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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Exercise 23. Complete the following sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. (early) _ examples of writing are pictures on clay tablets from the Middle East and Southern Europe.

2. One of (large) _ English Dictionaries - Webster's Third New International Dictionary - has over 450,000 entries.

3. The languages of South-East Asia have (great) _ number of vowel sounds.

4. Native American language Mohawk has (few) _ number of consonant sounds - seven.

5. (short) _ alphabet in the world (Rotokas, from the Solomon Islands) has only seven letters.

6. (long) _ alphabet in the world is Cambodian, with seventy-four letters.

7. (far) _ planet from the Sun is Pluto.

8. Dolphins are _ (intelligent) mammals in the world.
Exercise 24. Make up sentences. Put the adjectives in italics in the comparative and superlative form.

Example: My room's big. (in the house) => My room's bigger than the others. My room is the biggest in the house. This information's important. (of all) => This information is more important than yours. My information is the most important of all.

1. My room's cold. (in the flat).

2. This garden's nice. (in the street).

3. My desk is tidy. (in the office).

4. My English is good. (in the group).

5. My flat is small. (in the house).

6. My hometown is beautiful. (in the world).

7. This problem is difficult. (in the book).
Exercise 25. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Example: family / the / am / the / in / I / oldest. I'm the oldest in the family.

1. sister / me / my / than / younger / is.

2. class / Debby / smartest / the / the / in / is.

3. book / interesting / than / my / yours / more / is.

4. weather / better / today / than / much / yesterday/is/the.

5. home / Moscow / town / than / traffic / in / worse/is/my/in.

6. as / you / much / I / have / as / not / money / got.
Word Order: Adjectives



opinion, quality














This/ That



grey and white










1. There are usually not more than three adjectives before one noun. You should add other adjectives in other parts of the sentence or in other sentences.

The pretty green wool jumper is expensive. It is stylish and practical, so I think I'll buy it.

2. White comes after other colours: a black and white photo.
Exercise 26. Put the adjectives in the box under the correct headings.


















































Exercise 27. Rewrite the phrases below putting the adjectives in the correct order.

1. a(n) blue / stylish / Armani jacket;

2. a leather / fashionable / short skirt;

3. brown / attractive / long hair;

4. a(n) red / ugly / large nose;

5. winter / old / comfortable / some /boots;

6. Mexican / three / nice/ girls;

7. green / large / round eyes;

8. a silk / Chinese / beautiful blouse.


to be alive - жити

to be still full of life and energy - бути все ще повним життєвих сил та енергії

stingy - жадібний

to look (10) years younger than smb. is - виглядати на (10) років молодше, ніж насправді

to have well-kept, longish grеy hair - мати доглянуте, довге та сиве волосся

a tanned skin - засмагла шкіра

to be slimmer than average - бути стрункішим за середню статуру

to be quite tall - бути достатньо високим

to work for the sаme company - працювати на одну компанію

in smb.’s fifties - у чиїсь п’ятдесят

to be (six) foot tall - мати зріст 6 футів (фут = 30,48 см)

to be well-built - мати гарну статуру

broad-minded - з широким світоглядом

to have a good sense of humоur - мати гарне почуття гумору

an easy-going person - комунікабельна людина

to fly different kinds of planes - літати на різних видах літаків.

to be interested in smth. - цікавитися чимось

to be busy with smth. - займатися чим-небудь

to play the bass guitar - грати на бас-гітарі

to look after smb. - наглядати за ким-небудь

twins - близнюки

to be married to smb. - бути одруженим з кимось

to be very sensible - бути дуже чуттєвим

to be at the University - навчатися в університеті

in smb.’s last year - на чийомусь останньому курсі

to be fond of smth. - бути у захваті від чогось

to be keen on smth. - любити щось

to speak fluent language - швидко розмовляти на якійсь мові

to know some Spanish - знати трохи іспанську мову

to be too independent - бути занадто незалежним

in the same neigbourhood - по-сусідськи

sympathetic - повне співчуття

patient - терплячий

sensitive - чуттєвий

to be talkative - бути балакучим

to be sociable - бути товариським

to look very much alike - бути дуже схожим

to be almost the same height - бути практично одного зросту

to be in a very good shape - бути в дуже гарній формі

to do aerobics - займатись аеробікою

to be crazy about smth. - шаленіть від чогось

to be near the top of the class - належати до кращих учнів класу

to be rather tall for smb’s age - бути достатньо високим для чийогось віку

amusing - кумедний

to be imaginative - мати багату уяву

no wonder - не дивно

in general - взагалі

to be naughty - бути примхливим

at times - час від часу
Read the text below. Use the dictionary to help.

The Simons are a large family. There are four generations of Simons alive today. The oldest person in Paul's family is his grandfather, Mr. Frank Simon. He is 78 and he is still full of life and energy. His wife, Mrs. Olive Simon is 5 years younger than him. She is very practical but, as Paul thinks, a bit stingy.

David and Karen Clark are Paul's uncle and aunt. Karen Clark's 48 years old, a good-looking 48, who looks 10 years younger than she is. She's got well-kept longish grey hair, a thin face and tanned skin. Karen is slimmer than average and she is quite tall. But she isn't only the most beautiful in the family, she is a rather talented actress! David, her husband, is a film director. They work together for the same company.

