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Unit III read the words correctly, pay attention to the rules of reading

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Unit III

Read the words correctly, pay attention to the rules of reading: wrong, lecture, election, mission, emission, measure, knight, corrosion, lock, nation, pleasure, bomb, future, limb, pollution, hymn, erosion, clock, function, treasure, session.


The Present Indefinite Tense

Настоящее неопределённое время (the Present Indefinite Tense) употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, которые происходят в настоящее время, но они не привязаны к моменту речи, например:

The lectures at the Institute begin at 9 o'clock. Лекции в институте начинаются в 9 часов. The Earth goes around the Sun. ЗемлявращаетсявокругСолнца.

С глаголами в Present Indefinite Tense часто употребляются такие наречия, как always всегда, often часто, seldom редко, usually обычно, never никогда, sometimes иногда, every day каждыйдень и т.д.

The Present Indefinite Tense употребляется также для обозначения будущих действий, когда речь идет о расписаниях, программах и т.д.:

The football game starts at 2.00. Футбольный матч начинается в 2.00.

Tomorrow is Friday. Завтра пятница.

Утвердительная форма образуется от инфинитива (неопределенной формы) глагола без частицы to (V). В 3-м лице единственного числа прибавляется окончание s или es (V-s). Правила прибавления суффикса -s(-es) к основе глагола полностью совпадают с правилами прибавления суффикса -s (-es) множественного числа к основе существительного. Например:

I live at home. Яживудома. He lives in a hostel. Он живет в общежитии.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в настоящем времени, который в 3-м лице единственного числа имеет форму does, и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.




I (you/we/they) work

I (you/we/they) do not work

Do I (you/we/they)work?

He (she/it) works

He (she/it) does not work

Does he (she/it) work?

Примеры образования специальных и разделительных вопросов:

Where do I work? Where does he work?

Who works at a factory? (вопрос к подлежащему образуется без вспомогательного глаголаto do)

He works in an office, doesn’t he?

Краткие ответы строятся следующим образом:

Do you study at the Institute? – Yes, I do. No, I do not (No, I don't).

Does your friend study at the Institute? – Yes, he does. No, he does not. (No, he doesn't.)

Grammar exercises

1. Write the 3. person singular of the following verbs.

want lose fly do

read catch buy go

eat watch study

think krash carry

2. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the form of the Present Indefinite Tense. Then make them negative and interrogative. Some of the verbs can be used several times:

to receive to take to be to leave to send to study to take to work to spend to supply to get

1.The Olympic Games …. place once in four years. 2. I’m a student. I … programming at a technical school. 3. These students … all their money on books. 4. I …. letters to many other companies. 5. They usually … in the main office. 6. Your plane … in an hour's time. 7. Twice a year students … their exams. 8. The university campus … the students with all necessary facilities: lecture halls, laboratories, libraries and a conference hall, etc. 9. This student … new books from the library every week. 10. My parents always … their holidays at the seaside. 11. I ….. a scholarship. 12. It … you twenty minutes to get to university.

3. Open the brackets, put the verbs into the correct form, the Present Indefinite Tense. Translate these sentences.

1. Why you (not / to use) this method? – It (to be) very complicated. 2. You (to like) science fiction? 3. We (to do) English lessons three times a week. 4. Mr Jonson (not / to have) a private office. 5. An atheist (not / to believe) in God. 6. The Thames (to be) a big river in Britain. 7. Liars are people who (not / to tell) the truth. 8. I (to remember) the scene very well. 9. If you need money, why you (not / to get) a job? 10. The English word ‘holiday’ (to come) from ‘holy day’ which can mean ‘a religious festival or feast’ 11. I (not / to understand) the word particle. What it (to mean)? 12. The term mass media (to refer) to people and organizations that provide news and information for the public. 13. Information technology, IT, (to comprise) electronic computer technology and telecommunication technology

4. Read and translate. Put questions to the words in bold.

1. We like to go to the students’ club. 2. My cousin has a beautiful voice so she sings in the University choir. 3. The dean’s office coordinates the faculty activities, arranges curriculum, sets exams and credit schedules for every term. 4. They receive the Morning Star. 5. I know much about politics. 6. Sometimes people do stupid things. 7. The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of about 29,756 kilometers per second. The Sun is an enormous nuclear power source. It transforms hydrogen into helium, releasing light and heat. The surface of our planet absorbs the heat from the Sun and emits it the same way that pavement continues to give off heat in the summer after the sun goes down. Every square meter of our planet’s surface gets about 342 Watts of energy from the Sun every year.

