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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Indefinite Article

Definite Article

Zero Article



with only in the

following phrase:

an only child

(in the family) David is an only child in his family.

with only

Physics isn't the only subject I'm good at.
before Superlative forms of Adjectives.

It is the best day in my life.
+ plural surname

the Browns

(= the whole family)
with musical instruments:

the guitar; the piano My brother plays the guitar.
with same

Jack is 25 years old and Sue is 25 years old. They are the same age.

with days, months,

years and seasons. on Monday;

in January;

in 1998;

in summer/ autumn/ winter/ spring.

Exercise 11. Put in a(n), the or ‘—‘.

1. My eyes are dark blue and my sister's eyes are dark blue. They are same colour.

2. Can you play piano?

3. My birthday is in September.

4. Angela is only child in her family.

5. Today isWednesday.

6. I'm fond of Smiths. They are very interesting people.

7. His mother's holiday is in summer.

8. Jill likes playing guitar.

9. Excuse me, where is nearest bus stop?

10. Nick is only person she is interested in.
Exercise 12. Put in a(an), the or ’—‘.

1. He is 16 and his cousin is 16. They are ___ same age.

2. Our apartment is on ____ third floor.

3. Which city is ____ capital of your country?

4. Have you got any milk? — Yes, there's some in fridge.

5. It's ____ nice weather today.

6. ____ town centre is usually full of ____ tourists.

7. Mary's block of ____ flats is situated in ____ North Street.

8. My sister is ____ artist.

9. Sam and Liz have got 2 children: _____ boy and ____ girl. _____ girl is _____ student, and is ______ engineer.
Adjectives. The Comparative: using -er and more

Adjectives with one syllable

Big + er => bigger

Tall + er => taller

Lincoln is bigger than Mercedes.

Tom is taller than his friends.

Adjectives with two or more syllables

Famous => more famous => less famous

Important => more important => less important

Health is more important than money.

This actor is less famous than that one.

Adjectives ending in -y

Pretty => prettier

Heavy => heavier

Mary is prettier than Ann.

The bag is heavy but the suitcase is heavier.

Irregular comparative forms

Good => better

Bad => worse

Far => farther/further

Old => older/elder

Little => less

Much => more

Many => more

Her accent is worse than Ann's.

This exercise is less difficult than that one.

Today the weather is better. Her elder son is 15.

How far is the petrol station? A mile?” -

No, farther/further. About two miles.”

BUT: further discussion/information.

I think that any further discussion is useless.


much/a lot/far + Comparative Form.

Life in Moscow is much more expensive than in my hometown.

The buildings in Chicago are a lot higher than in Washington.

His English is far better than mine.

a little/a bit/a little bit + Comparative Form.

Jill is a bit older than Gary — she's 20 and he is 21.

These shoes are a little more expensive than those ones.

The first exercise is a little bit more difficult than the second one.
Exercise 13. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the given words.

Example: large Your apartment is larger than mine.

1) deep

The Pacific is ___ the Mediterranean.

2) difficult

My Physics course is ____ my Maths course.

3) good

Two heads are ____ one.

4) lazy

I'm ____ my friend.

5) energetic

She is ____ her boss.

6) hot

Thailand is ____ Korea.

7) far

My hostel is ____ his.

8) bad

His cooking is ____ his wife's.

9) little

The film is very short - _____ an hour.

10) generous

He's much ____ any of his brothers.

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with a comparative and than.

Example: It's a _ day _ yesterday. (warm) — It's a warmer day than yesterday.

1. She's much _ her husband. (young)

2. The vegetables in this shop are _ the ones in the supermarket. (fresh)

3. My office is _ Helen's. (near)

4. You've got a _ life _ I have. (busy)

5. She's much _ her sister. (kind)
Exercise 15. Complete the following. Use the adjective in brackets. Use more/less or -er.

Example: a mouse/an elephant. (small) - A mouse is smaller than an elephant.

1. Physics/Chemistry. (interesting)

2. This exercise/that one. (good)

3. My hair/my father's hair. (dark)

4. Japanese grammar/English grammar. (difficult)

5. The weather here/ the weather in my hometown. (bad)

6. Jenny /her elder sister. (attractive)

7. Canada/Mexico. (large)

Object Pronouns

Subject Pronouns

Object Pronouns


















object pronouns are used:

1) after verbs: These shoes are very comfortable. I like them.

2) with prepositions: This letter isn't for you. It's for me.

3) after as and than in comparative constructions:

He's busier than me / as busy as me.
Exercise 16. Complete the sentences with object pronouns.

