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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Exercise 29. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

1. Be careful! Don't hurt __.

2. I'm often displeased with __.

3. Doris doesn't love anyone. She's in love with __.

4. Jim's test paper is the best. He's proud of __.

5. Tim, the cake is delicious. Please, help __.

6. I want to speak to the director __, not his secretary.

7. The idea __ is very interesting.

8. Sue's children are too young to look after __.

9. When we go to a party, we always enjoy __.
Exercise 30.Rewrite the sentences with by + a reflexive pronoun.

Example: Don't go out alone! - Don't go out by yourself!

1. Many old people live alone.

2. What's going on? Every time I see you, you are alone!

3. "Now that our children are at college," says Mrs Taylor, "we live alone."

4. Little Liz has got no brothers or sisters. She often plays alone.

5. Jack likes going to the cinema alone.

6. Sometimes I don't want to see anybody. I want to be alone.
Themselves/ourselves vs. each other/one another

Sue and I can take care of ourselves.

(= Sue can take care of herself and I can take care of myself.)

Sue and I can take care of each other.

(= Sue can take care of me and I can take care of her.)

Each other (for two people or things)

Chris and Sue often help each other.

One another

for two people or things

They are looking at one other.

for more than two people or things

We should all try to help one another.

Exercise 31. Write sentences with each other or one another.

Example: William and Debby understand each other/one another very well.

1. My pen friend and I write to __ every month.

2. They are good friends. They like __ very much.

3. Mike and Sue phone __ every evening.

4. You and your friends often give __ presents.

5. We seldom agree with __.

6. Many countries are competing with __.
Exercise 32. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns each other/one another or bу + a reflexive pronoun or -.

1. You are so dirty! Look at __ in the mirror.

2. The town __ is so small that it doesn't even have a bank.

3. I don't need his company. I want to go out __.

4. When they go on holiday they always enjoy __.

5. He's only 2 years old but he can dress __.

6. Kelly and Albert study at the same college but they seldom see __.

7. When Klod and Jenny go to a student pub she often pays for __.

8. You can't go to the mountains __. It's too dangerous.

Indefinite article

Zero article

Definite article


in exclamations before singular countable nouns

What a nice day!

Such a long queue!

in exclamations before uncountable and plural countable nouns

What_ terrible weather!

Such _pretty girls!

with “unique” nouns the sky, the sun, the stars, the moon, etc.

The sun is shining brightly.

to talk about a class of people

the + Adjective= Nounthe old = old people in general.

The poor get poorer the rich get richer.

Exercise 33. Complete the following sentences with a / an, the or —.

1. What __ lovely day!

2. In St John's Park there is a special garden for_ blind with strongly scented flowers.

3. The man over there is collecting money for _injured.

4. How many stars are there in __ sky?

5. I enjoy lying in __ sun.

6. What __ beautiful weather!

7. Jack is such __ bore!

8. Would you like to travel round __ world?

9. What __ nice people the Browns are!

10. __ moon looks beautiful tonight.

11. Such __ fast car! I myself would like to own it,

Exercise 34. Complete the conversation with a / an, the or —.

- What __ (1) beautiful day today! I'd like to go to __ (2) beach.

- Yes, but __ (3) beach is always being crowded! I’d like to stay at __ (4) home and sit in __ (5) garden, We can have__(6) lunch in__(7) garden.

- But I'd like to go out. I'm going back to __ (8) work tomorrow and this is __ (9) last day of my holiday.

- Well, we could go out tonight. There's __ (10) good film on at __ (11) cinema, or we could go to __ (12) theatre.

- O.K. but __ (13) theatre's too expensive. It’s about $25 __ (14) seat.

- That's true. We may go to __ (15) cinema then. Or we could stay here and watch __ (16) television.

- Oh, no. That's boring. I want to go to __ (17) cinema.

- And this afternoon?

- You can stay here but I think I'll go to __ (18) town.

- Can you do __ (19) shopping when you are in town?