5. Read and translate. Match a line in A with a line in B to make sentences.

1. Science advances a) to study and explain the different kinds of particles and

relations which make up the universe.

2. Most scientists agree b) millions of other galaxies and their stars and planets.

3. Physics attempts c) an amazing range of subjects.

4. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, d) a multi-million dollar industry.


5. Comets consist of e) access to computers.

6. Today, computers play f) through a combination of experiment and mathematically

based theory.

7. An increasing number g) a body and a tail.

of people have

8. Computer games are h) that the earth’s temperature is increasing as a result of changing

of atmospheric conditions.

9. Information available i) an increasingly big role.

at home via Internet covers

6. a) Read and translate. Fill in the gaps with the verbs given below:

to use, to improve, to contain, to give, to result, to take over, to do.

Computers are part of many machines and devices. Computers in security systems ____ in safer environment. Computers in cars ____ energy efficiency. These smart machines are designed ____ some of the basic tasks previously performed by people.

Nearly every desktop computer and server in use today ____ one or more hard disk drives. Every mainframe and supercomputer is normally connected to hundreds of them. You can even find VCR-type (VCR-Video Cassette Recorder – кассетный видеомагнитофон) devices and camcorders that ____ hard discs instead of tape. These billions of hard discs ____ one thing well – they store changing digital information in a relatively permanent form. They ____ computers the ability to remember things when the power ____.

b) Speak on the role of computers and Internet, use the words and word combinations given above.

7. Translate into Russian.

1. Наши студенты проводят много времени в лаборатории, не правда ли? 2. Мы всегда внимательно слушаем лекции профессора Н. 3. Вы знаете, как ответить на этот вопрос? 4. Ты добираешься до университета на автобусе или идешь пешком? – Иду пешком. 5. Мой друг любит заниматься компьютерным программированием и у него есть способности к иностранным языкам. 6. Климат в нашей стране резко континентальный, он зависит от широты. 7. Россия граничит со многими странами. 8. Наша страна богата минеральными ресурсами. 9. Я интересуюсь историей нашей страны. 10. Термин «ускорение» (acceleration) относится к любому изменению скорости. 11. Что означает слово «оптика»? Объясни мне, пожалуйста. – Оптика – это наука о свете и зрительном восприятии. 12. Интернет – это компьютерная система, позволяющая миллионам людей по всему миру получать и обмениваться информацией практически обо всем. Аббревиатура e-mail обозначает (to stand for) «электронная почта», потому что ее отправляют и получают через компьютер. Это – система, которая позволяет (to enable) посылать сообщения друг другу быстро и дешево. 13.Так как земля вращается вокруг (to spin on) своей оси, то некоторые части планеты обращены к солнцу (to be in the sun), в то время как другие находятся в тени. Другими словами, кажется, что солнце всходит и заходит. 14. Наша атмосфера поглощает тепло, которое испускает почва, и посылает часть этого тепла обратно на землю.

Конструкция there is / are

Предложения с конструкцией there is / areупотребляются, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте. Переводить такую конструкцию следует с обстоятельства места, например:

Thereisanewspaperonthetable. На столе газета (есть, имеется, находится, лежит).

Образование утвердительной, отрицательной и некоторых вопросительных форм конструкции thereis / are:




There is a notebook on the table.

There is a notebook and two pencils on the table.

Thereis not(isn’t)a notebook on the table. Thereis no notebook on the table.

Is there a notebook on the table?

What is there on the table?