Example: It's hers. Give it to her.

1. They're mine. Give ___ to ___ .

2. It's his. Give ___ to ___ .

3. They're hers. Give ___ to ___ .

4. It's ours. Give ___ to ___ .

5. It's theirs. Give ___ to ___ .

6. They're his. Give ___ to ___ .

7. It's mine. Give ___ to ___ .
Exercise 17. Complete the sentences with subject or object pronouns.

1. She's taller than , but not as strong as am.

2. He's more intelligent than am, but not as good .at sports as.

3. English is a great language. I like .

4. My elder sister Ann is very smart and I'm proud of .

5. Where's my address book? — I can't find .

6. My friends are at Sam's party. We can join .

7. Sue is 23 now. birthday is in spring.

8. is your new English teacher. His name is Frank Pristley.
As ... as/not as ... as

As + Adjective + as

Walter is 18 years o1d. Lora is 18 years old. => Lora is as young as Walter.

(= They are the same age.)

Not as + Adjective + as

Allen is 45 years old. David is 30 years old. => David isn't as old as Allen.

(= David is younger than Allen.)

1. You can say as me/as him/as her, etc.

She's not as smart as him. Or: She's not as smart as he is.

2. You can say the same as

The weather today is the same as yesterday.

My hat is the same colour as yours.
Exercise 18. Complete the following sentences by using as…as and the given adjectives.

Example: sweet A lemon isn't as sweet as an orange.

1) tall

Julia isn't her elder sister.

2) friendly

People in his city are the people in my home town.

3) pretty

This girl isn't that one.

4) cheap

A computer isn't a calculator.

5) big

Jane's eyes aren't her mother's.

6) cold

The weather today isn't yesterday.

Exercise 19. Make sentences with the same meaning by using as ... as with the adjective in brackets.

Example: Bob is younger than Sue. (old) - Bob isn't as old as Sue.

1. American coffee is weaker than Turkish coffee. (strong)

2. A radio is cheaper than a TV set. (expensive)

3. The Mississippi River is shorter than the Nile. (long)

4. This test is easier than that test. (difficult)

5. Tom's accent is worse than Sabina's. (good)

6. My old flat is smaller that my new flat. (big)

7. Pete is more industrious than Kevin. (lazy)

8. My clothes are better than his. (bad)

Like = similar to

Alike = similar

Their meaning is the same but the sentence patterns are different.

Your haircut is like my haircut.

Your haircut and my haircut are alike.

Our haircuts are alike.
Exercise 20. Complete the sentences with like and alike.

Example: You and I have got the same notebooks. In other words, your notebook is like mine. Our notebooks are alike.

1. Ann and you have got similar pets. In other words, her pet is yours. Your pets are .

2. Pete and I have got similar hobbies. In other words, his hobby is mine. Our hobbies are .

3. Sarah and Mike have got similar interests. In other words, her interests are his. Their interests are.

4. Nick's room is similar to our room. In other words, his room is ours. Our rooms are ___ .

5. My friends and I have similar CD players. In other words, my CD player
is theirs. Our CD players are .

6. Walter and his girlfriend have got similar tastes. In other words, his tastes are hers. Their tastes are .
Adjectives. The Superlative: using -est and most

Adjectives with one syllable

long => the longest

hot => the hottest

Which is the longest river in the world?

July is the hottest month of the year.

Adjectives with two or more syllables

modern =:> the most modern => the least modern

interesting => the most interesting

=> the least interesting

This building is the most modern in our city.

The book is the least interesting of all J've ever read.

Adjectives ending in -y

easy => the easiest

funny => the funniest

This is the easiest way to get there.

Frank is the funniest boy in my class.




good => the best

bad = the worst

far => the farthest/the furthest

old => the oldest/the eldest

little => the least

much/many => the most

I think Kev is the best player in the club.

He is the worst person I've ever known.

It's the farthest/furthest point west.

There are three children in her family.

Jack, Ted and Nick, her eldest son.

The house over there is the oldest in the town.

Exercise 21. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.


































Exercise 22. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the given adjectives.

Example: tall The Sear Tower is the tallest building in Chicago.

1) small

Australia is _ continent in the world.

2) famous

"Principia" is _ book by Newton.

3) bad

There are a lot of mistakes in Pete's test paper. It's _ test paper of all.

4) high

Everest is _ mountain in the world.

5) great

William Shakespeare is _ poet of England.

6) good

I think friendship is _ thing in the world.
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