- Oh, all right.


to feel nervous - нервувати

to feel restless - почуватися неспокійно

stranger - незнайома людина, іноземець

blind - сліпий

to go blind - сліпнути

blind date - побачення з незнайомою людиною

graduation - закінчення (вищого навчального закладу)

top grades - найвищі оцінки

brush up (English) - відновлювати знання (англійської мови)

to show smb around - показувати комусь місто і т. ін.

to be interested (in) - цікавитись

to feel at home - почуватися як вдома

outgoing - товариський

shy - сором’язливий

smart dresser - людина, яка одягається модно, елегантно

casual clothes - повсякденний одяг

to wear (wore, worn) - носити

jeans - джинси

T-shirt - футболка

trainers - кеди

trousers - штани

jacket - куртка

shoes - туфлі

shirt - сорочка

tie - краватка

to take chances - ризикувати

slim - стрункий

to burst out laughing - розсміятися

at the first sight - з першого погляду

belt - ремінь

blouse - блуза

cardigan - жакет

to mind - заперечувати, бути проти

I don’t mind - Я не проти.
Read the text below. Use your dictionary to help.
It's Saturday, 2 p.m. Paul's feeling restless and a bit nervous. It's natural. After all it's his first blind date! Tonight he is meeting Greta, Hans's cousin, "a beautiful stranger" as he calls her to himself. Greta comes from Bonn but now she's living in Bristol with a British family. She is an au pair girl. She does light work in the house and helps with the children in return for learning English. Greta would like to work in Britain after graduation. So she doesn't only need top grades in most subjects but good knowledge of spoken English as well. Greta hopes that her three months' stay in Bristol will help her brush up her English. She asked Hans to introduce her to one of his friends.

It's Greta's first visit to Oxford, so Paul is planning to show her around and then go to a disco to dance. He thinks it's O.K. for a start. But what if she doesn't like dancing? Unlikely, of course, but possible. Perhaps she's interested in jazz. Well, no problem. He can take her to a jazz club instead. But what if she doesn't like jazz either? Where else can they go? And then Paul remembers. Sabine is giving a party tonight. Why not go there? Paul always enjoys her parties. Sabine is a wonderful hostess. She seems to have a gift for entertaining people. Even if they don't know each other very well they feel at home when she's around. But Greta? What kind of girl is she? Is she an outgoing person like Sabine or is she too shy to go to a party of strangers with a boy she hardly knows? Well, in case she feels uncomfortable, they can leave. It is worth a try, anyway. Now that Paul has finally got something to offer he feels a little better. What is he going to wear? Paul opens his wardrobe and looks at his "collection" of clothes. The choice is rather limited. Paul isn't a smart dresser. He prefers casual clothes - jeans, T-shirts and trainers. The nicest and oldest thing he has is a black jacket. He feels good when he is wearing it. He can wear it with anything - it looks great when he wears it with trousers and casual when he puts on jeans. The jacket is Paul's favourite. Paul usually dresses for himself but today it's different. He wants to look especially nice and attractive. He's going to wear grey trousers, black shoes, a white shirt with a striped tie and of course, the jacket (for luck!). You can't take chances on a day like that! Paul looks at the clock. My God! It's well past 4! He is going to be late! He promised to pick up Greta at 5. Paul gets dressed, looks at himself in the mirror, combs his hair and hurriedly leaves the house.

At exactly 5 o'clock he knocks on Hans's door. The door opens almost immediately and Paul sees a tall slim blonde girl. She is smiling. "Paul?" - "Greta?" - "Hello!" They both say at the same time and burst out laughing. Paul is no longer nervous. He likes the girl at first sight. He just can't take his eyes off her. Greta looks wonderful. She is wearing tight dark blue jeans with a leather belt, a pink silk blouse and a long matching cardigan.

"Well, where shall we go first?" she asks still smiling.

"I'm going to take you on a tour around Oxford", Paul says and adds, "if you don't mind."

"Not in the least. I'd love to."

"And after that we can go to a disco, to a club or to a party. Decide for yourself."

"Sorry, Paul. I'm afraid I'm too tired tonight to go anywhere else. Let's just take a long walk and talk about ourselves. We can enjoy Oxford night life some other time."

"O.K. How about tomorrow?"

"Why not go to France on a day trip? We can take a train through the Chunnel."

Paul gasps. Gosh! What a girl! She is VERY special!
I. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. Paul is nervous because he's going blind.

2. Paul usually meets Greta on Saturday.

3. Greta is German.

4. Now Greta is living in Bristol to help the children learn English.

5. Greta is going to stay in Bristol for 3 months.

6. Greta is planning to brush up her English after graduation.

7. Instead of meeting Greta, Paul finally decides to go to Sabine's party.

8. Sabine is an outgoing person who everybody likes.

9. Paul feels comfortable because he knows what he can suggest to Greta to entertain her.

10. Paul is going to put on something trendy to impress Greta.

11. Paul's favorite thing in his "collection" of clothes is his black jumper.

12. Paul is late for his first blind date.

13. Paul and Greta look happy because they like each other at first sight.

14. Paul is staring at Greta because she looks rather strange in her leather jeans and a pink silk blouse.

15. They decide to go on a sightseeing trip around Oxford.
II. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. __? — It's 2 p.m.

