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пособие по соцработе. Тесты для проверки знаний. Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов II курса специальности ср факультета го

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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Омский государственный технический университет»

Ж. Г. Жигунова



Издательство ОмГТУ


УДК 802.0:364(075)

ББК 81.2Англ-923-65.272я73

Ж 68
Т. В.Ощепкова, канд. филол. наук, доцент, зав. каф. английского языка факультета информатики ОмГПУ

К.Ю. Симонова, канд. филол. наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой связи с общественностью СибГУФК
Жигунова Ж. Г.

Ж 68 Английский язык для студентов II курса ДО по специальности

«Социальная работа»: учебное пособие / Ж. Г. Жигунова.– Омск:

Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2009.– 48 с.
Данное учебное пособие включают в себя оригинальные тексты по специальности, содержащие ценный фактический материал для обучения чтению и переводу, тексты для аннотирования и тесты для проверки знаний. Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов II курса специальности СР – факультета ГО.

В основу текстового материала учебного пособия положены оригинальные источники из современных изданий по социальной работе.
Печатается по решению редакционного-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.
УДК 802.0:364(075)

ББК 81.2Англ-923-65.272я73

© Омский государственный

технический университет, 2009


  1. Прочитайте и выучите новые термины и терминологические сочетания

abuse – 1. жестокое обращение; 2. злоупотребление

adjustment – приспособляемость, привыкание, адаптация

assessment – оценка

behavior – поведение

community – 1. сообщество; 2. общество

dependent – иждивенец

alcohol dependent – алкоголик

drug dependent – наркоман

disability – нетрудоспособность, инвалидность

disadvantage – недостаток

disorder – болезнь, расстройство

distress – 1. горе, беда; 2. нищета, нужда

faculty – факультет

Humanitarian faculty – гуманитарный факультет

illness – болезнь, заболевание

impairment – ухудшение, ущерб

interaction – взаимодействие

offender – преступник, правонарушитель

setting – окружение, обстановка

service – обслуживание

health services – медицинское обслуживание

social services – социальное обслуживание

support – поддержка

treatment – 1. лечение уход; 2. воспитание

work – работа

clinical social work – клиническая социальная работа

gerontological social work – геронтологическая социальная работа

industrial social work – социальная работа на производстве

medical social work – социальная работа в медицинских учреждениях

occupational social work – социальная работа по месту занятости

police social work – социальная работа в полиции

preventive social work – превентивная социальная работа

psychiatric social work – социальная работа в психиатрии

rural social work – социальная работа в сельской местности

school social work – социальная работа в школе

social work – социальная работа

worker – рабочий

family support worker – семейный социальный работник

social worker – социальный работник

II. Установите соответствия между терминами социальной работы на русском и английском языках

1) rural social work

2) psychiatric social work

3) occupational social work

4) police social work

5) preventive social work

6) medical social work

7) school social work

8) gerontological social work

9) clinical social work

10) industrial social work

a) социальная работа по месту занятости

b) клиническая социальная работа

c) превентивная социальная работа

d) психиатрическая социальная работа

e) социальная работа в полиции

f) социальная работа в сельской местности.

g) социальная работа в школе

h) социальная работа на производстве

i) геронтологическая социальная работа

j)социальная работа в медицинских учреждениях


1) abuse

2) adjustment

3) assessment

4) behavior

5) disorder

6) dependent

7) disability

8) disadvantage

9) community

10) distress

a) иждивенец

b) недостаток

c) жестокое обращение; злоупотребление

d) приспособляемость, привыкание

e) поведение

f) горе, беда

g) болезнь, расстройство

h) нетрудоспособность, инвалидность

i) сообщество; общество

j) оценка

III. Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык

  1. communication

  2. counseling

  3. functioning

  4. emotional

  5. groups

  6. individuals

  7. philosophy

  1. positive

  2. practical

  3. practice

  4. principles

  5. psychology

  6. services

  7. technique

IV. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему
Social work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends: helping people obtain tangible services; providing counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups; helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services; and practicing in relevant legislative processes.

The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, economic and cultural institutions and of the interaction of all these factors.

There are different specialties within social work, for example: rural social work, occupational social work, school social work, clinical social work, preventive social work, police social work and others.

Rural social work is practice oriented to helping people who have unique problems and needs arising out of living in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

School social work is the specialty oriented towards helping students make satisfactory school adjustments.

Psychiatric social work or clinical social work is social work in a mental health setting.

Occupational social work or industrial social work is the provision of professional human services in the workplace through employer-funded programs.

Preventive social work is the professional application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction, disability, or impairment, including emotional and mental disorders.
V. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты к следующим терминам

  1. социальные условия;

  2. ценности социальной работы;

  3. реальные услуги;

  4. малонаселенные территории;

  5. адаптация к школе;

  6. программы, финансируемые работодателем;

  1. теория и методы социальной работы;

  2. лечение и предотвращение;

  3. психосоциальные дисфункции;

  4. инвалидность;

11. психические расстройства.

VI. Найдите в тексте термины, близкие по значению к следующим
psychiatric social work, industrial social work, illness, pupils, disablement.
VII. Закончите предложения, используя следующие термины и терминологические сочетания
behavior; communities; clinical social work; occupational social work; rural social work

  1. Social workers help individuals, families and ….

  2. To do the job professionally social worker should possess knowledge of human development and ….

  3. … is oriented to helping people who live in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

  4. Psychiatric social work is also called ….

  5. … provides people with the workplaces through employer-funded programs.

