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Unit 1 hello! Focus on Use of English Grammar

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Alternative questions

Is there a newspaper or a magazine on the table? - A magazine.

Are there good films on TV tonight or tomorrow? - Tonight.
Exercise 11. Ask alternative questions with the following words. Give answers.

Example: A film/a concert/at the club tonight. - Is there a film or a concert at the club tonight? - There's a concert at the club tonight.

1. Tea / coffee / in the pot?

2. Any interesting sights / in the city centre / on the outskirts?

3. Photos / posters / on the walls in her room?

4. Chairs / armchairs / in the sitting room?

5. A football match / a hockey match / on TV this weekend?

6. Books / on the shelves / on the table?

7. Any news / for Jack / Jill?
Special questions




in your bag? - Two books and a pencil.

How manygirls


in your class? - Only three.

How muchfurniture


in your flat? - Not much.

What kind of(books)


in the library? - On different subjects.


You can't ask where is/are there...?

There's always a lot of traffic in the centre.

Where is always much traffic? - In the centre.
Exercise 12. Complete the sentences.

Example:How much money is there on you? - Only 10$.

How many people are there at your party? - Twelve.

What is there on the chair? - My clothes.

1. _______ dollars _______ in your wallet? - 25$.

2. __________ on the floor? - My shoe.

3. _______ furniture _______ in your flat? - Not much.

4. __________ in your pencil case? - Some colour pencils and a pen

5. _______ apple trees _______ in your garden? - Three or four.

6. _______ money _______ in his bank account? - Quite a lot, I think.

Exercise 13. Ask general and “How much/many ...” questions. Give short negative answers.

Example: books on the shelf? - Are there any books on the shelf?

How many books are there on the shelf? - There aren't any.

1) restaurants in the city?

2) clothes in the wardrobe?

3) people in the street?

4) butter in the fridge?

5) furniture in the room?

6) money on you?

7) supermarkets on the outskirts?

Exercise 14. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Example: There are some good hotels in London. - What kind of hotels are there in London?

There are two armchairs in the room. - Where are the armchairs?

1. There are a lot of friendly people in Moscow.

2. There's a bottle of spring water in the fridge.

3. No, there aren't many high buildings in my home town.

4. There are a lot of beautiful parks in Moscow.

5. Yes, there are some very cheap restaurants in Sotho in London.

6. There are a lot of people in the street.
Exercise 15. Put in there or it.

!!! Remember:There's a train at 9.30. It's a fast train. (It = the 9.30 train)

There's a lot of sugar in this cake. It's too sweet. (It = this cake)

1. - ___ (a) is a good programme on TV tonight. ___ (b) is about computers.

- I'm not interested in computers. Is ___ (c) a long programme?

- No, only half an hour. Why?

- Because ___ (d) is another programme I want to watch at 10.30.

2. - Excuse me, is ___ (a) a bank near here?

- Yes, ___ (b) is one on the corner of Broad Street.

- Is ___ (c) open at lunchtime?

- Yes, I think so.

3. - This is a new Chinese restaurant.

- Is ___ (a) expensive?

- I don't think so. Look, ___ (b) is an empty table. Let's go in.
Tag questions

There is a Book Fair in the Cultural Centre, isn't there? - Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.

There aren't many problems with this new job, are there? - No, there aren't. / Yes, there are.
Exercise 16. Give the correct tag to these sentences.

1. There's a restaurant in the park, __?

2. There're a lot of mistakes in his test, __?

3. There isn't much time left, __?

4. There's no milk in the fridge, __?

5. There isn't any tea in the pot, __?

6. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, __?

7. There aren't many old buildings here, __?

Indefinite Article

Definite Article

Zero Article




is used with

there is/are

There is a book and, two pens on the table.

There are two pens and a book on the table.

is used when:

a) it's clear from the situation which thing or person we mean

Where's Tom? - He's in the garden.

b) with some words

the bank, the post office, the airport, the station ...

c) with names of hotels, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, museums

the Hilton, the Bombay Restaurant, the Bolshoy Theatre, the Odeon, the Pushkin Museum

d) with ordinal numbers

the first, the second ...

with names of streets, roads, squares

Red Square

Regent Street

Cromwell Road

Exercise 17. Put in the or -.

