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Unit 7 grammar The Future Indefinite Tense

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GRAMMAR: The Future Indefinite Tense

Будущее неопределенное время (the Future Indefinite Tense) употребляется:

1. Для выражения однократного или повторяющегося действия или ряда последовательных действий в будущем: Nextyeartheywillfinishschool. В следующем году они закончат школу.

2. Когда решение что-либо сделать принято в момент разговора: I'mtired. Iwilltakeataxi. Я устал. Я возьму такси.

3. Для выражения обещания или просьбы что-либо сделать: Ill(will)callyouassoonasIarrive. Я позвоню, как только приеду. Willyoushutthewindow, please. Пожалуйста, закройте окно.

4. Для выражения мнения относительно действий в будущем: I think he’ll(will) arrive tonight. Думаю, он приедет сегодня вечером.

5. Глагол shallиспользуется в вопросах, когда спрашиваем разрешения, указания, совета: ShallIopenthewindow? Открыть окно? Whatshallwedothisevening? Что будемделать вечером?

На будущее время в предложении могут указывать обстоятельства времени: tomorrow завтра, next week на следующей неделе, next year в следующем году, in a week через неделю, in a few days через несколько дней, one of these days на днях и т.д. Например: Oneofthesedaysweshallgotothecountry. На днях мы поедем за город.

Следует запомнить, что the Future Indefinite Tense не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов: when когда, if если и др. В этих предложениях будущее действие выражается глаголами в Present Indefinite: When I come to the country, I shall go skiing. Когда я приеду за город, я пойду кататься на лыжах.

Образованиеthe Future Indefinite Tense

The Future Indefinite Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа и will ля всех остальных лиц и инфинитива без частицы to смыслового глагола.




I /we shall come tomorrow.

You (he/she/it/they) will come tomorrow.

I /we shall not come tomorrow.

You (he/she/it/they) will not come tomorrow.

Shall I /we come tomorrow?

Will you (he/she/it/they) cometomorrow?

Примеры образования кратких ответов:

Shallwecometomorrow? Yes, we shall. No, we shall not (shan’t).

Will he come tomorrow? Yes, he will. No, he will not (won’t).

Примечание. В современном английском языке вспомогательный глагол will употребляется со всеми местоимениями. Сокращенная форма используется в разговорной речи.

Grammar exercises

1. Fill in the blanks. Translate into Russian:

A) will B) won’t C) shall

1. Your English is good. I’m sure you … pass the test. 2. … there be a lecture tomorrow? 3. What time … I come this evening? 4. The train … arrive at the station on time, … it? 5. Did you post a letter? – Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot. I … do it in a minute. 6. … I translate this paragraph? 7. We … solve this problem without any delay. 8. … there be drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years time? 9. Perhaps in the future men … live on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. 10. What field of science … you work in? – I … do ecological research. 11. Any nuclear strike exchange … result in an emission into the atmosphere of fine dust and fine smoke particles. The resulting cloud … screen sunlight.

2. Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Future Indefinite Tense or the Present Indefinite Tense. Translate into Russian:1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their visas. 2. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train (to leave). 3. I (not / to think) I (to be able) to call on them and (to say) good-bye before I (to go) abroad.4. Ask the dean if we (to study) according to the old timetable, or a new one (to be) ready when we (to begin) to study. 5. If you (to give) me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (to translate) this text. 6. You (not / to pass) the exams, if you (not to revise) the material. 7. If she (not / to pass) her exam, she (not / to get) a scholarship. 8. It (to be) impossible for us to get into the hall when the lecture (to begin). It (to be) full of people. 9. You never (to finish) your report, unless you (to stop) wasting your time like that. 10. If my friend (not / to work) in my office, we (not / to meet) every day. 11. What you (to do), if you (not / to find) the job? 12. Many scientists are speculating about life on the lunar surface. When the moon (to be) suitable for living is still not determined. But experts believe that colonization (to take place) in several steps. There (to be) a need for housing to provide living space for more permanent type settlements. 13. If we (to be) so careless about the nature, we (not / to save) the ecology. What we (to do) to improve the situation? Firstly, in the nearest future the scientists (to encourage) recycling because it is the production of new materials that causes the most damage. Secondly, driving an environmentally-friendly car (to be) also helpful. Furthermore, people (to join) an organization that (to plant) trees and (to clean) beaches, it (to be) a proof that they are really concerned about the environment.