There are some notebooks on the table.

There are not (aren’t) any notebooks on the table. Thereare no notebooks on the table.

Are there any notebooks on the table?

В данную конструкцию кроме глагола to be могут входить и некоторые другие глаголы, например: to exist существовать, to come приходить, наступать и т.д.:

There exist many different ways to liquify gases. Существует(есть) много способов сжижения газов.

Если в предложении с конструкцией there is подлежащее определяется инфинитивом, то инфинитив переводится личной формой глагола, т. е. сказуемым с модальным оттенком: Therearemanymeasurementstobemade. Следует сделать много измерений.

Запомните значение следующего сочетания: Thereisnoquestionof ... – He может быть и речи о...

Grammar exercises

8. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the usage of the construction there is / are.

1. There is quite a number of private – fee-paying primary and secondary schools in our country. .2. There are a lot of good equipped laboratories in our university. 3. There is a lot of noise in this room 4. Is there anything worrying you? 5. How many continents are there on the map? – There are six continents and four oceans on it. 6. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. 7. Are there many contemporary entertainments in your city? 8. What is there in the vessel? – There is some water in it. 9. In his car there is a climate control system, a CD player, a videocassette recorder, a phone and fax machine. 10. There are a lot of problems with this theory. 11. There is some discrepancy in the results obtained. 12. There is no question of anything solid or liquid or living surviving on the incandescent surface of the Sun.13. There are several available books dealing with the current use of rockets for high-altitude research.

9. Put in there is / there isn’t / is there? / there are / there aren’t / are there?

1. … a lot of inventions in the field of classical and modern mechanics.

2. … several mountain chains on the territory of the country:

3. We can’t take any photographs. … a film in the camera.

4. … a bus from the city to the airport?

5. … an interesting picture on page seven, is there? – Yes, …

6. How many lakes … in this district?

7. Take a dictionary, … a lot of new words in the article.

8. … any letters for me today, are there?

9. Dunford is a very modern town. … many old buildings in it.

10. … 50 states in the USA? Yes, …

11. … a large black cloud in the sky.

12. … many things that I would like to say to you. But I don`t know how.

13. … three factors to be kept in mind when evaluating the records.

14. According to Einstein‘s special Theory of Relativity, … no such thing as space and time – they depend on the position and speed of the object experiencing them.

10. Put in there or it.

1. I’m not going to buy this TV set. … is very expensive. 2. Is anything on TV? – Yes, … is a film at 8.15. 3. … is a letter on the floor. Is … for you? 4. … is cold outside. 5. …. is a cinema in our street. 6. … is easy to understand the rule. 7. … is a lot of snow this year. 8. … is electricity in all the houses of the town. 9. There is a train at 10.30. … is a fast train. 10. … is a car in front of the house. Is … your car? 11. Is ... possible for me to phone you at your office?

11. Translate into English.

1. В этом районе нет чистой воды. 2. От аэропорта до центра города три мили. 3. В центре города находится большой собор. 4. В этих данных есть расхождения? – Да, есть. 5. В его статье есть новая точка зрения по этому вопросу. 6. Что есть в твоей комнате? – В моей комнате находится компьютер, стол, стул и диван. 7. На столах есть некоторые предметы, которые необходимы для проведения опыта. 8. На конференции нет иностранных студентов, не так ли? – Нет, есть. 9. В нашем университете несколько факультетов. 10. Сколько студентов в вашей группе? – В нашей группе 25 студентов. 11. В нашей стране много достижений в области ядерной физики. 12. На континентах много красивых, зеленых лесов.

The Indefinite Pronouns: some, any, every, no and their derivatives

Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no указывают на наличие: some / anyкакой-то, какой-нибудь,или полное отсутствие: noникакой какого-то неопределенного количества (или качества) предметов, лиц, отвлеченных понятий, веществ и т.д.

Употребление неопределенных местоимений

+ ?

