesting. It is really …

2. I have never been a … I prefer reading.

3. Some young actors find it difficult to … of the camera.

4. Who plays … in this film?

5. Each film … new facet of this actor.

6. Tom Cruise … in Rain Man was really impressive.

7. “Born on the Fourth of July” was … in 1989. For this film Tom Cruise received his first … for Best Actor.

8. It was her first … at directing.

9. The … to his life is in his books.

10. It will be easier for you to perform if you get … of the character.
Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Я закохана у свою колекцію рідкісних книг. Я дійсно бережу їх як скарб. 2. Акторська гра в „Людині дощу” дуже вразила мене. 3. Хто зіграв головну роль в цьому фільмі? Деякі крупні плани цього актора дійсно перехоплюють подих. 4. В основі фільму історія кохання двох вже немолодих людей. 5. Мені не подобаються фільми жахів, тому що потім я довго не можу викинути їх із голови. 6. Сценарій чудовий. Можна починати зйомку. Головну роль зіграє ця маленька дівчинка. Це буде її кіно дебют. Хоча раніше вона вже знімалася в рекламних роликах. 7. Якщо тебе цікавить приватне життя відомих акторів, ти можеш дізнатися про це з журналів, присвячених миру кіно, яких зараз безліч в газетних кіосках. 8. Яке ваше ставлення до екранізацій відомих романів. - Я віддаю перевагу книжкам. Інформація в них більш детальна. Крім того ви маєте змогу створювати свої власні образи. 9. Фільм „Титанік” отримав 11 Оскарів. Він дійсно заслуговує кожного з них. 10. Тобі слід пройнятися роллю. Грай інстинктивно. Серце підкаже тобі вірне рішення.
Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like watching TV?

2. How many hours a day do you watch TV?

3. What's your favourite programme? Do you always try to stay at home and watch it?

4. Which TV programmes do you not like? Why?

5. Who is your favourite TV presenter?

6. Which films do you like: comedies, thrillers, action films, etc? Why?

7. What do you think makes a good film? (the director, the cast, the script, the camera work, sound effects, etc.)

8. How do you choose a film to see: do you look through film magazines or newspapers, listen to the radio or just rely on your friends' opinion?

9. Who is your favourite actor (actress)? What do you like about him (her)?

10. Which films do you find disappointing of late? What do you think makes them poor production?

11. There are quite a lot of video English learning courses. Have you ever watched them?

12. How often do you go to the theatre? Which plays do you prefer?

13. Do you ever go to the opera?

14. Do you like ballet? Which ballet do you prefer, classical or modern?
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