1. How far is it from here to ___ airport?

2. Do you live near ___ city centre?

3. "Where's Fred?" - "He's in ___ kitchen".

4. The British Prime Minister lives in ___ Downing Street 10.

5. "Where's ___ Grand Hotel?" - "It's in ___ South Street."

6. Excuse me, can you tell me where ___ post office is?

7. Could you close ___ door, please!

8. ___ Science Museum is in London.
Exercise 18. Put in a, the.

1. There is ___ desk in ___ room.

2. ___ desk is against ___ wall.

3. There's ___ word processor on ___ desk.

4. ___ word processor is next to ___ telephone.

5. ___ telephone is on ___ desk.

6. There is ___ photo on ___ wall behind ___ reading lamp.

7. There are two chairs beside ___ sofa.

8. There are three people on ___ sofa: ___ man and two women.
Exercise 19. Put in a/an, the, a lot of, many, much, some, any.

Mrs. Smith's kitchen is modern, nice and clean, with ___ (1) cupboards. There's ___ (2) washing machine, ___ (3) fridge and ___ (4) electric cooker but there isn't ___ (5) dishwasher. There are ___ (6) lovely pictures on ___ (7) walls of ___ (8) kitchen, but there aren't ___ ( 9) photos. There's ___ (10) radio near ___ (11) cooker on ___ (12) left. There is ___ (13) table in ___ (14) middle of ___ (15) room. On ___ (16) table there's ___ (17) vase with ___ (18) flowers in it. There are also ___ (19) apples and oranges on ___ (20) kitchen table. Oh! And there are ___ (21) cups and plates next to ___ (22) sink.
Exercise 20. Read the text about Glasgow. Put in a, the, -, some, any, much, many, a lot of.

Glasgow is certainly ___ (1) good place to study ___ (2) architecture. Everywhere there are ___ (3) wonderful buildings like the School of Art designed by ___ (4)Charles Rennie Mackintoch. There are ___ (5) museum sand art galleries. ___ (6) city is rather cosmopolitan. There are ___ (7) good Greek, Chinese and Italian restaurants, though there aren't ___ (8) Russian ones. It is not difficult to travel in ___ (9) city. There isn't ___ (10) traffic.___ (11) underground is very cheap, and even ___ (12) taxis are not expensive.___ (13) centre of ___ (14) city is well planned, with ___ (15) good shopping mall. There are ___ (16) eight theatres, as well as ___ (17)concert halls and cinemas, and if you are fond of live music, there are ___ (18) pubs and clubs where you can hear it. There is ___ (19) beautiful countryside not far away and you can play golf if you are interested. There are not ___ (20) bad points. But it's probably not ___ (21) very good place to improve your English because of ___ (22) local accent.
Exercise 21. Complete each sentence. Write There're, They're or Their in the blank.

1. __ actresses.

2. __ names are Claudia and Jose.

3. __ a lot of theatres in the city.

4. __ some nice cafes on that street.

6. __ son is at school now.

7. __ a lot of books and magazines on the table.

8. __ nice and sociable people.

Exercise 22. Read the numbers.

1st - first

4th - fourth

20th – twentieth

8th - eighth

12th - twelfth

76th - seventy-sixth

16th - sixteenth

19th - nineteenth

6th – sixth

17th - seventeenth

65th - sixty-fifth

14th – fourteenth

43rd - forty-third

32nd - thirty-second

21st - twenty-first

3rd - third

2nd - second

87th - eighty-seventh

10th - tenth

9th - ninth

7th – seventh

18th - eighteenth

5th - fifth

15th – fifteenth

54th - fifty-fourth

13th - thirteenth

Possessive - ’S/S’



for people:

1. with singular nouns

Lucy's camera

the manager's office

2. with nouns not ending in -s

the men’s dogs

the children' toys

the people’s choice

3. with names ending in -s

Mr. Joneses cat

in time expressions:

yesterday's newspaper

1. with plural nouns ending in -s

my brothers' house

her parents’ car

the Smiths’ cottage

NOTE: for things:

noun + of + noun: the roof of the building

with Common Nouns (e.g. car, school, town, garden, kitchen, bedroom, sea, country, hotel) of is not necessary: the bathroom door
Exercise 23. Complete the following sentences.