? – +

some; somebody/someone – кто-то, something – что-то, somewhere – где-то, куда-то

any; anybody/anyone – кто-то, кто-нибудь, anything –что-то, anywhere – где-нибудь, куда-нибудь

no; nobody/no one – никто, nothing – ничто, nowhere – нигде, никуда


There is some printer's ink in the container. В контейнере есть типографская краска.

Is there any printer's ink in the container? В контейнере есть типографская краска?

There isn’t any printer's ink in the container. В контейнере нет типографской краски.

There is no printer's ink in the container. В контейнере нет типографской краски.

Местоимение some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, а также в вопросительных, в которых что-нибудь предлагается или выражается какая-нибудь просьба: Can I have some cold water? Не могу ли я получить холодной воды?

Местоимение any употребляться в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, а также в утвердительных в значении «любой»: Anychildknowsaboutit. Любой ребенок знает об этом.

Подобноsome, any, производные местоимения от someупотребляются в утвердительных предложениях,производные местоимения отany– в вопросительных и отрицательных: Somebody(someone)isknockingatthedoor. Кто-то стучит в дверь.

Thereisn'tanybody(anyone)there. Там никого нет.

Местоимениеnoи егопроизводные употребляются только в отрицательных предложениях.

Местоимения somebody / someone, anybody / anyone, nobody / no one имеют два падежа: общий и притяжательный, например: There is somebody in the room. Кто-то в комнате. Thisissomebodyspencil. Это чей-то карандаш.

Местоимение everyкаждый, всякий и его производные: everybody / everyoneвсе, каждый, everythingвсе служат подлежащим или дополнением в предложении. Местоимение everybodyимеет также притяжательный падеж: It’s everybody’s duty. Это долг каждого.

Когда everybody, everyone или everything являются подлежащим, то глагол ставится в единственном числе: Everybody (everyone) ishere. Все здесь. Отрицательная форма строится следующим образом: Noteverybodyishere. Не все здесь.

Пример образования вопросительной формы местоимения every и его производных: Can you tell me everything? Ты можешь мне рассказать всё?

Местоимение every в сочетании с where образует наречие everywhere везде, повсюду: Youcangetthisbookeverywhere. Выможетедостатьэтукнигувезде.

Grammar exercises

12. Read, translate and explain the usage of the Indefinite Pronouns.

1 Are there any letters for me this morning? 2. I’m thirsty. Can I have some water, please? 3. Competition to get into one of Britain’s universities is fierce and not everyone who gets “A” levels can go. 4. She doesn’t want anybody to talk to. 5. Half the world consists of people who have something to say but can’t and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on talking. 6. People cannot close their eyes to the facts any longer. 7. Where can I find a good job with plenty of money and no work? – Nowhere. 8. I can do the job alone. I don’t need anybody to help me. 9. I want to go somewhere nice and eat something good. Do you know anything? 10. I want some paper. Please give me some. 11. I’ve got some postcards somewhere. Perhaps they are in the drawer.12. There are some grounds for supporting this supposition. 13. A foreign language is an important advantage for an experienced specialist in any field. 14. Computers save everyone a lot of valuable time. 15. The destruction of rainforests in Brazil is everyone’s problem. 16. All the particles from any radioactive substance have a definite velocity.

13. Choose the write variant: somebody / everybody / anything / somewhere / anybody, etc. Translate into Russian.

1. It’s dark. I can’t see … 2. Listen! – What? I can’t hear… 3. Do you know … about computers? 4. What are you doing here? – I am waiting for … . 5. Let’s have dinner. … is hungry. 6. What is going to happen? – I don’t know. … knows. 7. Do you know … in London? – Yes, I’ve got a few friends there. 8. What’s in that cupboard? – … . It’s empty. 9. I’m looking for my lighter. I can’t find it … . 10. Would you like … to drink? – Yes, please, a glass of orange juice. 11. Is there ... in my group who lives in the dormitory? 12. I know the place is ... about here, but exactly where, I don't know. 13. Do you need ... books to prepare for your report? 14. Emily refuses to have ... to do with Jim. 15. Many people think that the bad weather has ... to do with all the satellites in space.