3. Read and translate the text: The greenhouse effect

A) Pay attention to the usage of the Present Indefinite Tense and the Present Continuous Tense.

1) A greenhouse

A greenhouse is a building made of glass, where you can grow flowers and other plants that need a lot of warmth.

2) How it works

The sun shines in through the glass and warms the greenhouse and the roof and walls keep the heat from getting out.

3) Our greenhouse

The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases (with names like carbon dioxide) that act just like a greenhouse. The sun shines in, and the blanket of gases traps (поглощает) the heat like a roof, keeping it close to the planet. That’s good – we can’t live without warmth.

4) What’s going on

Factories, electric power plants, and cars are making a lot of new gases. Even trees, when they’re cut down, give off the gases! These new gases are trapping more and more of the sun’s heat. This is called the greenhouse effect, or global warming.

B)Put the verbs into the correct form: the Present Indefinite Tense or the Future Indefinite Tense.

5) What can happen

If the earth’s temperature (to get) hotter by just a few degrees, it (to change) the weather all over the planet in big ways. Places that (to be) warm (to become) too hot to live in and places that (to be) cold (to become) warm. The place that (to grow) most of our food (to get) too hot to grow crops anymore.

We (to help) stop the greenhouse effect if we (to use) less energy, (to protect and to plant) trees, and (to recycle) materials.

C) Ask general, alternative, special and disjunctive questions to the first sentence of the last part of the text.

4. Speak on the greenhouse effect.

5. Translate into English:

1. Мы не начнем наше собрание, пока все не придут. 2.Они поймут вас, если вы не будете говорить так быстро. 3. Увижу ли я вас завтра? 4. Какой завтра день недели? – Завтра пятница. 5. Самолёт прилетит через два часа. 6. Что ты будешь делать, если не сдашь экзамен? 7. Кто-нибудь из студентов вашей группы примет участие в конференции «Человек и окружающая среда»? – Несомненно. 8. Через два дня студент нашей группы сделает доклад на тему «Глобальное потепление». 9. Какие важные проблемы вы будете решать в своей научной работе? 10. Любой обмен ядерными ударами приведет к климатическим изменениям. 11. Ученые всего мира будут объединяться, чтобы решить проблему водных ресурсов. 12. Студенты нашего факультета присоединятся к организациям подобным Гринпис, которые пытаются предотвратить бедствия окружающей среды (environmental disasters). Это поможет сделать нашу планету чистой и безопасной для будущего поколения.

The Modal Verbs and their equivalents

Особенности модальных глаголов:

1. Не выражают действия. Показывают отношение говорящего к действию или состоянию (его необходимость, вероятность, возможность его совершения и др.);

2. Не имеют неличных форм (инфинитива, причастия), повелительного наклонения, форм будущего времени, а некоторые – и форм прошедшего времени;

3. Вопросительные и отрицательные формы этих глаголов образуются без вспомогательного глагола to do, они сами занимают его место: He can’t (cannot) work. Он не может работать.

4. Не изменяются по лицам и числам (в настоящем времени в 3 л.ед.ч. не имеют окончания -s): He can read. Он может читать. She may go. Она может идти.

5. После модальных глаголов всегда употребляется смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива без частицы to, за исключением модального глагола ought, после которого стоит to +V.

Настоящее время

Прошедшее время




be able (to + V)



be allowed (to + V)


have ( to + V)

be (to + V)

Название модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов

Выражение употребления




разрешение или просьба


сомнение, удивление

Can you read Chinese?

Can I use your car? You can use my car. You can’t sing here.

Can it be true? He can’t have done it.


cпособность (в прошлом)

разрешение или просьба более вежливое обращение

сомнение (большая степень)

I could not speak English when I was 5.

Could you give me your dictionary?
He could not be telling the truth.

to be able to + V (в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем времени)

быть в состоянии, иметь физическую, умственную способность

Не is able to correct the program.