Example: Have you got my __? (keys/car) - Have you got my car keys?

His name is at the__(list/bottom). - His name is at the bottom of the list.

1. There's a chair at the___(garden/back)

2. The money is in my___(room/hotel)

3. They live at the___(hill/top)

4. There's an old tree at the___(house/side)

5. Where's the___(light/bathroom)

6. The___(air/sea) is very good for you.

7. There is a TV aerial on the___(house/roof).

8. Have you got the___(air conditioning/kitchen).
Exercise 24. Write the sentences again using the words in brackets.

Example: These are her books. (Anne) - These are Anne's books.

1. Where is his coat? (Andrew)

2. Is that his car? (your brother)

3. It's on her desk, (the teacher)

4. Its dinner is here. (the dog)

5. Her children are at school now. (Judy)

6. It's her idea. (my wife)

7. His new bike is really good. (Jeff)

8. Here's her telephone number. (the doctor)
Exercise 25. Write the sentences with the apostrophe (‘) in the correct place.

Example: These are Susans keys. - These are Susan's keys.

1. There is a teachers meeting on Mondays.

2. Are the childrens coats in the car?

3. The men’s clothes are upstairs.

4. Alices mother is very ill.

5. This is my mothers dress.

6. My parents flat is rather small.

7. Emma and Pauls car is outside.

8. Annes paintings are beautiful.
Demonstrative Pronouns


with singular nouns


with plural nouns



This is a chair (= The chair is here) and that is an armchair (= The armchair is there).

These are pictures (= The pictures are here) and those are posters (=The posters are there).

There are some phrases where this and that are usually used:

That's all right/wrong.

(on the phone) That's Sue. / This is John.
Exercise 26. Put in this or these.

1. ___chair

3. ___sandwich



2. ___tables

4. ___ shelves



Exercise 27.Put in that or those.

1. ___birds

3. ___ men



2. ___poster




Exercise 28. Rewrite the following sentences.

Example: This is a book. - These are books.

Those are wonderful buildings. - That is a wonderful building.

1. This car is in bad condition.

2. Those books are very boring.

3. I am interested in this person.

4. These shoes are black.

5. That shop is in North Street.

6. This room is not very big and bright.

7. Those people are famous scientists.
Exercise 29. Complete the sentences with this is or that's.

1. - I'm sorry, I'm late.

- ___ all right.

2. - You're my friend, aren't you?

- Yes, ___ right.

3. - You are so lazy!

- ___ not true.

4. - I'm sorry. I'm not a fast learner.

- ___O.K.

5. (on the phone)

- Hello, Pete. ___ Kate.

- Hi, Kate. How are you?
(The) other(s)/another


The other


(The) others


singular nouns


Come another day.


Is there another coffee cup for Kevin?

This one is broken.

with singular nouns

one of the two known people or things

I've got two friends. One friend is in Moscow, the other is in my home town.

with plural nouns

to refer to the rest of the people or things in a group

Fred is on his way here, with the other students of his group.

with plural nouns

to talk about people or things in general

Some students like Physics and Mathematics, other students like Literature and Langauges

without any nouns

others = other people or things

Some people live in the country, others live in town.
the others = the other people or things

There are only 3 students in his class today. Where are the others?

Exercise 30. Put in another/other/the other(s).

1. There are envelopes, sheets of paper, some textbooks, a dictionary and a lot of__ things on his desk.

2. There are five rooms in their new flat, two are on the ground floor and __ are upstairs.

3. Tom and Mary are here. Where are __?

4. There is a calendar on one of the walls of her kitchen and a cuckoo clock on __.

5. There are two bookshelves in the corner. One is full of books and __ is still empty.

6. These young people study at different British and American universities. Ruth and Korin are from Princeton, Nancy is from Harvard, John and two__ boys are from Cambridge

7. I'm thirsty. Can I have__ glass of juice, please?
One(s)/the one(s)


The one


The ones

instead of singular nouns

a) with this and that

Which book is yours? This one or that one?

instead of singular nouns

a) with the definite


Which car is your sister's? - The one outside the house.

instead of plural nouns

with some

These dishes are dirty.

