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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Who is used to ask about the subject and the object. Compare:

Asking about the object

Asking about the subject






is talking

to my friend

My friend

is talking

to Ken.


is Ken talking



is talking

to Ken.

Exercise 7. Ask questions about the information in italics.

1. We are laughing because the film is very funny.

2. Nancy is learning two foreign languages.

3. The secretary is typing some letters.

4. They are meeting at 8 o'clock in the evening.

5. Dolly is wearing a fur coat.

6. They are dancing in the disco.

7. John is watching TV in the living room.

8. I'm translating a very difficult text.
Exercise 8. Ask subject and object questions.

Example: They're waiting for the bus. - Who is waiting for the bus?

What are they waiting for?

1. They're laughing at Tom's jokes.

2. We're waiting for the lecturer.

3. She's talking about yesterday's party.

4. Bob's looking through his notes.

5. I'm looking for the keys.

6. Eric is shaking hands with Ken's brother.
Tag questions



listening to a new group,

aren't I?

- Yes, you are./ No, you aren't.



looking after the baby,

aren't you?

- Yes, I am. /No, I am not

He/ She


living in Paris just now

isn't he/she?

- Yes, he is./No, he isn't. - Yes, she is./ No, she isn't.



working properly,

isn't it?

- Yes, it is./No, it isn't.





lying in the sun now,





- Yes, we are./ No, we aren't.

- Yes, you are./ No, you aren't.

- Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.


am not

killing the time,

am I?

- No, you aren't./Yes, you are.



wearing my tie,

are you?

- No, I'm not./ Yes, I am.

He/ She


playing chess,

is he/she?

- No, he/she isn't. / Yes, he/she is.




is it?

- No, it isn't./ Yes, it is.










- No, we/you/they aren't./ Yes, we/you/they are.

Exercise 9. Give the correct tag to these sentences.

1. Bill's wearing Levi's jeans, _?

2. They're enjoying the party, _?

3. It's getting dark, _?

4. I'm having an English class, _?

5. The children aren't watching TV, _?

6. The tape recorder isn't working, _?

7. I'm not studying hard, _?
Exercise 10. Put the words in the correct order to make questions in the Present Continuous.

Example: cooking/are/you/what. - What are you cooking?

1) to/you/who/talking/are?

2) moment/book/reading/at/you/the/which/are?

3) downstairs/the/who/piano/playing/is?

4) at/you/why/me/are/laughing?

5) that/Mexican/is/again/wearing/funny/hat/she?

6) Ann/for/is/who/waiting?

7) clothes/she/kind/designing/of/is/what?

Present Continuous vs. Present Simple

Present Continuous

Present Simple

a temporary situation/ action

She's living with her relatives until she gets a hostel accommodation.

a permanent situation/ action

She lives in Kiev.

an action that happens too often (in a negative sense)

He's always coming to work late.

an action that happens regularly (in a positive sense)

He always comes to work at 8.30.

a planned future action

My mother is coming tomorrow.

a future action (for time tables)

The train comes at 7.45 a.m.

with sense verbs to express an action to see (= to meet)

I'm seeing him tonight.

She is tasting this new ice-cream right now.

The cat is smelling the food.

The customer is feeling the fur coat.

with sense verbs and other verbs not used in the Continuous Tense

She looks great!

The water feels cold.

The dish smells delicious.

This coffee tastes bitter.

The idea sounds great!

I prefer tea to coffee.

He doesn't belong to any political party.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets to express a permanent or a temporary action.

1. The car isn't here today because Sheila _ (use) it. She generally _ (use) the bus, but the drivers are on strike.

2. I _ (stay) with my parents at the moment, though I _ (have) my own flat.

3. They usually _ (work) at the weekends, but they _ (not work) at the moment.

4. The Moon _ (go) round the Earth.

5. I hear Bob's got a new job. How _ he _ (get) on?

6. Leave me alone! I _ (try) to concentrate.

7. Robert is a vegetarian. He _ (not eat) meat.
Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using always. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

Example: Simon is very untidy. He is always leaving (leave) his clothes lying on the bathroom floor. Lawrence always does (do) the same things every day.

1. My sister really makes me angry. She _ (borrow) my things without asking me.

2. I _ (buy) milk in that shop.

3. My memory is getting very bad these days. I _ (forget) things.

4. Peter _ (catch) the 8.05 train home.

5. Her younger brother _ (lose) the keys.

6. My neighbors are too noisy. They _ (shout) at each other.
Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tense to express a future action.