Не was able to correct the program.

Не will be able to correct the program.


разрешение, запрет (более официальная форма)

предположение, неуверенность

May I borrow your pen?

You may not come here.

They may be arriving.


разрешение, запрет (в прошлом) и для более вежливого обращения,


Might I take your notebook?

You might have helped me.

tо allow, to be allowed (в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем времени)

разрешение, запрет

Не is allowed to go there.

Не was allowed to go there.

Не will be allowed to go there.






I must go to the conference.

He must not leave his room for a while.

You must have read the book.

They must have done this task at home.

to have to (в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем времени)

необходимость в силу (ввиду) обстоятельств

You don’t have to go there.

Не had to ask for help.

I shall have to do it.

to be to (в настоящем, прошедшем, времени)

долженствование, необходимость как результат договоренности


We are to examine these facts.

They were to come at 5 o’clock.

The information is to be found in literature.


необходимость совершения действия

He shall not interfere with your business.

should / ought to

моральное обязательство (в большей степени глагол ought to)

порицание прошлого действия, совет


You should (ought to) be always polite.
You should (ought to) have helped me.

You should (ought to) see a doctor.

There should (ought to) be no difficulties

need (в настоящем времени)

необходимость, отсутствие необходимости совершения действия (в отрицательных предложениях)

We need to have a rest.

Do you need any help?

You needn’t worry about this man, he will be all right.

You needn't have come so early.

Grammar exercises

6. Read, translate and pay attention to the usage of modal verb can and its equivalent:

1. It’s such a bad copy! I can’t file it. 2. She can’t come on Monday. She can only send us five copies. 3. Can’t you settle this problem? 4. You can phone Mr Benson, my business partner. 5. Will you be able to do this work tomorrow? 6. I don’t think I can go on holidays this year, I can’t afford it. 7. I wasn’t able to find my way anywhere when I first came to this town. 8. I hope to be able to work abroad when I leave university. 9. They can’t all be lying. 10. They are able to appreciate your kindness.11. Can they have prepared their lessons so quickly? 12. They can’t have performed network analysis so quickly. 13. One cannot fail to observe that the advance in technique grows more rapid. 14. One can accept his (her) cheques only with a bank card. 15. Paper books are cheap and efficient while electronic books can store much more information – a thousand paperbacks on one disk and manage the information in ways paperbacks simply can’t. Twenty volumes of the Oxford dictionary, which weighs 66 kilos and has 21, 710 pages can be put on one disk called CD ROM, which means “compact disk read only memory”. Its contents cannot be altered.

7. Fill in: can / to be able to:1. The ancient dream of human flight … be traced in many legends. 2. Our ancient ancestors created stone axes … to hunt efficiently, otherwise they … 3. An Italian Leonardo da Vinci was a student in Florence. He … draw, design buildings, write music. 4. Plank found that he … derive a mathematical formula by making an assumption that a body cannot radiate energy continuously. 5. It is stylish … to speak a foreign language. 6. Higher education … not be called complete without at least one foreign language. 7. With introduction of e-mail and mobile phones, managers … to do more and more of the activities themselves without a secretary.

8. Read and translate, pay attention to the usage of modal verb may and its equivalent.

1. Jane may (might) still be in her office, but she usually leaves before six. 2. You were lucky. You might have failed your exam. 3. They might be more attentive in class. 4. Of course a miracle may happen and you may be a great scientist. 5. You may come at any time that is convenient to you. 6. His name is Starfield. You may have heard of him. 7. Tools made of cast-iron and then of steel allowed hard materials such as stone to be treated, which led to the development of civil engineering. 8. Information such as exactly where you are, to the precision of a few meters, may be available through a mobile phone. This may be extremely useful if you got lost, say, when driving a car. 9. Today most scientists think comets may have created from a huge cloud of particles that surrounds our entire solar system.