Can I have some clean ones?

instead of plural


a) with the definite article

Which notes are yours? - The ones on the desk

b) with the indefinite article

This text is easy. Give me a different one.

c) with another

That apple is nice. Can I have another one?

b) with the other

Don't buy that player. Buy the other one.


with these and those “one” is usually not used

Which posters do you like? These or those?

b) with the other

Don't buy those cassettes. Buy the other ones.

Exercise 31. Complete the sentences. Use a/an ... one. Use the words in the box.

cleancheap different beautiful big quiet better new small modern

Example: This dictionary is too small. Can I have a big one?

1. Your car is very old. Buy __.

2. That's not a very good photo but this is __.

3. I don't like this shop. Let's go to __.

4. This glass is dirty. Give me __.

5. This TV set is too big. I want __.

6. The neighbourhood is too noisy. I want __.

7. The cafe is expensive. Let's go to __.
Exercise 32. Complete the sentences with one, the one, ones or some or any.

1. Is there a bank near here? - Yes, there is _ _ at the end of the street.

2. I like these shoes more than the other ___.

3. Which of the women in the photograph is your aunt? - She's___ with the dark hair.

4. There are two films on TV this evening. Which _ would you like to see?

5. I think this book is interesting but those___ are rather boring.

6. There are no plates in this cupboard. Are there _ in that ___?

7. "I'm interested in those dictionaries. — "Which ___?" - "___on the top shelf."

8. "Are there___ postcards in that newsagent's?" - "I think there are".


1. a two-storey house

2. on the outskirts of
3. bank
4. upstairs
5. next to
6. rather
7. look out
8. need
9. reason
10. guess

11. appreciate
12. facility
13. drawing
14. scatter

двоповерховий будинок

у передмісті.

My grandparents live in the outskirts.

1) беріг ріки - the river bank

2) банк, фінансова установа - Narodny Bank

на другому поверсі

My bedroom is upstairs.


Who is sitting next to Mr. Ivanov?


The future is rather new

Виглядати; виходити вікнами на …

The windows of my mother’s bedroom look out into the park.

бути необхідним, потребувати

The flowers need much water and sunlight.


for many reasons - з багатьох причин

1) вгадувати

He can guess the correct number

2) думати, гадати - I guess;

високо цінити

We appreciate the work done by our father.

пристрій, послуга

All necessary facilities.

ескіз, малюнок

There is a drawing of the church on the wall.


My friends are scattered all over the world.

Read the text below. Use your dictionary to help.

My home town is Bristol. It's a small town in the south-west of England. I live in a two-storey house on the outskirts of Bristol, near the river Avon. In front of the house there's a garden which goes down to the river bank and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere.

There are three bedrooms upstairs. Two are quite big and one small and they have a fine view of the river. The bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen and there's a living room with a lovely fireplace. But the room I like best is my study, as I call it. It's rather big, so there is enough space to move around. It's a very bright room because there's a large window looking out onto the street.

There isn't much furniture in my room. There's a desk near the window, a sofa against the wall, a coffee table with an armchair behind it and a wardrobe on the left, beside the door. There are also a lot of shelves for my books and cassettes and a hi-fi. On the desk there is a computer, pens, pencils, some notebooks and a lot of other things I need for my work. There isn't a reading lamp, but there's a standard lamp I can use when it gets dark. There is a clock and a carpet on the wall above the sofa and on the opposite wall there are some posters of my favourite groups. Well, what else is there in my room? A stereo, a CD player, a guitar and guess what? - a swivel chair, the gem of the whole collection! I love my room for many reasons but the thing I appreciate most is the feeling of comfort and safety it gives me every time I'm there.