2. __? — Greta.

3. __? — From Bonn.

4. __? — In Bristol.

5. __? — To work in Britain.

6. __? — Because it's Greta's first visit to Oxford.

7. __? — Sabine (is).

8. __? — Because Sabine is a wonderful hostess.

9. __? — His black jacket.

10. __? — Grey trousers, black shoes, a white shirt and his jacket.

11. __? — At exactly 5 o'clock.

12. __? — At Hans's place.

13. __? — She's tall and slim.

14. __? — Blonde.

15. __? — Because Greta looks great.

16. __? — Blue jeans, pink silk blouse and a long cardigan.

17. __? — Some other time.
ІІІ. Find in the text English equivalents for these words combinations and sentences.

Прекрасна незнайомка, побачення з незнайомою людиною, нервувати, найвищі оцінки по предметах, відновлювати знання з англійської мови, цікавитися джазом, влаштовувати вечірку, почуватися як вдома, почуватися незручно, повсякденний одяг, футболка, шовкова блуза, сорочка, жакет, шкіряний ремінь , краватка в смужку, виглядати особливо гарно та привабливо. Пол почувається неспокійно і трохи нервує. Сабіна - чудова господиня. У всякому разі варто спробувати. Йому подобається дівчина з першого погляду. Він не може відвести від неї очей. Не можна ризикувати у такий день.
IV. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

To come from, knowledge of spoken English, to show smb. around, to give a party, to have a gift for entertaining people, an outgoing person, a smart dresser, casual clothes, for luck, to pick smb. up, to burst out laughing, to take smb on a tour.
V. Give a summary of the text.
VI. Complete these sentences. Use active words and word combinations.

1. My friend likes wearing casual clothes. She isn’t a ___ . 2. The girl is so beautiful that he can’t ___ her. 3. I’m afraid, my granny is going ___. 4. Let me know when you are coming to Kyiv and I’ll ___ . 5. After ___ she wants to travel round the world. 6. I always ___ before exams. 7. I must ___ my French before I go to Paris. 8 She’s working hard to get good ___ in all subjects. 9. Everybody likes Denis. He is an ___ person. 10. Do you ___ in the new apartment? 11. “Do you ___ if I smoke?” “No, not at all.”
VII. Translate into English.

1. Анна завжди почувається як вдома в будь-якій компанії. 2. “Ти не проти, якщо я прийду на вечірку зі своїм другом?” “Ні, нітрохи”. 3. “Що ти збираєшся робить після закінчення інституту?” “Я планую поїхати за кордон.” 4. У нього найкращі оцінки майже з усіх предметів. 5. Барбара - поліцейський. Їй дуже подобається її форма. Вона носить білу сорочку, чорну куртку, чорні штани або спідницю. Барбара ненавидить свої туфлі. Вони здаються дуже великими. 6. Мій брат дуже сором’язливий і завжди почувається незручно серед незнайомих людей. 7. Вона надає перевагу повсякденному одягу. Її улюблений одяг - це джинси і футболка. 8. Подивись на ту гарну дівчину. Вона одягнута в рожеву шовкову блузу і темну спідницю. Я не можу відвести від неї очей. 9. Яка жахлива погода! 10. Сергій зараз у Лондоні. Він гостює у своїх друзів. 11. “Що шукає твій дідусь?” - “Окуляри, він завжди їх губить.” 12. Ти знаєш кого-небудь у цьому місті? 13. Я хочу показати вам наш коледж.

Useful Words and Expressions



(a pair of) shoes; high/low-heeled shoes;

(a pair of) boots; top (high) boots;

(a pair of) sandals.


(a pair of) socks/stockings/tights;

(a pair of) knickers (Br. E); (a pair of) panties (Am. E.);

(a pair of) underpants.


(a pair of) slippers;

a dressing gown.

Outer clothes

(a pair of) trousers;

a cardigan;

a dress;

a blouse;

a skirt;

a shirt;

a suit; a trouser suit; two-/three-piece suit;

a jacket;

a waistcoat;

an evening gown;

a dinner jacket (Br. E);

a belt;

a tie;

a coat/raincoat/fur coat;

a (head) scarf;

(a pair of) gloves;

(a pair of) mittens;

a hat;

a cap;

a beret;

a (telescopic) umbrella.


(a pair of) jeans/shorts;

a sweater/pullover/jumper;

a polo-neck jumper;

a T-shirt;

a sweatshirt;

(a pair of)sneakers;

(a pair of) sports shoes;

(a pair of) trainers.
























patent leather










How things fit:




close-fitting/tightly fitting

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