9. Read and translate, pay attention to the usage of modal verb must and its equivalent. Ask questions to the words in bold:

1. I have to work from 8.30 till 5.30 every day. 2. He does not want to go to the cinema with us. He must have seen the film. 3. Paying by credit card you don’t have to carry around large amounts of cash. 4. This evidence must provide some new facts. 5. These phenomena must be distinguished carefully. 6. There must be some force operating to keep bodies moving in the way they do. 7. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must behave in the same way as in a liquid. 8. We must be able to predict the properties of a virus. 9. Any space travel must provide means for a subsequent return to the Earth.10. Since survival is the principal problem for living on the moon, early settlers will have to build an atmosphere like the earth’s. They will have to produce food and oxygen and find water. They will have to explore the possibilities for commercial development and continue scientific investigation. 11. We have to realize that our whole history is the history of technology, regardless of the exact form it took. Today an enormous amount of personal and business communication takes place by telephone, and fax machine, and most long-distance calls travel via satellite. Fifty years ago telephones could only work between places connected by continuous wires which had to cross the oceans; the world’s longest cable still stretches underwater for fifteen thousand kilometers beneath the Pacific Ocean. 12. The huge quantity of information that people have to deal with has rocketed with the advent of satellite and cable television.

10. Read and translate. Which sentences express suggestion? Which sentences express strong obligation?:

1) You should go on a diet. 2) Your diving equipment must be cleaned regularly if you want to keep it in good condition. 3) You should share your problem with your parents. 4) You must fasten the belts in a plane. 5) I am to do this exercise, because my instructor told me to do it in order to check my progress on the unit.

11. Fill the gaps, using modal verbs must, should, need, have to, (to) be to, may, can. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form:

1) As we have agreed before, we _____ (to meet) at two o’clock to go to the planetarium to observe the planetary motion through the huge telescope. 2. Who _____ (to go) to the library to get the new books? – I _____, but I can’t because I ______ (to finish) an important work at the laboratory. 3. You ______ (to attend) a very interesting lecture which (to be held) tomorrow. 4. If you want to improve your English, you _____ (to work) hard. 5. The computer isn't working. They_____ (to damage) it during production. 6. The book is optional. The professor said we _____ (to read) it if we needed extra credit. But we _____ (to read) it if we don't want to. 7. They _____ (to deliver) package tomorrow afternoon. It was sent by express mail this morning. 8. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you ____ (to walk) downtown and explore the waterfront. 9. He _____ (to be) careful with this device. It is very dangerous. 10. I ______ (to speak) Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I _____ just (to say) a few things in the language. 11. It _____ (to be) Sam who called and didn't leave a message on the answering machine. He said he wanted to get together with us this weekend. 12. There is something wrong with your TV. You ____ (to call) a repair-man.

12. Read and translate. Pay attention to the usage of the modal verbs and their equivalents. Then work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer questions to these paragraphs. Use the words and word combinations below:

important role computer mistakes

educational and entertaining computer-made catastrophe

basic computer skills bugs

to gain access to prevent a crash

1. Computers play an important role nowadays. Employees can work faster at their workplace then they used to in the past; in addition to this, computers can be educational and entertaining. 2. From a very young age children can gain basic computer skills through programs that allow them to learn, draw, paint, and play. In the future, these skills can help them gain access to the enormous versatility of the cultural heritage of the humanity.

3. As the demands placed on computers grow, so has the number of incidents involving computer mistakes. We should not ignore the warning from computer experts about the possible occurrence of a computer-made catastrophe. ‘Safety critical’ systems (системы обеспечения безопасности), that fly planes, drive trains or control nuclear stations also may have bugs (the word bug means ‘mistake’).

The only solution is that the IT experts have to learn to think clearly and to be able to demonstrate mathematically that the program cannot go seriously wrong.

Computerized systems may fail to warn of impending disaster (надвигающаяся катастрофа, опасность) and it is only quick human reaction that prevents a crash.

13. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Тебе обязательно нужно посетить эту очень важную лекцию, которая состоится завтра. 2. Вам придется заказать билеты в обсерваторию заранее, так как они быстро распродаются. 3. Студентам иногда разрешается пользоваться словарем, работая с текстами. 4. Мы должны провести много опытов, чтобы убедиться, что его наблюдения отвечают всем требованиям. 5. Не может быть, чтобы он говорил неправду. 6. Мы должны были встретить делегацию вчера в 3 часа дня. 7. Чтобы предотвратить аварию в компьютерной системе, реакция человека должна быть очень быстрой. 8. Эксперты по информационным технологиям обязаны обращать серьезное внимание на то, чтобы системы обеспечения безопасности работали надежно. 9. Электронные книги отличаются от печатных книг в некоторых отношениях (in some respects): нам не нужно их возвращать, их можно бесконечно копировать (to be duplicated), они могут поспешно перемещаться (to speed) по всему миру со скоростью света (at the velocity of light). Электронные книги могут хранить большое количество информации. 10. При помощи компьютеров люди могут получить доступ к огромному разнообразию культурного наследия человечества. 11. Эти аспиранты проводят исследование в области микробиологии. 12. Мы знаем, что внедрение в любую новую область знаний (domain) может привести к открытиям, которые ученые часто не могут предсказать. 14. Согласно археологическим документам, цивилизации Вавилона и Шумера, должно быть, имели хорошее представление о медицине, астрономии, прикладной математике, не говоря уже об инженерии (инженерном искусстве). 15. Только с появлением Эвклида и Архимеда мы можем говорить о реальной науке. 16. Науке приходилось часто вступать в конфликт с религией, которая пыталась найти следы ереси в научных представлениях о космосе, происхождении и структуре земли и особенно в научных представлениях о происхождении человечества. Pre-text exercises

14. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:

parabolic, telescope, phase, talented, publicist, popularize, alternative, dynamics, basis, gravity, demonstration, experiment, idea, pioneer, provision, practice, elements, mass, energy, alchemists, metal, argument, gas, phenomenon, process, organic, system, symbol.Word building

15. Translate the following derivative words:

verb + -ment → noun

to depart – department, to measure – measurement, to govern – government, to equip – equipment; adjective +-ity → noun responsible – responsibility, electric – electricity, probable – probability, possible – possibility, able – ability;, grave – gravity;noun + -ous → adjectivedanger – dangerous, religion – religious, glory – glorious, ambition – ambitious, fame – famous.

16. Form the words using suffixes: -ment: to move, to improve, to achieve; -ity: human, proper, curious, active, vain; -ous: autonomy, prestige, industry, victory, religion.

17. Form nouns using suffixes –ment, -tion, -ion, -ation. Translate the following derivative words:

to transform to produce to develop

to promote to reflect to construct

18. Form nouns using suffix –cy from thefollowing adjectives. Translate the following derivative words:

accurate private frequent

vacant urgent efficient

19. Choose the correct translation of the following words:

understandable понимать понятный понимание

meaningful значение значительный незначительный

creative творчество создавать творческий

solution решать решение разрешимый

competition конкурировать конкурент конкуренция

previously прежде, раньше предыдущий предшествовать

application применять применение применяемый

consumption потреблять потребление потребляемый

definition определять определение определяющий

efficiency эффективный эффективность давать эффект

20. Define to what parts of speech the following words belong, translate them:

architecture, winner, university, international, lecturer, constantly, organization, highly, exceptional, electronic, educational, historian, scholarship, racial, bountifully, treeless. communication, satisfy, dependency.

21. Translate into Russian the following phrases:

mathematical physicist, falling bodies, parabolic motion of projectiles, unfortunate controversy, significant contribution, motion of the earth, greatest achievements, half a century later, importance of demonstration, observation and experiment, modern science. Working on the text

22. Read and translate the text. There are three logical parts in it. Match the titles to these parts:

A. Galileo’s greatest achievements;

B. Galileo’s significant contribution to science;

C. Galileo’s entirely new ideas.


Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was the Italian mathematical physicist who discovered the laws of falling bodies and the parabolic motion of projectiles. He was the first to turn the newly invented telescope to the heavens, he was among the earliest observers of sun spots and the phases of Venus. A talented publicist, he helped to popularize the pursuit of science. However, his quarrelsome nature led him into an unfortunate controversy with the Church. His most significant contribution to science was his provision of the alternative to the Aristotelian dynamics. The motion of the earth thus became a conceptual possibility and scientists at last had a genuine criterion for choosing between the hypotheses of N. Copernicus and T. Brahe in the field of astronomy.