14. Translate into English.

1. У меня есть что-то сказать тебе. 2. На столе лежит бумага. 3. Некоторые студенты первого курса сдают экзамен завтра. 4. В этой лаборатории есть какие-либо устройства для проведения исследования? – Да, есть. 5. Сегодня кто-нибудь отсутствует? – Никто. Все присутствуют. 6. Некоторые из моих приятелей (некоторые мои приятели) говорят на двух иностранных языках. 7. Я не знаю ничего об этом, но я знаю того, кто может все об этом рассказать. 8. Все знают закон гравитации. 9. Каждый понимает, что вода необходима для всех живых организмов. 10. Студент Н. имеет некоторые изобретения. 11. Где-нибудь есть здесь обсерватория? – Никто не знает. 12. Приходите в любое время, которое вам удобно. 13. В нашей библиотеке есть книги на английском языке. 14. Расскажите нам всё о вашем путешествии.15. Кажется, что сейчас каждый изучает иностранные языки, они помогают установить личные контакты с людьми из других стран.

Propositions of movement, place, time

Предлоги места:

inв, обозначает нахождение предмета внутри другого предмета, нахождение предмета в замкнутом пространстве.

onна, обозначает нахождение предмета на поверхности другого предмета.

under – на, обозначает нахождение предмета под другим предметом.

atу, около, обозначает нахождение предмета вблизи другого предмета.

Предлоги направления и движения.

toк, в, на, обозначает направление, движение предмета по направлению к другому предмету.

into – в, обозначает движение предмета по направлению к другому предмету с проникновением внутрь его.

from – от, из, с, у, обозначает движение предмета от другого предмета, иногда с поверхности другого предмета.

off – с, обозначает движение предмета с поверхности другого предмета.

out of – из, обозначает движение предмета изнутри другого предмета наружу.

Предлоги времени:

at 5 o’clock (в 5 часов), at the weekend (навыходных), at night (ночью), at the end of (вконце… );

onMonday (впонедельник), on Friday evening (впятницувечером), in November (вноябре);

in spring (весной), in 1994 (в 1994 году), in the morning (утром), in five minutes (черезпятьминут);

from 1889 to1956 (с… по), until (до, пока не), for (в течение).

Предлоги не употребляются в следующих случаях:

this morning / this month и т.д.; every day / every month и т.д.; last /next May и т.д.

Grammar exercises

15. Fill in the gaps in this paragraph with the prepositions in, on, at or to.

Janet was born … Rochester … December 22nd … 3 o'clock … the morning. Rochester is the state of New York … the United States. Now, she goes … classes … the university. She usually arrives … the morning …8 o'clock. … weekends, she likes driving … her friend's house … Canada. Her friend lives … Toronto. She usually arrives … 9 … the evening and leaves … Sunday morning. Saturday, they often meet friends … the cinema. … summer, … July for example, they often go … the countryside.

16. Put in the right preposition if necessary.

1. Don’t forget to put a stamp … the postcard before you post it. 2. What time are you going … home? 3. The girls are … the bus stop. 4. Would you like to live … another country? 5. Water freezes … 0 degrees Celsius. 6 In Britain it’s expensive to travel … train.7. Do you usually walk … work? – No, I go …bicycle. 8. The train leaves … five minutes. 9. Can you play tennis … next Sunday? 10. I work … an international company. 11. My office is quite … the centre of the city.

17. Read and translate. Pay attention to the usage of the prepositions.

1. There are many combinations of different rhythms in nature. In this wonderful world there are rhythms that men can see, like those of sea waves. There are unseen (невидимые) rhythms that we cannot see, but which we can measure by scientific instruments. There are different rhythms in trees from the straight pine-tree to the curve of a palm. In each leaf there is rhythm.

There are rhythms in verses even without music. Rhythm is a part of poetry.

2. Geysers are hot springs, found in currently or recently volcanic regions, that intermittently jet steam and superheated water into the air. It consists of a tube leading down to the heat source. Ground water that accumulates in the pipe starts to bubble when critical temperature is reached, heating the upper layers which extend and jet out of the orifice. This reduces the pressure enough for substantial steam formation, with subsequent eruption. The process then recommences (возобновляется).