VIII. Выберите те предложения, с утверждениями которых вы согласны и переведите их на русский язык

  1. One of the tasks of social workers is to help communities provide or improve social and health services.

  2. Social worker should know not only about human development and behavior, about social, economic and cultural institutions but also about the interaction of all these factors.

  3. There are two major specialties within social work: occupational social work and clinical social work.

  4. Occupational social work is also called industrial social work.

  5. School social work helps students to adapt to school environment.

IX. Соотнесите термины из текста с соответствующими дефинициями

1. Rural social work is …

a) … social work in a mental health setting.

2. School social work is …

b) … application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction.

3. Police social work…

c) … practice oriented to people living in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

4. Preventive social work is …

d) … the provision of professional human services in the workplace.

5. Industrial social work is …

e) … the specialty oriented towards helping students make satisfactory school adjustments.

6. Psychiatric social work …

f) … is social work practice. that occurs in hospitals and other health care settings to facilitate good health and aid physically ill patients and their families to resolve the problems related to the illness.

7. Medical social work …

g) … is professional social work practice within police precinct houses, courthouses, and jail settings to provide a variety of social services to victims of crimes, and their families.

X. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What is social work?

  2. What knowledge does the practice of social work require?

  3. What specialties within social work do you know?

  4. Is school social work oriented towards helping students make satisfactory school adjustments?

  5. What is rural social work practice oriented to?

XI. Аня – студентка. Она – будущий социальный работник. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык её рассказ о своей будущей профессии
I’m a second year student of Omsk State Technical University. I study at the Humanitarian faculty. It trains personnel for working at social services.

The course for the social worker lasts 5 years. The students study different subjects: psychology, history of social work, philosophy, foreign languages and others.

The term «social work» has some meanings. It is the applied science of helping people achieve any effective level of psychological functioning; any of numerous publicly or privately provided services intended to aid disadvantaged, distressed or vulnerable persons or groups and it is also the profession engaged in rendering such services. There are many different aspects in the profession: medical social work, school social work, police social work and others.

As I already have experience of working with people who have mental health problems I have been offered a good job this year. I have joined a highly successful home treatment team, providing early assessment and support for people with acute mental health illness who otherwise would be admitted to hospital. Our team operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so I work flexible hours.

After graduating from the university I want to be a family support worker. I want to provide outreach and support for families, especially women and children. A family support worker works closely with families and children to identify their needs. He also provides emotional and practical support to the clients. A family support worker like any other social worker should behave in a calm and understanding manner to enhance communication and understanding within the family.
XII. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What faculty trains personnel for working at social services?

  2. What does the term «social work» mean?

  3. What does a home treatment team provide?

  4. What does a family support worker do?

  5. How should a family support worker behave?

XIII. Подготовьте устное высказывание о своей будущей специальности (10-15 предложений).
XIV. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык. Выпишите из данного текста термины социальной работы
Social Workers can be based within residential settings, such as children’s homes, hostels and care homes, or in a field-based capacity working within the community. Either way, their role is very similar and involves providing counseling, advice and support to vulnerable adults or children, including offenders. The clients they work with may be drug or alcohol dependent, suffering from a long-term illness, experiencing mental health problems or the subject of some form of abuse. The role of the Social Worker is to assess their needs and the subsequent level of social and emotional support that they may require.

Residential Social Workers who work with children are responsible for ensuring that their clients are provided with a safe, secure and friendly environment and will organize various activities for them aimed at developing their life skills to enable them to live independently in the future. With adults, their responsibilities may also include helping them with the daily running of their lives including handling finances and benefit claims. Social Workers with elderly clients will be responsible for ensuring that their clients live a dignified, safe and comfortable life within their residential setting.

Community-based Social Workers work closely with a variety of clients including families where children are considered to be at risk. They advise on drug and alcohol issues, support offenders and help people with terminal illnesses adjust to their situation.

Social Workers form a vital part of an extensive support network which can include doctors, teachers, police and other health care professionals. They are required to demonstrate excellent counseling skills and the ability to develop positive relationships with their clients while remaining professionally detached. Acting on behalf of a caseload of clients necessitates good time management and the flexibility to be able to respond to the needs of a client whenever required.

It is not possible to practice as a Social Worker without a degree or postgraduate qualification approved by the General Social Care Council (GSCC), after which you can apply for professional registration. The degree can often be achieved through part-time study while also gaining practical experience in the field.
XV. Бренда Браун решила подать заявление на должность социального работника. Прочитайте её резюме. Как вы думаете, где должны располагаться следующие заголовки?
Don’t forget a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is often all a prospective employer has to judge you on, so creating the right first impression is absolutely vital.
Curriculum Vitae

Personal profile Personal Details



Other achievements and interests

Voluntary work experience

Brenda Brown

17, High Close


CF18 7TL

Phone: 0325 491 0372

Energetic, open minded and resourceful.

I'm optimistic, have a good sense of humour and get on easily with people of all ages.

My long term aim is to train as a Social Worker but I would like to get several years practical experience before returning to study for a professional qualification.

Oldhill School, Cardiff

Central Sixth Form College, Cardiff



English Language B

English Literature B

Design Technology B

French B

Biology B

Maths C

History C
A Levels


Psychology C

Sociology D

2008 and 2009

Volunteer play worker on the Rosehill Estate's summer play scheme for 5 - 11 year olds. My involvement was helping organize and supervise a range of activities, including:

Volleyball competition

Day trips to farms, museums and swimming baths

Poetry writing competition

Girls rugby tournament


School Community Service Project with Alzheimer's Society

Swimming, hockey and golf

Scenery construction and painting for the Youth Drama Group

Pony trekking

Brenda Williams

a qualified professional social worker

the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)

XVI. Напишите своё резюме.


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