Galileo’s perhaps greatest achievements were in understanding how things move, which created the basis for the modern science of physics. For about 2000 years, people accepted the views of Aristotle on how things fall, why things stop and go, and how things get faster and slower – and remained blind to their senses. Galileo overturned Aristotle’s apparently common-sense views – and paved the way for Newton’s full understanding of force, motion and gravity half a century later.

It was Galileo’s insistence on the importance of demonstration, observation and experiment that proved Aristotle to be wrong, and led to insights and proofs of entirely new ideas. Galileo was not alone at the time in looking at things this way. The English thinker Francis Bacon was a pioneer of these methods. However, Galileo put them into practice with such a force and insight, and with such crucial effect, that he deserves to be called the father of modern science. Text and vocabulary exercises

23. Find in the text equivalents to the following phrases:

открыл законы; вновь созданный; солнечные пятна, популяризировал дело науки; вздорный характер; значительный вклад в науку; истинный критерий; выбор между; создали основу для; приняли убеждения; как предметы ускоряются и замедляются; опроверг несомненно здравые взгляды Аристотеля; именно настойчивое требование Галилео на важности… .

24. Chose among the words in brackets the one that corresponds to the text above to complete the sentences:

1. Galileo was among the earliest observers of ____ (a. sun rays; b. sun spots; c. heavens) and the phases of Venus. 2. Galileo’s quarrelsome nature led him into an unfortunate controversy with the _____ (a. church; b. government; c. people). 3. The motion of the earth thus became a conceptual (a. necessity; b. capability; c. possibility). 4. Galileo paved the way for Newton’s full _____ (a. definition; b. understanding; c. acceptance) of force, motion and gravity half a century later. 5. It was Galileo’s insistence on the importance of demonstration, observation and experiment that proved Aristotle to be wrong, and led to insights and proofs of entirely new ____ (a. thoughts; b. ideas; c. points of view).

25. Read the text once again. Make up questions to which the following words and word combinations are the answers.

1. The laws of falling bodies and the parabolic motion of projectiles.

2. The pursuit of science.

3. His provision of the alternative to the Aristotelian dynamics.

4. In understanding how things move.

5. For about 2000 years.

6. Galileo overturned Aristotle’s apparently common-sense views.

7. Galileo’s insistence on the importance of demonstration, observation and experiment.

8. Because Galileo put these methods into practice with such a force and insight, and with such crucial effect, that he deserves to be called the father of modern science.

26. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Галилео Галилей был творческим человеком, он имел много научных достижений. Среди самых выдающихся (notable) была идея о маятнике (pendulum) в качестве хронометра (timekeeper), что привело к созданию первых точных часов. Другим изобретением был термометр. Он изобрел также простой прибор для расчета (calculating) траектории метательного снаряда (missile).

Галилей построил телескоп в 1609 году и сделал несколько важных открытий. Наблюдая за ночным небом, он обнаружил горы на поверхности луны, спутники Юпитера. Он согласился с Коперником в том, что солнце, а не земля находится в центре вселенной.

Галилео Галилей опубликовал все свои открытия в работе, написанной на латинском языке, и назвал ее «Звездный вестник» (TheStarryMessenger).

27. Retell the text “Galileo – Father of the Modern Science”.28. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:chemistry, conservation, burning, oxygen, alchemists, ordinary, solid, liquid, gaseous, combustion, meticulous, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxides, oxidation Working on the text

29. Read and translate the text “Emergence of Science”. Find in it answers to the given questions.

The words and phrases below which you should memorize will help you to understand the text:

conservation – сохранение; oxygen – кислород; composition – состав; solid – твёрдый; liquid – жидкий; gaseous – газообразный; combustion – возгорание, горение; substance – субстанция, вещество; to champion the notion – отстаивать понятие; to underpin experiments – подкреплять эксперименты; nitrogen – азот.


1. Why do they call Antoine Lavoisier the father of chemistry?

Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) is said to have been the father of chemistry making the first list of elements, establishing the idea of conservation of mass and energy and discovering the true nature of burning and the role of oxygen.