My new home in Oxford is quite different. I live in a Hall of Residence, as it is called here. It has got all the necessary facilities. I'm lucky to have a single bedroom on the third floor. It's a small room, but light and cosy. To the left of the door there's a wardrobe with a mirror and on the right there is a bookshelf with some souvenirs from Bristol. My desk is on the left, near the wardrobe. On the desk there is a computer, a reading lamp, pens, pencils, envelopes and some paper. There are also a lot of photos of my family. Above the desk there are some pleasant drawings of Oxford and a photo of my house in Bristol. There aren't any pictures or photos on another wall, just a light and my guitar. There are two chairs in the room - one is at the desk and the other is between the wardrobe and the desk. My bed is on the right facing the desk. There's a small pretty carpet on the floor beside the bed. In the left-hand corner there is a stool and opposite it, at the head of my bed, there is a bedside table. There are a couple of things that make my room look homelike - a plant on the windowsill, bright curtains, beautiful wallpaper and ... my clothes scattered all over the room. It's certainly a nice room but not like the one back home!

Exercise I. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. Paul's house is situated on the river Avon.

2. There are a lot of flowers in Bristol in spring and summer.

3. The kitchen and the bathroom are downstairs.

4. There are three big bedrooms in Paul's two-storey house.

5. Paul's room has a lovely view of the river.

6. There isn't much furniture in his room.

7. The wardrobe in Paul's room is near the door.

8. Paul is fond of playing the guitar.

9. Paul is proud of his swivel chair.

10. He feels comfortable and safe in his room.

11. In Oxford Paul lives in a block of flats on the third floor.

12. There are a lot of bookshelves in Paul's room in Oxford.

13. Paul's bedroom isn't very big, but it's bright and comfortable.

14. On each wall of his room there are a lot of pictures, drawings and posters.

15. There's a nice carpet on the floor at the bed.

16. Paul's room in Oxford is like the one back home.
Exercise II. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1. ___? - Bristol.

2. ___? - It's small.

3. ___? - On the outskirts of Bristol.

4. ___? - Yes, there's a lovely garden.

5. ___? - Upstairs.

6. ___? - A bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

7. ___? - It's big and bright.

8. ___? - Not much.

9. ___? - Near the window.

10 ___? - Against the wall.

11. ___? - Beside the door.

12. ___? - A computer, pens, pencils, some notebooks and other things.

13. ___? - His swivel chair.

14. ___? - On the third floor.

15. ___? - A lot of photos of his family.

16. ___? - Yes, there are some, above the desk.

17. ___? - No, there aren't any. There is only a guitar and a light on that wall.

18. ___? - On the floor beside the bed.

19. ___? - A bedside table.

20. ___? - It's a rather nice room.

Exercise III. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences

у двоповерховому будинку у передмісті; гарний вигляд на річку; у моїй кімнаті небагато меблів; багато речей, які мені потрібні для роботи; ну, що ще є у моїй кімнаті? і вгадайте що? відчуття комфорту і затишку; у ньому є усі необхідні прилади; приємні малюнки; пара речей, які роб-лять мою кімнату схожою на ту, домашню.
Exercise IV. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

To live; to go down; next to the kitchen; enough space; beside the door; and a hi-fi; on the opposite wall; the gem of my collection; the feeling of comfort and safety; as it is called here; just a light and my guitar; facing the desk; make my room homelike.
Exercise V. Give a summary of the text.
Exercise VI. Complete the sentences. Use active words and word combinations.

1. In front of the house …

2. But the room I like best …

3. It is a very bright room because …

4. On the desk there is …

5. Well, what else …?

6. My new home …

7. To the left of the door …

8. Above the desk …

9. My bed is …

10. In the left - hand corner …

11. There are a couple of things …
ExerciseVII. Translate into English.

1. Я живу у двоповерховому будинку у передмісті Одеси. 2. Перед на-шим домом знаходиться великий сад. 3. На першому поверсі знахо-дяться три спальні кімнати. 4. Чи є у вашій квартирі кабінет? - Так, на другому поверсі. У ньому немає багато меблів, тільки письмовий стіл, стілець, крісло і книжкова шафа. 5. Де стоїть комп’ютер? - Біля полиці із книжками, ліворуч від дверей. 6. Що ще є у твоїй кімнаті? - Не вгадаєш! Там ще є стерео система, CD програвач і гітара. 7. Найкраще я ціню комфорт і затишок своєї оселі. 8. Його дім у Києві зовсім відрізняється від домашньої оселі. 9. Петро дійсно щасливий, що у нього є окрема кімната. 10. У ній є всі необхідні прилади. 11. У кімнаті є постери, ма-люнки чи фото батьків? - Є фото батьків і друзів, але немає постерів. Я не люблю багато речей на стінах. 12. А гардероб знаходиться напроти вікна чи праворуч від вікна? - Він біля вікна, між ним та великім дзерка-лом на стіні. 13. Чи є у кімнаті речі, які нагадують про рідну домівку? - Є дуже багато, але є пара речей, які створюють домашню атмосферу: кві-ти на підвіконні, яскраві штори та гітара на стіні.