Yellowstone national park is the oldest and largest national park in the US. The park has 10 000 hot springs and 200 geysers. ‘Old faithful’ is the most famous of these. Every 33-93 minutes it embraces hot water and steam to a height of more than 50 meters.

18. Find in exercise 16 the words or phrases which mean the same as:

в природе; с помощью научных инструментов; даже без музыки; состоит из трубы; бьют струей из отверстия; понижает давление; с последующим выбросом; наиболее известный из них; на высоту.

19. Read the text about geysers once more. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What are geysers? 2. Where do hot springs jet steam and superheated water? 3. Does a tube of a hot spring lead up or down to the heat source? 4. Where does ground water accumulate? When does it start to bubble? 5. Where do the upper layers jet out? 6. Why does the process recommence? 7. How often does ‘Old faithful’ embrace hot water and steam and to what height?

20. Translate into English.

1. В комнате много компьютеров и принтеров. 2. Возьмите учебник из сумки и положите на стол. 3. Ты идешь на семинар в четверг вечером? 4. Сейчас 7.30. Поезд отправляется в 8.00. 5. Многие люди проводят отпуск на юге нашей страны, на берегу моря. 6. Вода необходима для жизни на земле. Все живые организмы содержат ее, некоторые живут в ней, некоторые пьют ее. Заводы загрязняют (to pollute) наши реки и озера опасными химикатами. Чтобы улучшить качество воды (water quality), широко используют дезинфицирующие средства (disinfectants), например, хлор. 7. Ледники составляют (to account for) 75 % пресной воды в мире, из них антарктический лед составляет 85 %. 8. Генератор – это устройство, которое превращает (to convert) механическую энергию в электрическую энергию.

Pre-text exercises

21. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:

territory, channel, temperature, mile, extreme, strategic, position, factor, economy, Empire, textile, industry, steel, motor, process, population, monarch, parliament, minister, machine, to debate, capital, banking, financial, centre, leader, culture, communication, politics, metropolitan, global, business, national, function, museum, gallery, tourists, interest, park, constitutional, monarchy.

Word building

22. Translate the following derivative words:

noun-forming suffixes: -ian, -ture, sion / ssion:

academician, electrician, historian; culture, structure, literature, agriculture; provision, diffusion, division, erosion, discussion, pension, session;

noun / verb + -able / -ible → adjective

size – sizable, to conceive – conceivable, to notice – noticeable, to produce – producible, to count – countable; to eat – eatable.

23. Guess the meaning of the words:

readable, mixture, agreeable, destruction, applicable, superpower, enjoyable, repeater, politician, readable, mission, changeable, skillful, televiewer, transceiver, progressive, directionless, geologist, compression.

24. Translate into Russian the following phrases:

large islands, square miles, two parts, warm current, foggy and rainy, the marriage between, industrial country, high mountains, a very important factor, various machines, shipbuilding and motor industry, the main functions, a leader in culture, communications, the four major global cities, clothing industry, places of interest, market place; non-residential area, metropolitan area.

Active Vocabulary

25. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

to occupy – занимать, захватывать; to consist of – состоять из; the English Channel – пролив Ла-Манш (Английский канал); independent – независимый;to be influenced by – находиться под влиянием; succession – последовательность; to anglicize – англизировать; marriage – брак, единение; market – рынок; queen – королева; the Irish Sea – Ирландское море; Gulf Stream – Гольфстрим; to be engaged in – заниматься чем-либо; to pass the laws – принимать законы.

26. Read, translate the text below and a) say what two large islands the British Isles consist of and what oceans and seas they are washed by; b) describe the climate of the British Isles; c) explain why Great Britain became a great Sea Power and the British Empire.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies a territory of the British Isles. It consists of 2 large islands (Great Britain, Ireland) and a great number of smaller islands. Their total area is 120,000 square miles. Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland consists of two parts: Northern Ireland which belongs to Great Britain and fights for its independence, and the Republic of Ireland, which is independent. The UK is situated off the north-western coast of continental Europe between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is also washed by the Irish Sea, the St. George’s Channel and the North Channel, the English Channel.