2. Did scientists of the 18th century know much about the composition of the things?

Thanks to Newton and Galileo, scientists of the 18th century knew a lot about how and why things moved, but very little about their composition. Chemistry was still closely connected with alchemists searching for what they called ‘philosopher’s stone’ that would turn ordinary base metal into gold.

3. How did Lavoisier benefit from the work of British chemists and make significant advances in his own right?

A. Lavoisier undoubtedly benefited from the work of British chemists, and there have been some arguments over who achieved what. But it was A. Lavoisier who pulled it all together and made all significant advances in his own right. It was A. Lavoisier who realized that every substance can exist in three states – solid, liquid and gaseous. He also showed that air has a mass and may be a mixture of gases (oxygen and nitrogen, which he called azote). He showed that water is a compound of two gases. He also proved that the phlogiston idea of burning, which dominated at that time was wrong and gave us modern theory of combustion.

4. What did the notion of exact measurement and the idea of conservation of mass, which Lavoisier championed, imply?

A. Lavoisier was a meticulous experimenter who championed the notion of exact measurement and the idea of conservation of mass, implying that whatever changes substances undergo in an experiment, no mass is ever lost. This crucial insight not only helped him prove the true nature of combustion, but still underpins all experiments with matter even today. In 1774, the English chemist J. Priestly noticed that a candle burned with an unusually strong flame in the presence of unknown gas. On a visit to Paris the following year, he met A. Lavoisier and told him about this phenomenon. A. Lavoisier at once did a series of experiments with the new gas and with air.

5. What did Lavoisier learn from a series of experiments with the new gas and with air?

Lavoisier learnt from these that air is made up from two gases: firstly, the gas that is involved in combustion, which Lavoisier called oxygen and secondly, the gas that came to be called nitrogen, and which he called azote.

6. What properties of oxygen did Lavoisier show?

Even more importantly, Lavoisier went on to show that burning is closely related to breathing, and that they both involve oxygen. Our lungs take in the oxygen we need from the air and expel carbon dioxide. He also showed that oxygen reacts with metals to form oxides, a process called oxidation. Rusting, rotting organic matter and burning wood are all kinds of oxidation.

7. What field of science did Lavoisier establish? Where did he summarize the results of his work?

Lavoisier was aware how important his work was, and was determined to show that he was establishing a new field of science, experimental chemistry. Firstly, in 1787, he published a method for naming chemicals according to their properties, and the system of symbols as shorthand for them that chemists still use today. Secondly, he wrote a major summary of the field in his ‘Treate Elementaire de Chemie’ in 1789.

Text and vocabulary exercises

30. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

основоположник химии; открыть истинную сущность горения и роли кислорода; очень мало знали об их составе; быть тесно связанной с; который превратил бы обычный, основной металл в золото; предполагая, что каким бы изменениям не подвергались вещества в эксперименте, масса никогда не теряется; существовать в трех состояниях; смесь газов; соединение газов; по праву сделал значительное продвижение; щепетильный экспериментатор; которые превалировали в то время; потрясающая проницательность; оба включают в себя кислород; виды окисления; согласно их свойствам; кислород вступает в реакцию с металлами и образует окиси.

31. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

alchemists searching for what they called ‘philosopher’s stone’; some arguments over who achieved what; who pulled it all together; gave us modern theory of combustion; but still underpins all experiments with matter even today; in the presence of unknown gas; a process called oxidation; rusting, rotting organic matter and burning wood; a method for naming chemicals; as shorthand for them.

32. Match a line in A with a line in B to make sentences.



1) Antoine Lavoisier established

a) how and why things moved.

2) Air has a mass and may be

b) every substance can exist in three states – solid, liquid and gaseous.

3) Lavoisier did a series of

c) breathing, and they both involve oxygen.

4) Scientists of the 18th century knew a lot about

d) the idea of conservation of mass.

5) Lavoisier realized that

e) a mixture of gases (oxygen and nitrogen).

6) Burning is closely related to

f) experiments with the new gas and with air.

33. Give a short summary of the text “Emergence of Science”.
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