Paul's parents are in their fifties. His father, Mr. Terry Simon, is a bank manager. He is still quite handsome though he hasn't got much hair. He's six foot tall and very well-built. He's got blue eyes and a strong face. Terry Simon is clever, energetic, tolerant and broad-minded. But in Paul's opinion his father's best point is his good sense of humour. Mrs. Janet Simon, Paul's mother, is a nurse. She works with her son-in-law, Ted, in a Medical Centre on the outskirts of Bristol. Janet has got short brown curly hair, brown eyes with long lashes and a straight nose. Ted and all the other doctors in the Centre like his mother-in-law very much. She's not only an experienced nurse, she's also an easy-going person.

Paul's first cousin is a pilot and he can fly different kinds of planes. His job is dangerous but Michael is a brave man. Though Paul is six years younger than him, they are very close. In fact, they are best friends. Michael's interested in rock music and when he isn't busy with his job he plays the bass guitar in a disco club. His wife Brenda is a housewife because she looks after their little twin daughters, Joan and Tracy. Brenda's a lovely girl and all the family is happy that Michael is married to her. She is balanced, kind and very sensible.

Paul's second cousin is studying biology. Now she is at the University of London іn her last year. She isn't married yet as she thinks that education is more important for her now than family life. Pamela is very serious and industrious. She is fond of animals and at home she's got three pets: two dogs and a cat.

Paul's sisters are very talented. His elder sister Liz is keen on languages and she is a real polyglot. Liz can speak fluent French and Italian and she knows some Spanish and Russian. Liz is 26 and she isn't married yet: she's too independent! She lives in a small house not far from her parents in the same neigbourhood. Her sister Rachel, who is 2 years younger than her, is not like Liz at all.

She is sympathetic, patient and sensitive. She isn't as talkative and sociable as Liz but she is a much better listener. Of course, there's quite a difference between Liz and Rachel but they look very much alike. They are almost the same height — Liz is just a bit taller. Their hair is almost the same colour, but Liz's hair is redder. They are both in a very good shape as they do aerobics. Paul's nephew Patrick is a schoolboy. Like most of his friends he is crazy about cartoons and computer games. He is good at most subjects at school, near the top of the class, except in Mathematics. He just isn't interested in it. Patrick is rather tall for his age. In fact, he is much taller than some of his classmates. He has got short red hair and brown eyes. He is very amusing and imaginative. No wonder he is one of the most popular boys in his school. Ingeneral, Patrick is a good boy but he can be very naughty at times.

This is the entire family. They are all friendly, nice and very interesting people.

I. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. Mr. Frank Simon is 5 years older than his wife.

2. Mrs. Olive Simon isn't very generous.

3. Karen is 10 years younger than her husband.

4. Karen has got tanned complexion.

5. Paul's father is an intelligent and witty person.

6. Paul's brother-in-law is a doctor.

7. Mrs. Janet Simon works in the city centre.

8. Michael is always busy with his job in a disco club.

9. Paul’s family is happy that Brenda is a housewife.

10. Pamela is a student.

11. She thinks that education is as important as family life.

12. Paul's elder sister lives on the outskirts of Bristol.

13. Liz's Spanish and Russian are fluent.

14. Rachel is as cheerful and friendly as her younger sister.

15. Rachel and Liz are both fit.

16. Paul's nephew is interested in most subjects at school.

17. Patrick's hair is almost the same colour as Liz's.

18.He is lively and inventive.
II. Fill in Paul's family tree. Write the names.


(3rd January, 1920)

m. Olive Carter

(17th April, 1925)


(30th March, 1945)

m. Janet Prime

(9th June, 1947)


(21st August, 1950)

m. David Clerk

(1st June, 1949)


(22nd May, 1972)


(7th February, 1970)

m. Ted Chain

(25th October, 1965)

Paul Simon

(11th September,



(6th November, 1991)


(31st December, 1973)

m. Brenda Kent

(17th June, 1975)


(13th July, 1977)


(23rd May, 1995)


(23rd May, 1995)

III. Find in the text English equivalents for these sentences.

1. На сьогодні живуть 4 покоління Саймонів. 2. Вона дуже практична, але як вважає Пол, трошки жадібна. 3. Вони працюють разом на одну й ту ж саму компанію. 4. На думку Пола, найкраща риса його батька-це його гарне почуття гумору. 5. Вона не тільки досвідчена медична сест-ра, але також комунікабельна людина. 6. Зараз вона навчається в лон-донському університеті на останньому курсі. 7. Вона у захваті від тва-рин, вдома тримає трьох: два собаки та кота. 8. Вона живе в маленько-му будиночку, недалеко від її батьків, по сусідству. 9. Взагалі, Патрік гарний хлопець, але час від часу, він буває дуже примхливим.
IV. Quote the sentences in which the following words and combinations are used in the text.

To be alive, to be still full of life and energy, to have well-kept, longish grey hair, broad-minded, to be very sensible, sympathetic, to be rather tall for smb’s age, imaginative, to be naughty.
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