The climate of the British Isles is strictly influenced by the warm current of the Gulf Stream flowing across the broad and deep Atlantic Ocean and is very mild and changeable. The temperature seldom reaches extremes of hot and cold. The summer is not very hot and winter temperature seldom falls below zero. It is often foggy and rainy.

In Britain the higher lands are found in the north and west. There are no high mountains in Britain. The chief rivers are the Severn and the Thames. The largest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland.

From the earliest known times up to about 900 years ago a long succession of invaders and colonizers moved westwards towards the British Isles which were thought of as the edge of the world. By about 450 B.C. (before Christ) the Britons had occupied the British Isles. They belonged to the Celtic tribes. Then came the Romans. Next came the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The last invaders were the Normans, they gradually became anglicized. The marriage between the Norman-French and Anglo-Saxon languages became the language of most of England.

The strategic position of the country facing both the Old world and the New one was a very important factor in the early development of Britain with an economy based on world trade. The English developed the navy and by the 18th century England had become a great Sea Power and the British Empire that achieved its maximum between 1921 and 1939 and collapsed in some twenty years after the Second World War. Now it is a highly developed industrial country. One of the leading industries is the textile industry. Coal, iron and steel as well as various machines are produced there. Shipbuilding and motor industry are highly developed too. 7% of the population is engaged in farming. Most farms are small in size, but supply the whole population with food.

The population of Great Britain is over 60 million people. It is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch as its Head of the State. The monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. Everything today is done in the Queen’s name. It is her government, her armed forces and so on. She appoints all the ministers, including the Prime Minister. Everything is done however on the advice of the elected Government, and the monarch takes no part in the decision-making process. The Queen doesn’t rule. The main functions of the British Parliament are to pass the laws, to debate the major issues of the day and so on. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the biggest manufacturing centre and the country’s main banking and financial centre. It is also a leader in culture, communications, politics, entertainment and the arts and has considerable influence worldwide. London is the most populous city in the European Union with the population of above 7 million people, and several million more living in the wider metropolitan area. It is one of the four major global cities along with New York, Tokyo and Paris.

London’s population includes a very diverse range of people. Over 300 languages are spoken in London, making the capital one of the most linguistically diverse cities in the world.

There are four parts in London: the West End, the East End, the City and the Westminster. The City of London is the banking centre of the world and Europe’s main business centre. The London foreign exchange market is the largest in the world, more than the New York and Tokyo exchanges combined. The City is non-residential area.

Westminster (with the famous Big Ben) is the centre of the UK’s national government. The British Parliament sits in the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

The West End is the main cultural, entertainment and shopping district. People come here to the shops in the day time. The West End hosts museums, galleries, theaters, cinemas.

The East End is one of those areas of London where working class people live. It is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London and as a market place. The East End markets are famous throughout the world for all kinds of goods.

London attracts very large number of visitors and tourists.

Text and vocabulary exercises

27. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

принадлежит; очень мягкий и изменчивый; высокогорная местность; долгая последовательность завоевателей; край света; мировая торговля; морская держава; разрушилась через двадцать лет; военно-морской флот; снабжать едой; правит (царствует) с помощью парламента; процесс принятия решений; от имени королевы; назначает всех министров; главный культурно развлекательный и торговый район.

28. Choose among the words the one that corresponds to the text above to complete the sentences:

1. The UK is situated off the ____ coast of continental Europe (north-western / south- western / north-eastern). 2. The temperature ____ reaches extremes of hot and cold (seldom / often / usually). 3. The strategic ____ of the country was a very important factor in the early development of Britain (weapon / question / position). 4. Now it is a ____ developed industrial country (hardly / highly / low). 5. 7% of the population is engaged in ____ (mining / farming / industry). 6. The Head of the state is _____ (the president / parliament / the monarch). 7. ____ appoints all the ministers, including the Prime Minister (The Queen / House of Lords / House of Commons). 8. London’s population includes a very ____ range of people (similar / diverse / simple). 9. The City of London is the ____ centre of the world (educational / banking / agro-cultural). 10. ____ is famous as the centre of the clothing industry (еhe East End / the West End).