1. The swimming pool _ (close) at 18.30 in the evening.

2. We _ (visit) some friends in Scotland next week.

3. Ann and Pete _ (not go) away for their holidays next month because they haven't got enough money.

4. George _ (get) married next week.

5. Tonight's concert _ (begin) at 7 o'clock and it _ (not end) until 11 o'clock.

6. I _ (meet) John at 3 o'clock.

7. What time _ the tennis tournament _ tomorrow evening? (open)
Exercise 14. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.

Example: I'm thinking this is your key.

wrong - I think ...

I'm feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? - right

1. The dessert is great. It is tasting really good.

2. Sam, you aren't listening! What do you think about?

3. I think you are tired, aren't you?

4. What is he talking about? I'm not understanding.

5. Do you look for me?

6. What does this mean?

7. I'm looking forward to my holiday.
To be going to

to be going to is used:

to talk about a plan or an intention to do something in the future (decided before the time of speaking)

She's going to live in Spain for a year.

to make a prediction (a future result of something in the present)

Look at those black clouds in the sky! It's going to rain.
Exercise 15. Complete the sentences with going to and the verbs in brackets.

Example: Jill is going to be very pleased with her present. (be)

The trip is too dangerous. I am not going to make it. (not/make)

1. My friends _ their tent with them. (bring)

2. He _ for a new job soon. (not/look)

3. Your driving is terrible. You _ your test. (not/pass)

4. _ Kate _ that film on television tonight? (watch)

5. We _ with our relatives, (not/stay) We _ a hotel. (find)

6. _ they _ another car? (get)

7. The sky looks very grey. It _ in a minute. (rain)

8. I _ David's parents tomorrow night. (meet)
Exercise 16. Write the correct form of going to and use one of these verbs to complete the sentences. Use each verb only once.

borrow, be, tell, miss, wear, drive, stay, fail

Example: Look at the sun! It is going to be hot today.

1. You aren't working very hard. I think you _ your exam.

2. Paul doesn't like travelling by plane. So he _.

3. What _ you _ at the party on Saturday?

4. The bus is very slow. I think we _ the train.

5. They _ some money from the bank.

6. The weather is terrible. We _ at home today.

7. Who __ him the news?
Would like to do vs. like doing

Would like to ...

Like ... -ing

Means that you want to do something now or in the future

I would like to give a party. =

I want to give a party.

Means that you always (usually/often) enjoy doing something

I like giving parties. =

I enjoy giving parties.

Exercise 17. Match a line in A with a line in B.

1. It's winter and I'm cold.

A. I’d like to be a millionaire.

2. I'm hungry.

B. We’d like to listen to some music.

3. I don't have much money.

C. She’d like to see a dentist.

4. Jane has got a toothache.

D. They’d like to have a dog.

5. They haven't got a pet.

E. Her parents would like to take her to hospital.

6. Turn up the radio, please.

F. They’d like to live in the country.

7. They don't like cities.

G. I’d like to have a big meal.

8. Karen is seriously ill.

H. I’d like to lie on beach in Miami

Exercise 18. Make sentences with like or would like.

Example: Tom has all the "Beatles" records. - He likes (listening to) the "Beatles".

It's Judy's birthday tomorrow. - She'd like (to get) some nice presents.

1. There's a good film on TV tonight.

2. I don't want to go out tonight.

3. Mike's car is very old.

4. Jane and Ned always go to the mountains in winter.

5. I've got a lot of video cassettes.

6. My friend buys a lot of CDs.
Exercise 19. Match a question in column A with an answer in
column B



1. What do you like doing at weekends?

a. No, I never eat junk food.

2. Do you like getting up early?

b. I like working alone.

3. Would Kelly like to work for Mr Green?

c. Sure, my spoken English isn't good enough.

4. Do you like doing your homework alone or with some of your friends?

d. No, I'm not an early bird.

5. Do you like hamburgers and crisps?

e. No, thanks. I prefer tea.

6. Would you like to speak more in your English class?

f. No, she thinks he's too bossy.

7. Would you like a cup of hot coffee

g. Meeting my friends and having fun

Exercise 20. Write suitable questions for the following answers using:

What ... like?

It's snowing again. - What's the weather like?

What do/does ... like doing?

I like reading. - What do you like doing in the evening?

What would...like to do?

I'd like to have a rest. - What would you like to do now?

What do/does ... look like?

He's handsome, tall and a bit fat. - What does her boyfriend look like?
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