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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Exercise 14. Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb).

Example: You speak German perfect /perfectly - just like a native.

You speak German perfectly - just like a native.

1. Please talk quiet/quietly. I don't want to wake up the baby.

2. Don't drive so quick/quickly. It's dangerous.

3. In summer it hard/hardly rains at all in this part of the country.

4. Please don't be angry/angrily with me.

5. It's about midnight and I'm near/nearly asleep.

6. He plays the guitar good /well.

7. The music is too loud/loudly. We can't talk.

8. His English is very good/well.

9. It's dangerous /dangerously to swim in the sea here.

10. Her friend's brother lives near/nearly, in the same neighborhood.
Exercise 15. Change the adjectives into adverbs or adverbial phrases in the following sentences.

Example: He's a bad driver. He drives badly.

1. She's a hard worker. She works __.

2. My sister is a good cook. She cooks __.

3. He's a fast runner. He runs __.

4. She's glad to help. She helps __.

5. That restaurant isn't far away from here. We don't have to go __.

6. Don't be so unfriendly! Don't look at me __.

7. He's a quick thinker. He thinks __.

8. Be careful! Act __.
Adverbs of place (answer the question where?)

They work here.

His house is situated at the end of the street.
Exercise 16. Complete the sentences with the prepositions of place: at, in, on.

1. He lives ___ the corner of Green Street and Links Road.

2. My uncle and aunt live ___ Milan now.

3. We usually meet ___ the station.

4. There's some tea ___ the shelf ___ the cupboard.

5. Turin is ___ the north of Italy, ___ the river Po.

6. My brother isn't ___ work today, it's his day off.

7. We meet ___ town every Sunday morning.
Adverbs of time (answer the question when?)

He gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

The conference starts on the 10th of October.
Exercise 17. Read the text and complete it with the prepositions of time: at, in, on.

Kevin works as a receptionist in a big hotel. He gets up ___ (1) seven every day and then goes jogging in the park before breakfast. He has his lunch in the hotel ___ (2)noon almost every day, but ___ (3) Wednesdays he meets a group of friends at a restaurant. He trains a youth-club volleyball team two evenings a week ___ (4) winter. It starts ___ (5) September and ends ___ (6) May. They play in a league.

It's different___ (7) weekends. He usually stays in bed late and gets up ___ (8) nine or nine-thirty. He's always busy ___ (9) Saturdays ___ (10) winter. His volleyball team often have their matches ___ (11) Saturday mornings and ___ (12) the afternoons he usually watches his old school team's basketball matches. He often has friends in for dinner ___ (13) Saturday evenings. ___ (14) Sundays his elder daughter, Helen, usually cooks lunch, and it's very nice to get home___ (15) lunch-time, and find a delicious meal ready. ___ (16) the evening Kevin and his family go out to the theatre or to the cinema. Of course,___(17) Christmas they are all together at home but ___ (18) New Year's Day they go to his parents' house.

Kevin's birthday is ___ (19) the 1st of November and they usually eat out in the city center.

Kevin and his wife, Kelly, are interested in flower arranging. ___ (20) Wednesday they go to flower arranging classes.
Word order: adverbs of manner, place and time

Subject + Verb




I work

The children do



at the office

at school


this year.

Subject + Verb+ Object




We sell our products

She finishes work



in the homemarket

all through the year.

on Friday.

Exercise 18. Rewrite these sentences in the correct order.

1. The children play / after lunch / quietly / in the garden.

2. We work / on Sunday/ in the studio / hard.

3. He drinks / in the morning/ his coffee / quickly.

4.1 do / very carefully / in the evening / my homework.

5. It snows / in the north of Scotland / heavily / in winter.

6. Our friends go dancing / at weekends / to a disco club.
Adverbs of frequency

always, generally, often, frequently, usually, normally, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never, ever

These adverbs normally go before a full verb, but after be or an auxiliary verb. They usually watch TV.

She never eats sweets.

I always go to work by bus.
BUT: They are usually in bed by 11.30.
Sometimes, usually, normally, frequently, often and generally canalso come after the subject in negative sentences.

We normally don't worry if the teacher is late.

These adverbs can also go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.

Sometimes I read books on historical topics.

Do you see your parents often?
All the time, every (other) day, several times a week, once a week, once in a while, not even once, etc.normally go at the end (or at the beginning) of a sentence

They watch news programmes every evening.

I do aerobics twice a week.
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearlynormally go at the end of a sentence.

I receive mail daily.
Exercise 19. Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Example: She always tries to visit her parents at the weekends. (always).

1. They listen to the radio. (every morning).

2. I'm at home before 8 o'clock. (seldom).

3. I brush my teeth. (always/three times a day).

4. My parents don't come to see me. (often).

5. They don't get up late from Monday to Friday. (usually).

6. He is late for work. (almost never).

7. I play the piano. (rarely).

8. The boss is out. (frequently).

9. My father smokes more than ten cigarettes a day. (hardly ever).
Adverbs of degree

fairly, extremely, awfully, terribly, etc. are used:

a) before adjectives and other adverbs.

He works in a fairly large office.

My friend is extremely intelligent.

b) before the main verb

I fairly enjoy our visit to the art gallery.

quite and rather


The task is quite difficult.

She speaks English rather fluently.

I quite like football but it's not my favourite sport.

quite = means "less than very"

He's quite intelligent. (= less than very intelligent)

quite = means "completely" with some words:










certain, etc.

The meeting tomorrow is quite impossible.

Are you sure? - I'm quite sure.

quite a (an) + NOUN

It's quite an interesting film.

rather + negative words or ideas = "quite"

He's rather lazy. (= He's quite lazy.)

rather + positive words or ideas = "surprisingly, unusually"

These oranges are rather nice. (= These oranges are surprisingly/unusually nice.)

rather a (an) + NOUN or a rather + NOUN

It's rather an interesting film. It's a rather interesting film.

too and very

She's a good worker. She works very quickly.