Useful Words and Expressions

Place to live:

a house; a country cottage; a block of flats (Br.E.); an apartment building (Am.E.); a flat (Br.E); an apartment (Am.E.).


a living (sitting) room; a bed-sitting room; a dining room; a bedroom; a study; a kitchen; a hall; a bathroom; a toilet.


a (coffee) table; a (computer) desk; a (swivel) chair; an armchair; a stool, a shelf; a bed, a sofa (-bed); a bedside table; a wardrobe; a cupboard; a chest of drawers; a mirror.

Electrical things:

a reading/standard lamp; a light; a video; a hi-fi (system); a CD (player); a stereo; a computer; a (colour) TV (set); a radiator; a vacuum cleaner; an air conditioning (system).

Other things for a room:

a plant; a poster; a picture; a drawing; a carpet; a rug; curtains; a telephone; an answer phone.

Parts of a room:

a door; a window; a floor; a ceiling;a fireplace; a windowsill; wallpaper; a floor.

Things for a kitchen:

a fridge; a freezer; a kitchen table; a washing machine; a cooker; a dishwasher; a microwave.


old; ancient



busy; noisy; (over)crowded;




dirty; polluted

beautiful; wonderful







dull; depressing; boring



Shops and other buildings:

a department store; a supermarket; a baker's; a greengrocer's; a flower shop; a newsagent's; a chemist's; a travel agency; a library; a post office; a bank; a fire station; a police station; a cafe; a restaurant; a pub; a barber's; a hairdresser's; a hospital; a bookstore; a shopping centre/mall; a station; a church; a Health/Medical Centre; a museum; an airport; a theatre; a cinema; a concert hall; a Sports Club.


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What's your city/hometown like?

2. Is it an interesting place?

3. What is it famous for?

4. Is it safe and quiet?

5. Do you live in a house or in a flat?

6. Where is it? Is it in the centre or on the outskirts?

7. How big is it?

8. What's the neighbourhood like?

9. Are there any good shops or restaurants nearby?

10. Do you like it there? Why? Give your reasons.
Exercise 2. Describe

1) your room at home; 2) your flat in your home town; 3) your home town.



(Good ) morning! - until lunch-time (12- 2 p.m.)

(Good) afternoon! - until 5 - 6 p.m.

(Good) evening! - until 10 - 11 p.m.


Hi! (Am.E.)

These greetings are usually followed by such expressions:

Possible replies:

(It's) nice to see you (again)!

How are you?

How is it going?

How are things (with you)?

How are you getting on?

(It's) nice to see you.

(I'm) very/fairly/quite well, thank you.

All right, thank you.

Not too/so bad/well, (thank you).

(I'm) fine, thanks.

Pretty good, (thanks).

O.K., thanks.


These replies are usually followed by "And how are you?". Don't say just "Thank you" or "Thanks" in this situation.

John: Hello, Jan. How are you?

Janet: Fine, thanks, John. And you?

John: Oh, pretty good, thanks.

Mrs. Green: Good morning, Mr. South. How are you?

Mr. South: Very well, thank you, Mrs. Green. And how are you?

Mrs. Green: I'm very well, too, thank you.
Exercise 1. Match a line in A with a line in B.



1. Hello, Jane!

2. How are you, Mr Green?

3. Nice to see you!

4. Good morning!

5. How are things with him?

6. How is it going?

7. Hi!

a. Good morning!

b. He's quite O.K., thanks.

c. Hi!

d. Fine, thanks.

e. I'm very well, thank you.

f. Hello, Sally!

g. Nice to see you too!



Focus on

Use of English


to have got

Further Practice: Articles, Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns

Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative forms

(Not) as….as

Object Pronouns

Word Order: Adjectives

Prepositions of Time





1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   35
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