29. Translate the following sentences into English using a dictionary:

1. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии состоит из четырех исторических национальных областей: Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии. 2. Великобритания является конституционной монархией, глава государства – королева Елизавета II. 3. Законодательная власть принадлежит монарху и парламенту, состоящему из палаты общин и палаты лордов. 4. Исполнительная власть принадлежит правительству, возглавляемому премьер-министром. 5. Парламент принимает законы, обсуждает главные вопросы дня. 6. Культура Соединенного Королевства богата и разнообразна. 7. Великобритания имеет крепкие культурные связи со своими бывшими колониями, особенно с теми государствами, где английский язык является государственным. 8. Лондон – крупнейший город на Британских островах. 8. Лондон играет ведущую роль в политической, экономической и культурной жизни Великобритании. 9.. Во времена Британской Империи Лондон часто неофициально называли столицей мира. 11. Лондонский валютный рынок самый большой в мире.

30. Find in the text the situations in which the following word combinations are used:

2 large islands; the chief rivers; a long succession; a very important factor; industrial country; a constitutional monarchy; the British Parliament; the country’s main banking and financial centre; populous city; four parts.

31. Work in pairs, think of some questions to review the content of the text and ask each other.

32. Retell the text “Great Britain”.

33. Listen to the dialogue “Asking the way”.

34. Correct the false statements.

1. The customer wants to get to London.

2. The customer wants to buy a map.

3. The customer must get off at Exit 30 after he drives along the highway south for about ten miles.

4. The customer must make a right on to Park Street at the end of the ramp.

5. When the customer is on Maple Lane he must go straight forward until he comes to Stamford.

35. Which of the following words or expressions in each row was used in the dialogue:

1. a) to get off the highway

b) to drive off the


c) to turn off the highway

2. a) Worse luck!

b) Just my luck!

c) Bad luck!

3. a) curve 30

b) sideway 30

c) exit 30

4. a) cards

b) maps

c) schemes

5. a) centre of Stamford

b) middle of Stamford

c) heart of Stamford

36. Listen to the conversation again. What synonymic words or expressions are used in the dialogue instead of those given in italics:

1. At the end of the ramp, turn to the left on to Park Street.

2. At the next junction, turn left and you’ll be in the centre of Stamford.

3. Left at the end of the slip road?

4. Follow the motorway south for about ten miles.

5. Can you tell me the way to Stamford?

37. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

to do some shopping; grocery store; purchase; ATM (Automated Teller Machine); department store; to take out money with a credit card; to exchange rubles into dollars; dollar bills; rate; to lend; to borrow from somebody; post-office; clothes store; stuff.

38. Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:

1. we’re almost out of sugar

a) заглянуть (по дороге) в табачную лавку

2. half a pound will do

b) на чёрный день

3. for a rainy day

c) осталось немного (недостаточно) кофе

4. it doesn’t look so bad

d) у нас почти кончился сахар

5. to drop in at the tobacco store

e) так, чтобы не забыть

6. there’s not much coffee left

f) мне нечего надеть

7. so as not to forget

g) он не выглядит так уж плохо

8. I have nothing to wear

h) полфунта будет достаточно

39. Listen to the dialogue “Shopping”.

40. Decide which of the following statements are true and which are false. Correct the false ones.

1. Lena is going to the supermarket.

2. Sergey asks Lena to buy him only cigarettes.

3. Sergey says that Russian cigarettes are better than American cigarettes.

4. Olga agrees to do some shopping with Lena.

5. Olga and Lena want to buy some clothes.

6. Lena has enough money to buy everything she wants.

7. Dmitry always saves money for a rainy day.

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