He works too quickly and makes a lot of mistakes.

too (= more than necessary or more than good)


The prices in that shop are too high.

He drives too dangerously.


Doctors say that too much sugar is bad for you.

There are too many mistakes in your test.

too and enough

They haven't got enough money to eat in restaurants every day. It's too expensive.


She is old enough to get married. He doesn't work quickly enough.

enough + NOUN

We've got enough money to buy that car now.
Exercise 20. Put the adverbs of degree in the correct place in the sentences. Choose from the box.

аwfully extremely pretty terribly fairly very completely

1. His new book is __ good. I think it's one of his best.

2. She sings __ well.

3. He's got __ much money.

4. The traffic is __ slow today.

5. I'm __ sorry about this.

6.1 __ disagree with John Taylor.

7. Maria speaks English __ well, doesn't she?
Exercise 21. Complete these sentences with the words in brackets. Use quite with the positive word and rather with the negative one.

Example: Sue is quite clever but rather lazy, (clever/lazy).

1. The weather is __ but __. (warm/windy).

2. Julia's flat is __ but __. (comfortable/untidy).

3. The water in the pool is __ but __. (warm/dirty).

4. The song is __ but __. (good/long).

5. The film is __ but __. (exciting/frightening).

6. The car goes __ but it's __. (well/noisy).
Exercise 22. Complete the sentences using the correct word in brackets.

1. He's not at all like his sister; they are __ different. (quite/rather).

2. There is nothing in the envelope. It's __ empty. (quite/rather).

3. Today the weather is __ bad. It's much worse than yesterday. (quite/rather).

4. The book is __ boring. Don't read it! (quite/rather).

5. I'm afraid I can't do what you ask. It's __ impossible. (quite/rather).

6. Jane's health is __ poor. (quite/rather).
Exercise 23. Rewrite the following sentences with rather a (an) or quite a (an).

Example: The book is rather interesting. - It's rather an interesting book. The boy is quite smart. - He's quite a smart boy.

1. Our house is quite big. It's __.

2. The car is rather expensive. It's __.

3. Pam is rather naughty. She's __.

4. The problem is rather difficult. It's __.

5. His job is quite challenging. It's __.

6. The town is rather pleasant. It's __.
Exercise 24. Complete the sentences. Use too and enough. Use the words in brackets.

Example: (loud/soft) I can't hear the music. It isn't loud enough. It's too soft.

1. (big/small) The dictionary isn't __. It's __.

2. (wide/narrow) This is an old street. It's __. It isn't __.

3. (bad/good) Jim's test paper is __. It isn't __.

4. (safe/dangerous) Careful! The road isn't __. It's __.

5. (old/modern) Their furniture is __. It isn't __.

6. (quiet/noisy) Our neighbourhood isn't __. It's __.
Exercise 25.Complete each sentence using too and enough and an adjective or adverb in the box.

warm much big old many early small expensive big

Example: We can't go to the beach today because the weather isn't warm enough. There's too much salt in this soup. I can't eat it.

1. This jacket is ___ for me. It's not my size.

2. The flat isn't really __ for all of us. We need a bigger one.

3. It's __ to have dinner. It's only four o'clock.

4. Ted isn't __ to drive a car. He's 14.

5. I can't buy this dress. It's __.

6. The bus is overcrowded. There are __ people on it.



too = also

is used at the end of positive sentences.

I like tea and I like coffee, too.

either = also

is used at the end of negative sentences

I don't like tea and I don't like coffee, either.

Exercise 26. Complete the sentences with too and either.

1. I like walking and I like cycling, __.

2. She can't speak French and she can't speak German, __.

3. I know John well and I like him, __.

4. Frank writes novels and he writes TV scripts, __.

5. I don't drink too much coffee and I don't smoke, __.

6. They work hard during the week and they work hard at the weekends, __.
Exercise 27. Rewrite the following sentences with too. Use the words in brackets.

Example: I can't drink the coffee, (hot). It's too hot.

The coffee is freshly-made and it's also hot. ... and it's hot, too.

1. I don't walk to work. (far)

2. Millie doesn't want to buy that jacket. It's bright red and also expensive.

3. Charlie hates commercials. (boring)

4. I play volleyball and I also play tennis.

5. People don't swim in the Moskva River. (dirty)

6. In the evening I usually listen to some music and I also watch video.
So do I/neither do I





Pete is a good student. So am I. (= I'm a good student, too).

Helen enjoys parties. So does her husband. (= He enjoys parties, too.)

Paul has got a lot of relatives. So have we. (= We've got a lot of relatives, too.)


Nick is never late for classes. Neither/Nor are they.

(= They're not late for classes, either.)

Fred doesn't get up early on Sunday. Neither/Nor do I.

(= I don't get up early on Sundays, either.)

Mike hasn't got a computer. Neither/Nor has she.

(= She hasn't got a computer, either.)

Exercise 28. Give the appropriate response to the following remarks. Use the words in brackets.

Example: I usually go to bed late. (Bob) - So does Bob.

Jane isn't fond of computer games. (her husband) - Neither is her husband.

1. Jack enjoys traveling. (Mike)__

2. I'm not very fond of pop music. (My friends)__

3. Bill is hungry. (I)__

4. She hasn't got Reebok sportswear. (I)__

5. They don't write letters very often. (We)__

6. I don't want to go to bed so early. (She)__

7. Andrew sometimes goes jogging in the morning. (Denis and Victor)__

8. Joe isn't lazy. (I)__

9. Pam's got a lot of friends. (Diana and Lucia)__

10. Tonya needs a holiday. (I)__
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